Are you looking for help to find your soulmate? There is nothing you cannot be, do or have when you know how to activate and use the unlimited power that lies within you!
If you’re looking for love, the law of attraction just might be your key to success. By effectively using this universal law, you’ll have the power to attract a lifelong partner. So, have fun using the law of attraction to find (and keep) the love of your life!
10 Simple Ways To Use The Law Of Attraction To Find (And Keep) Your Soulmate
1. Be Your Real Self
By hiding your Real Self and wearing a façade, you attract people who reflect or complement the false image you present to the world, and this makes it difficult for your soulmate to find you. No doubt, your soulmate is a perfect match for the Real You, and since you are never know-how, or where, your paths might cross, it’s important to always be your Real Self! Since the law of attractions loves authenticity, Shine Your Light!

2. Fall in Love with Yourself
Since it feels great to be around people who authentically love themselves, it’s no wonder that self-love attracts potential mates. Therefore, if you want someone to fall in love with you, you must fall in love with your Real Self. Moreover, since self-judgment resonates negative energy that repels potential mates, it’s important to clean up self-critical thinking if you want to find your soulmate
Related: The Magical Power of Real Self-Knowledge
3. Get Your Beliefs in Order
Since life is a feedback system that reflects your beliefs, whatever you believe, you’ll experience. Therefore, if a belief doesn’t support what you really want, it’s time to drop it and develop beliefs that do. This means that it’s important to examine all your beliefs about love, and, then, clean up any negative beliefs that don’t support an ideal relationship.
4. Continue to Dream!
Since the power of imagination can transform your love life, if you’re ready for love, one of the best things you can do is daydream about your perfect mate. Through imagination, you can create, and improve, the desired relationship until it meets your highest ideal.
As you imagine your ideal partner, you’re sending positive images to the Universe, and the Universe receives these images as a command to create. Once you have an ideal image in your mind, feel free to replay it over and over until it actually manifests.

5. Focus on the Positive
Rather than focusing on what you don’t want in a relationship, make sure to focus on what you do want. You can tell if your thoughts are positive or negative by the way they make you feel. If thoughts make you feel good, they’re positive. If thoughts make you feel bad, they’re negative. It’s that simple!
So, if you find yourself thinking negatively, simply turn it around and focus on positive desires. Once you do, you’ll immediately feel better, and you will be in alignment with love.
Related: 9 Core Behaviors of People Who Positively Impact the World
6. Say “No” to Jealousy
It’s natural to feel jealous when we see someone experiencing the love we desire and don’t yet have, but jealousy is a negative emotion that repels love. Therefore, when you see someone living your dream, rather than reacting with jealousy, celebrate their love. Indeed, when you bless loving relationships, it tells the Universe you’re ready for love too!
7. Don’t Give Up!
When it comes to love, people get disappointed when potential mates don’t meet their expectations, or they don’t see evidence that true love is coming, and, then, out of disappointment, or fear of disappointment, they give up. However, “giving up” is the number one reason the law of attraction doesn’t (appear to) work.
Giving up is like ordering a delicious meal and walking out of the restaurant just before your order arrives. Therefore, once you are clear about a specific desire, commit to it for as long as it takes, and this also means don’t give in to doubt!

8. Create the Space
The law of attraction loves the energy of anticipation, and, therefore, do your best to anticipate your ideal relationship by creating space for your partner. Therefore, consider all the ways in which you can prepare for your soulmate, such as cleaning out a closet, emptying a draw, or replacing worn-out wallpaper.
9. Live Your Best Life Now!
Don’t wait for a partner before you live your best life. Live it right now! Therefore, do not focus on “what’s missing” in single life, but, instead, create a full life where nothing is missing! Since you attract “what you are,” if you are a couch potato, you will attract a couch potato.
So, if you desire an active mate who skis and likes to read, you better get on the slopes and hang out in bookstores. If you start living your best life now, you will be super attractive for that special person to spot you in a crowd.
Related: What Is The Law Of Attraction And How You Can Use It Effectively
10. Follow Inspiration
When it comes to attracting a soulmate, your job is to clearly define what you most desire, and, then, get in alignment (in all the ways described above). But, remember, it’s not your job to control manifestation.
Therefore, if you want the Universe to perform its magic on your behalf, you must release control and get out of the way, but, rather than sitting home and doing nothing, it’s important to take inspired action.
Since the Universe communicates to you through intuition, inspiration, and gut feelings, always take action accordingly, and this means that if you get the sudden urge to go to a new coffee shop across town or call an old friend you haven’t seen in ten years, just do it! The more you follow inner guidance, the more the Universe can guide you to true love!
By being who you really are, and doing what you love to do, you’ll be a perfect match for your perfect mate!
Written By Nanice Ellis Originally appeared on Wake Up World

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