26 Subtle Ways To Show Someone You Care


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subtle ways to show someone you care

When you love someone, you care for them. It’s that simple, isn’t it? It’s an emotion that comes automatically from your heart when you love a person and are concerned about them. But sometimes it can be a bit difficult to show someone you care a lot about them, especially if you’re not a very expressive person.

You just want every good thing in the universe to fall in their lap, the smiles to never leave their faces, and you hope with all your heart that the joy in their hearts never goes away.

However, caring about someone is one thing, and showing them how much you care is an entirely different thing. But, let me tell you that showing that you care is not just important, it’s essential.

If you do not display any care for the ones you love, they may get the impression that you do not acknowledge the efforts they put in for you. They won’t stop loving you, (never), but it kind of breaks their heart a little and they feel that they don’t matter to you as much as you do to them.

There are small and subtle ways through which you can show someone you care. Read on to know how you can do that in the best way possible!

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26 Subtle Ways To Show Someone You Care

1. If you want to show someone you care, one of the best things to do for them is to help out with household chores. Help them with the laundry and dishwashing whenever you can and share the load.

2. If they often drive you around, consider giving them a break and take the wheel sometimes.

3. Surprise them by cooking their favorite meals every now and then, and make them feel special.

4. Have good conversations with them where you are completely present, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

5. There is no better way to show that you care than surprising them. When you surprise your family, friends, or partner with gifts or planned outings, they are bound to feel loved and cared for.

6. Think about what they like and what they dislike. Make them feel special by doing what they love the most. For example, take them to their favorite restaurant or watch a Harry Potter marathon, if that’s their idea of a good time.

7. Encourage their interests and hobbies. Be supportive of their passion even when they doubt themselves and be their biggest cheerleader.

8. Show someone you care by hanging out with them, and making them feel wanted.

show someone you care
26 Subtle Ways To Show Someone You Care

9. Remember the dates and events which are important to them. There’s nothing like a person who understands the value of a day particularly special for you.

10. Listen to their problems. Just listen, quietly, without throwing in your experiences and opinions, because sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is to simply listen to what they have to say.

11. Do not force your opinions on them. Everyone has different approaches to a problem, and everyone thinks differently. Just because they don’t share the same opinion, that doesn’t mean they are wrong and you are right.

12. Try to cheer them up with a surprise gift or their favorite bottle of wine if they have a bad day at work.

13. Help them out by scolding them lovingly if they make mistakes or seem to take the wrong decisions in their life.

14. Fight for them in public. If they are wrong, make them understand, but never rebuke them in front of others, especially strangers. It affects their self-respect and they end up seeing you as the villain.

15. Acknowledge their efforts for making you happy, and your life more comfortable. Appreciate what they do for you and show gratitude for their presence in your life.

Related: How To Tell He Loves You By His Kiss: 11 Types Of Kisses and Their Meanings

16. Don’t fight for the remote and let them have it for the most part. You will realize in hindsight that it’s not really a big deal, but it does make them feel good and this is one of the best ways to show someone you care about them.

17. Confide in them and talk about your deepest feelings. Be vulnerable and don’t hold yourself back when you are opening up to them.

18. Accompany them to a movie or show which might not interest you much, but is surely fascinating to them. 

19. If you are ever making them lunch, slip in a cute note, telling them how much you love them and how important they are to you.

20. Buy tickets to a concert or game which has their favorite band or team playing. Don’t tell them that you’re doing so, rather surprise them with this at an opportune moment and see the sparkling happiness on their face.

21. Slip into their shoes for a day. Give them a break and complete all of their chores at home, giving them some much-needed time to unwind and relax.

22. Take them out for a surprise midnight drive around the city. Buy some delicious ice cream and walk under the stars while having a deep, heartfelt conversation with each other.

23. Bake a cake yourself, instead of buying one on their birthday. This doesn’t just show someone you care, it also shows how much effort you’re willing to put in to make them happy.

24. Remind them of how important and beautiful they are, when you see their self-confidence hit a downward slope. 

Related: Date Nights: How Intentional Dating Can Keep Passion Alive In A Relationship

25. Don’t get distracted while they are speaking. Keep the phone away, give them your full attention, and listen attentively to what they have to say.

26. Smile. It does what it has to – it fills them with cheerfulness, warmth, and enthusiasm. 

When you show someone you care and love them and are ready to stand by them come what may, it strengthens the bond you share with that person.

If your relationship with someone close is going through a rough patch, try doing these things, and I am pretty sure some of them will definitely hit the bullseye. These gestures, however subtle and small they might be, are a reflection of your love for them, and they hit the right emotional spot in the person who experiences them.

After all, you don’t always need to do something extravagant or opulent to make a person feel special; sometimes happiness, beauty, and love lie in the small things.

Ways to Show Someone You Care
Ways To Show Someone You Care
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26 Subtle Ways To Show Someone You Care

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