Do You Often Keep Waking Up At Night At Certain Hours? This Is What It Really Means


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Do You Often Keep Waking Up At Night At Certain Hours

Have you ever noticed that you keep waking up at night every day, at a specific time, and that too without an alarm? Everything is fine, you are sleeping peacefully, and suddenly, your sleep gets interrupted and you just wake up.

Now before you spook yourself out thinking that maybe some paranormal actions are at play here, let me tell you, it’s not.

You waking up at certain hours at night has got nothing to do with ghosts or spirits, and everything to do with your body and your health. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you keep waking up at night at certain hours, it might point towards you suffering from a chronic sleep disorder. This happens when your Yin-Yang gets imbalanced, which is caused due to the disturbance of the energy that flows in your body. This energy is known as Qi.

If you take good care of your body and health, and you are physically fit and in a good condition, then your Qi will flow freely and without any disruption.

But if your physical health is not in a good condition, and you suffer from health problems, then your Qi will repeatedly get blocked in a specific internal organ, which leads you to wake up every night at the same specific time.

Read The Spiritual Meanings Behind Physical Aches, Pains And Illnesses

The Chinese Meridian Clock

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Chinese Meridian Clock: Waking up in the middle of the night

According to the Chinese Meridian Clock, your Qi flows through the 12 primary meridians of your body, each of which is associated or related to certain internal organs. It is believed that this Qi circulation cycle takes 24 hours to complete, and each of your systems takes about 2 hours of Qi charge time.

When you sleep at night, your Qi is drawn inward, in order to recharge your body. But if there is any kind of imbalance in your energy and organs, and it finds it difficult to pass through, then your Qi pushes you to wake up. If you keep frequently waking up at night, now you know why.

What It Means When You Keep Waking Up At Night At Certain Hours

21:00 – 23:00 – The Endocrine System

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Keep waking up at night: Wake up at a certain time every night

When you gradually start to fall asleep i.e. the early stages of sleep, your blood vessels start being more active, and your endocrine system starts to rebalance itself.

So, this means that if you wake up every night during this time, there is something wrong with your metabolism, adrenal glands, endocrine system, thyroid, or immune system.

If you have trouble falling asleep during this time period, it might also mean that you are very stressed out and worried throughout the day, and your Yin-Yang is out of balance. To improve your sleep, and put a stop to these problems, you can practice meditation, deep breathing exercises, or do some relaxing yoga before going to bed.

Read The Chinese Body Clock: Why You Wake Up Every Night At The Same Time

23:00-01:00 – The Gallbladder

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Keep waking up at night: Wake up at the same time every night

Your gallbladder is one of the most important internal organs in your body and is responsible for producing bile, which is necessary for digesting, absorbing, and breaking down all the fat that goes down inside your body every day.

If you find yourself waking up every night during this time, then chances are you have gallstones or you need to cut down on consuming fatty foods and follow a more healthy and nutritious diet.

There might also be a couple of other reasons as to why you keep on waking up at this particular time every night, and they are a low sense of self-worth, lack of self-esteem and confidence, emotional turmoil, resentment, emotional difficulties, and unhappiness. These reasons sometimes even lead to headaches and migraines. The best way for you to change all this and go back to having a healthy sleep cycle is by practicing self-acceptance, self-care, self-love, and forgiveness toward those who might have wronged you or hurt you.

Letting go of all the negativity will help you take care better care of yourself, and also sleep well.

01:00-03:00 – The Liver

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Keep waking up at night: Wake up between 1 and 3 am

From 01:00-03:00 at night, your liver undergoes a detoxification process where it cleans itself by removing all sorts of waste materials from tissues and blood vessels.

So, if you wake up every night at this specific hour, then it might mean that your liver has accumulated too many toxins and is finding it hard to deal with all of it.

If you want to keep your liver healthy, then you need to hydrate yourself properly by drinking lots of water throughout the day and cutting back on caffeine and alcohol to a large extent.

A few more reasons might be that you are harboring a lot of anger, disappointment, frustration, and guilt within yourself, which is interrupting your sleep every night. The only way to change this scenario is by resolving all the negativity you feel inside your heart, and working towards cultivating more positivity and happiness.

03:00-05:00 – The Lungs

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Keep waking up at night: Waking up at 3 am – 5 am

If you wake up at 3 every night, then this one is for you.

Interestingly, your lungs are the very first organ that fills itself up with Qi energy, by collecting oxygen and then distributing it to the other systems of your body, so that you are better prepared for the day to come.

So, if your sleep gets interrupted every night during this specific hour, and is accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, and sometimes even, wheezing, it may point towards a poor, unhealthy diet and mucus build-up in your lungs.

Not many people know this, but your lungs are also strongly connected with the emotions of grief, unhappiness, and sadness. Waking up at this time, every night, means you need to deal with all these tough emotions you are trying to run away from, and let them go for good. The best ways of dealing with painful emotions like this are by practicing deep breathing exercises, and by facing your feelings honestly, and openly.

You need to feel free and work towards your spiritual awakening, in order to live a more full and happy life.

Read Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 am to 5 am? This Is What It Means

05:00-07:00 – The Large intestine

Keep waking up at night at certain hours
Keep waking up at night: Wake up between 5 am to 7 am

During this time, the flow of Qi energy is concentrated in the large intestine, which is responsible for cleaning out all the waste from your body.

In case of a Qi imbalance, you will experience premature aging, sudden weight gain, and constipation. In order to take good care of your large intestine, you need to drink lots of water, exercise, follow a healthy diet, stretch your body, and urinate after waking up every day.

This specific time period is also associated with emotional blockages, confusion, impatience, defensiveness, and the feeling that you are stuck in a rut. You need to let go of all these negative emotions and burdens, take better care of yourself, and make sure that you get proper sleep every night. Just like your large intestine detoxes your body, you need to detox your mind and heart to be really and truly happy.


Sleep is of utmost importance in every person’s life, and without proper sleep, your body and mind are bound to break down after a point.

You should always make sure that you never compromise your sleep, otherwise, you will always be plagued with a ton of health issues, be they physical, mental, or emotional. Take good care of your body and mind, and work on leading a healthy lifestyle.

With time, you will see how your sleeping patterns gradually fall into place and you start feeling amazing and happier again! So the next time you wonder “why do I keep waking up at night?”, you will know what’s up.

Do you keep waking up at night at the same time every day? Or do you keep waking up at different times of night? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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Why do I wake up at certain times of the night? Spiritual meaning of waking up at night
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