Understanding & Loving An Empath


Understanding & Loving an Empath

Loving and understanding an empath is crucial.

Empaths are people who are extremely sensitive on the empathic spectrum. They are not just highly intuitive but also have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others to feel at their position. This gives them the incredible power to understand and feel at per with others.

โ€œEmpaths feel more deeply, more intensely, and more persistently than those around us. We even feel what other people are afraid to feel within themselves.โ€ 
โ€• Mateo Sol, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing

An empath’s sensing ability is almost never wrong. They also have the potential to detect lies working as a “human lie-detector”.

A basic idea about what they are like is very important for us to understand so that it helps foster a healthy relationship between the empath and their partners.

Empaths have a unique characteristic that is entirely distinct from the special power of empathy. Empathy is the power to put oneself in the shoes of others and feel at per with them. While on the other hand, an empath is a person who is highly sensitive and has the potential to feel the entire gamut of sensation.

It’s high chances that an empath will be misunderstood.

Especially because they are natural givers and healers. They nurture others unconditionally and never desire for a reciprocation. It might take them a while until their true magnificent spirit receives the opportunity to shine. They never articulate their own needs; instead they engage in spreading happiness.

Loving an empath is often tricky.

It is going to be an intensely overwhelming experience to get drowned in their affection. Regardless of whether you express your emotions or not they will be able to fathom the depth of what you feel.

Hiding your true emotions from an empath is next to impossible because they will somehow find your emotions reflected in your eyes.

In spite of being highly intuitive, they often times fail to trust their gut feelings. This lack of confidence on their intuitive ability is brought about by the influence of the skeptics who doesn’t believe in the power of gut feelings.
The empath has often times doubted themselves and pushed their intuition aside, causing them to lose faith in the power they hold within that alerts them to any perceived signs of danger. Something nagging inside the mind of the empath will keep them digging for the truth.

Empaths hate lies, even if it’s a white one.

They would rather appreciate a hardcore truth than comforting lies. Although the truth is almost always ugly but for an empath it is more pleasing to look beyond the superfluous message that the world is exchanging.

Read 7 Painful Truths About Narcissists All Empaths Must Acknowledge

An Empath

Relationships which are brutally raw and honest are always cherished by an empath.

They cannot stand twisting tales of others. Although at some levels they can be an extremely delicate individual, but a relationship with them encloses affection, honesty, transparency, smooth communication and deep understanding.

Empaths can often seem to be cold, aloof and caged in.

This is mainly because they have been disappointed several times by the treatment of the harsh world. They assume that withdrawing within oneself is the only tool of self-protection.

The true spirit of an empath wants to give and receive love in abundance, though they would only be able to let the love flow smoothly when they feel secure and safe.

The most tragic part of being an empath is they might end up displaying their true emotions in the wrong places.

The gullible nature of an empath is to be blamed. They project the positive aspects of their personality like simplicity, honesty, empathy onto the people they connect with, not understanding the fact that not everyone is like them.

Empaths feel the pain and sorrow of the whole world and feel that they want to heal and fix the world up and make things better for all concerned.

This definitely is the most magical and substantial power of the empath which the world desperately needs but is extremely draining for the empaths themselves.

Not everyone sees the world the way an empath views it and because of this, an empathโ€™s heart will be perpetually broken by the injustice, inequalities, cruelties, and sycophancy of the world.
There will be numerous people waiting to receive the good wills of the empath and just throw them away after they are done. It is, undoubtedly a deeply painful learning process for an empath to the ability to love unconditionally, to self-preservation and to personal boundary creation.

An empath will fail to comprehend why others turn a blind eye to suffering and torment when the only thing the world needs is consideration and healing.

It is not a surprise for the empaths that they are often ridiculed for their tremendous desire to uplift humanity.

When an empath feels hurt, all an empath needs is to believe that there is someone who is there to understand them, hear them out, be non-judgmental to them and accept them as they are.

If they receive these from their partner they will have a strong sense of bond with him/her.

Empaths will repeatedly fall into the trap of people who wants to take advantage of their naive and caring nature. Again, this is another sharp lesson that can cause an empath to develop a defense mechanism for themselves by building barriers around them and withdrawing into their own shell.

Once they have depleted their energy reserves to such a low level by giving and not understanding how to protect themselves in the process, they lose their faith in humanity and develop low self-esteem. Often times they feel unwanted, unheard and misunderstood in the process of giving.

An empath naturally doesn’t take anything from anyone. They only know how to give. To ensure a relationship of balance and harmony, ensure the empath is shown love in the form of actions so that the circle of love flows freely.
Words mean nothing to an empath unless they are converted to actions. Their intuition will quickly pick up on something done with poor intent, or if a personโ€™s words are inauthentic.

To love someone who is an empath means to recognize that they thrive when the flames are turned up, not down. An empath gives off a powerful and energetic fuel of love, light, and radiance, though the fire only fully rages when an empath exists in a sacred place within which they feel secure enough to glow.

On the inside, an empath is immensely soft, delicate, and vulnerable.

Although, after being perpetually burned, on the outside, they may appear incredibly strong. When an empath is concerned, they find it very difficult to forget deep wounds. They find it very difficult to feign love once the foundation of the relationship is rocked.
To fully connect to an empath, it is necessary to create a strong foundation of trust, loyalty, and mutual dependability.  If cracks appear through mistrust and deceit, it can become exceedingly difficult to repair the wound. Show them that you are giving your entire efforts to the relationship to flourish.

Empaths are extremely passionate and dedicated to the causes that capture their mind. Their connection to a hobby or interest is so deep that it penetrates everything. Due to their abundantly creative mind, they may find a resonance with music, dance, writing, art, activism, reading, Yoga, meditation, humanitarian causes, or other similar interests. Whatever it is that has captured the mind of an empath will be become sacred in their hearts.

Empaths will immerse themselves in their hobbies and lose themselves completely. Sometimes the partner might feel left out as they get engrossed in their interests. But this is not intentional.

Although they will have a deep attachment to their passions, it is far easier to understand that an empath loves all things at great levels of intensity. They need additional interests other than in people. This can sometimes be difficult for others to understand.

Giving them plenty of space to explore, submerge in their chosen activity, freedom to fly higher, search deeper is the most considerate way to pamper an empath. Asking an empath to confine and choose may not give the desired outcome that would be hoped for. The heart quickly gets connected to passionate interests, and once that connection has been made, their heart will break if that connection is to be severed.

Respect and understanding for another are alone time can make or break a relationship with an empath. An understanding that their interests are significantly important can really make life a whole lot easier for an empath. They need solitude and tranquil to rejuvenate their drained out energy.

There is no need to feel ostracized, while thereโ€™s a little chance an empath will let you fully in their circle of special interest, it is far more likely that they will be pleased to be wrapped up in it. This is not selfish or inconsiderate, it is just simply how the empathโ€™s heart and spirit operate.

If they have a connection to something, it is intense and they will very likely wish to delve as deeply into it as is possible.

Passion for empaths is a great energy release and they might possibly zone-out while immersed, losing track of time.

Allow them to take pleasure in it, and with the free time, this has created, as a partner you should take up separate interests to reduce the buildup of frustrations. It possibly wonโ€™t last for too long, as empaths are known to move quickly from one interest to another once the initial burning desire of connection eventually simmers down.

As empaths are sensitive to energy, their worst-case scenarios are confrontations and aggressive encounters. In the contrary, under normal circumstances, they are least likely to be aggressive and violent, even if the situation demands so. They can quickly lose their self-control if they become absorbed in the negative and toxic energy that surrounds them. Empaths will, more often than not, prefer to take flight from such negative energy fields and escape within their inner world.

In situations like this occur regularly, it can eventually lead empaths to become introverted and homebodies as they prefer the safety of their own environment where they are not subjected to the roller coasters of energies. Almost like the introverts, the empaths also need some alone time to recharge their energies to function daily.

Places such as supermarkets, nightclubs, the cinema, or anywhere where there is a large crowd of people, will be very draining for an empath.

They are very sensitive to light and sound, so these things can also have a detrimental and draining effect on an empathโ€™s psyche. An empath will likely need the soothing hold of their partner’s hand to dissipate the random flow of energies from the surroundings.

After attending any social function an empath may feel completely drained and the effects can be temporarily debilitating, meaning that all an empath will want sleep, rest, introspect or submerge themselves in cathartic activities to let the effects of heavy socialization to flow.

All in all, it will take a very secure, confident, and balanced person to form a solid mutually beneficial and rewarding relationship with an empath. The empath personality is an extremely enchanting gift to the world. As long as their wings are not clipped, and they have the freedom and space to fly, a relationship with them can be deeply connecting, spiritually enlightening and heart-warming experience. 

A connection with an empath can be a blessing and one of the greatest gifts from the universe as it offers the opportunity to look at the world through the lens of a kaleidoscope. Everything that seemed dull and monotonous about a relationship will be turned into passion, intensity, and fervor. The partner will have an excellent experience of understanding and changed perspectives towards the world.

At times it may feel like being in the company of a magically gifted being who has special powers that we have been led to believe do not exist within humans. This can be both a blessing and a curse. Nothing will ever get past an empath as they can filter through all sorts of emotions.

Once the superficial layers of ‘norms’ and ‘conventions’ are peeled off, we will encounter the raw beauty of unconditional love and altruism.

We will then be free to discover a brand new way of existing; giving and receiving affection, being fully present in the moment, connecting deep within the core of our primal being, and reigniting all the superpowers that are inherent within man.

A relationship with an empath can lead to uncovering special gifts such as intuition, energy awareness, deep connection, and a brand new level of understanding the fellow man just through silence. We will then be able to deny everything that is pulling us backward.

True love is the ideal situation which is rarely possible to achieve.

But with a free-spirited, understanding, grounded, sensitive, encouraging, considerate partner, the empaths will bloom to its highest potential to restore the broken, save the afflicted and end the never-ending suffering of the world.

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