7 Unusual, Early Signs A Man Is Into You

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Today, weโ€™re going to talk about seven unusual signs a man is into you. There isnโ€™t a woman or a man alive that doesnโ€™t want the hidden playbook of the opposite sex. We all want the hidden signs to tell us what the other person is thinking. Wouldnโ€™t you just love to know what heโ€™s thinking about you right now?

What does he want you to do next?

Is he really the one for you?

Here are some of the things you have to know about men. And unfortunately, we canโ€™t read minds. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m going to give you these seven unusual signs a man is into you.

Here Are 7 Unusual Signs A Man Is Into You

1. His friends know about you.

Guys are actually pretty quick to talk about that special girl they really like. If thatโ€™s you, then heโ€™s going to talk to them about you. Because when a guy is into you, heโ€™s going to pull you into all areas of his life.

Watch for this sign a man is into you and then get to know his friends along the way. Thatโ€™s probably the most flattering and appreciative way that you can do this for him and he will notice. Heโ€™ll pull you deeper into his life the more that you put effort into his friends.

Related: What A Man Thinks About When He Really Likes You: 10 Secret Thoughts

2. He wants you.

Youโ€™ve got his attention. Weโ€™re in this new age of blue screens everywhere and ADHD is becoming a common way to describe a person. I have at least half a dozen people in my life that think that being ADHD is actually cool in some way. At least you would think that from the way they brag about it.

When you have his attention, heโ€™s going to listen to you intently. Heโ€™s actually going to pay attention to your words. He might bring something up that you said from a previous conversation. Heโ€™ll ask you questions or seek out your opinion and he will actually respond to you.

When you have a manโ€™s attention, heโ€™ll maintain eye contact with you. I know a guyโ€™s eyes can wander from time to time. If you want to know why men look at other women, there is a reason and itโ€™s nothing to do with respect.

Men will make it a point to focus on you when theyโ€™re interested in you. When youโ€™ve got his attention, heโ€™s going to be leaning into you. His body language, well actually, we have no room for error here. He will want to get closer to you and turn his body to face you more directly which are important signs a man is into you.

3. He canโ€™t keep his hands off you.

Iโ€™m sure you know a woman who the guy is all seemed to paw at like a bunch of kittens at a catnip festival. I think the official term is โ€œhandsy.โ€

Maybe youโ€™ve experienced this once or twice in your life. The reason a guy does this is because men are very tactile when it comes to beauty.

We see something that catches our eye and we want to touch it. Itโ€™s like a fulfillment of this loop in our heads. Itโ€™s very hard for a guy to resist that desire to touch something that we find really interesting, attractive, or beautiful.

When you use all those products to make your hair, your skin, your lips, every inch of you so soft, how can we resist the urge? Itโ€™s just too tempting. Andโ€ฆ no, thatโ€™s not a justification for creepy pawing. Itโ€™s just a simple stated fact.

Most guys show their physical affection very respectfully. Heโ€™ll routinely touch your arm when heโ€™s talking or heโ€™ll touch your back and hold your hand when the time is right. These public displays of affection show his respect, affection, attention, and desire.

lust rushes but love waits

4. He initiates calls and texts you.

First, he is the one that initiates. This one will probably top your list of โ€œOh man, I wishโ€ฆโ€ am I right? Most women have come to experience the awesome power of deafening silence when they text a guy.

That right there is the problem. A guy can sense in a heartbeat when a woman is testing him.

Weโ€™ve gotten used to this vibe from a woman. It all started way back when we were buying drinks in bars for women and we got shit-tested at pretty much every chance in the conversation. You might not have noticed you were doing this, but we felt it in every cell of our bodies.

The test is when youโ€™re giving a man a hard time and then testing his masculinity by exhibiting bratty girl behavior to see how a man reacts to you. This is part of the natural dance of attraction thatโ€™s completely normal in flirty encounters.

Guys do know when youโ€™re up to your old tricks. I know youโ€™re yelling at your screen right now saying, โ€œCarlos, Iโ€™d never treat a man like that.โ€ You did and thatโ€™s OK because it was expected back then.

Now that weโ€™re all a little bit older, the testing needs to stop. Itโ€™s more about open communication and avoiding the games. So when you text a man in a way that seems to want a response a little bit too much, weโ€™re going to feel pressured by that. Then we feel a little bit anxious because we probably like you but now weโ€™re a little bit confused.

Why is there all this expectation all of a sudden?

Are you being needy? Oh no!

Thatโ€™s how the panic goes. And this is how guys think, ladies.

So when you get a text from a man unexpectedly, your eyes light up and you feel that deliciously fun little feeling in your tummy that tells you a man is into you. Andโ€ฆ you should because thatโ€™s definitely a sign a man is into you.

Let me give you a key point that is one of the most important things that you can learn about romancing a guy.

The way to get a man to text you more is to text him just a little less than he might want. The more a guy wonders where he stands with you, the better off you are.

Related: 8 Unmistakable Body Language Signs Heโ€™s Interested In You

5. He adjusts his life and habits to see you.

Guys are just as guilty as gals. Weโ€™ll be a little too set in our ways.

When a guy meets a woman who is worthwhile to him, heโ€™ll be willing to make some changes. Heโ€™ll adjust his life to pull you closer to him and adjust his schedule to accommodate you. He will change some of his routines just to make you happy.

Guys will make the space for you if they feel youโ€™re worth having.

6. He talks about what you have in common.

One of the more indirect signs a man is into you is he will talk about things that you have in common.

Many women miss this sign a man is into you because they are listening for him to describe specific things about her that he likes and pointing out certain traits. However, some guys donโ€™t do this right away. Instead, he might talk a little bit more indirectly about how you fit into our lives.

Ultimately, men are thinking about how the relationship would work if things were to progress and we were to marry you.

If youโ€™re hoping for a man to tell you how much he loves your hair, beauty, wardrobe, or whatever, he might already be telling you he really digs you with all the stuff heโ€™s seeing that you have in common. 

Ultimately, the things you have in common are whatโ€™s going to make you a successful couple.

7. He keeps coming back for more.

This sign a man is into you is always underestimated and under-observed by women. Guys range from the obnoxious and douchey confident all the way to terminally shy.

When a guy likes a girl, thereโ€™s one thing we want to do and thatโ€™s to be around her, near her, or just within sight of her. The problem is that those douchebags and arrogant guys are typically the first ones to approach you, right?

These are the guys that have the balls to come over and do the โ€œunthinkableโ€ which is start a conversation with you.

That nice, quiet, shy guy over there in the corner. You see him, right?

Heโ€™s the one thatโ€™s nursing his beer for the whole evening trying to come up with just the right selection of words to win your heart. Of course, he wants to avoid rejection. Thatโ€™s also the guy that usually chickens out and goes home early to binge on Netflix.

You have to understand that a manโ€™s greatest contribution to your romance is simply to keep asking you out and keep coming back for more. He will call you if heโ€™s really into you and he will also make an effort to see you regularly. Itโ€™s not just about having a date on Saturday night. When a man is into you, he wants to spend time with you regardless of what you do together.

If a guy invites you to hang out with him and watch movies at his place or get a quick coffee after work or meet at the Laundromat on Sunday afternoon, itโ€™s an almost definite sign heโ€™s into you.

Men bond simply by spending time with you. Thatโ€™s the way men often fall in love with you without you even realizing it.

Iโ€™ve overheard women complain the guy in their life didnโ€™t take them out every night was being cheap and thoughtless. They didnโ€™t realize that they were pushing away a guy that was actually in the process of falling for them.

Related: 4 Things A Man Does If He Wants A Relationship With You

If youโ€™re wondering, Carlos, does this guy really love me?

Is he slipping away?

In fact, a man gives off certain signals when he thinks you might be the one. More importantly, heโ€™s actually looking for a very special signal in you that tells him whether or not he can move forward with you, commit to you and propose to you.

Do you know what that secret signal a man is going to commit actually is?

Triggering his drive to commit to you is SO important.

Find out more in my presentation here.

Written by Carlos Cavallo
Originally appeared on Attract The One
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