11 Types Of Men You Might Encounter When Dating Online


types of men you might encounter when dating online

Internet dating is an interesting prospect when it comes to finding love. In the world of internet dating, you will always come across certain types of men who are looking to be with someone and have a good time. Well, some of these men have the right intentions whereas some, not really.

For this article, I used experiences that women shared with me about online dating to describe 11 types of heterosexual men who are drawn to Internet dating. I realize, as do you, that there are infinite varieties of men who engage in online dating for infinite reasons.

Many more could be included on this list, and some men may fit into many categories. Still, in the world of online dating, some types seem more prevalent than others. Here are 11 categories of men you might encounter when dating online.

Here Are 11 Types Of Men You Will Come Across When Dating Online

1. Just Looking.

He fantasizes about a beautiful love life or sex life but has too much anxiety to actually let any potential connection leave his protective computer screen. Heโ€™s just not ready to involve himself in real-time dating with people he may connect with online.

There are many reasons why this happens, but at the core, he is not ready or able to begin a substantive relationship, regardless of what his profile says.

Rather, he moves from one online connection to the next, or back and forth between many, and he barely, if ever, leaves the house. Internet dating enables him not to engage in a meaningful way. When he needs a connection or the fantasy of a relationship, he can effectively โ€œorder outโ€ for a date.

By avoiding actual human contact he isnโ€™t forced to push his boundaries or risk challenging the perfection of his fantasy woman with the experience of a real-life woman. For many reasons, it is difficult for him to make room for something real.

2. Wide-Eyed But Distractable.

This primarily 20 to mid 30’s guy is excited about the possibility of expanding his horizons and meeting new people. He is bold, tolerant, open, and ready to explore what online dating has to offer.

Because Internet dating has been a part of his generational experience, he is more comfortable with it as a normal mode of communication and meeting people, and is generally more open to the process and experience.

Therefore, when he connects and makes plans online, he likely follows through, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Either way, unlike the first type listed, he has probably had more positive than negative dating experiences overall, so he may be open right away or over time to a committed, authentic relationship.

However, given his age and other potential factors such as how easily distracted he is, once he discovers just how many choices he has online, he may become less interested in committing and more interested in continuing to look around. Nonetheless, if youโ€™re looking for a fun couple of months, look no further. And it’s possible it could expand even further.

3. The Experimenters.

He believes that older women โ€œknow what they want.โ€ He is typically 20 to mid-’30s and he wants older women often because he believes that they have much to teach him sexually, and this prospect excites him.

He realizes that the easiest way to access older women is online. He is typically at the age of sexual discovery and imagines that older women are not only more experienced and enticing but more available as well.

This can be a difficult and provocative situation for all parties involved, so proceed with caution. Most assumptions about how you and he will conduct your relationship are not as straightforward and as they may initially seem.

Related: 3 Reasons Why Women Prefer Dating Younger Men

4. Trying To Get Over The Ex.

He is looking to avoid being alone after a heart-wrenching breakup. Sometimes he will admit to the women he finds online that he is using Internet dating as a diversion, and sometimes he wonโ€™t. However, with patience and fortitude, there may be the possibility that a substantive relationship can develop.

After all, he has experienced love before, which is why heโ€™s so heartbroken now, and why you encountered him online.

However, it is equally possible for him to remain non-committal when he is still hung up on someone else, so proceed with caution. Either way, these scenarios may take a long time to play out.

5. Already Taken.

He wants to know what else is out there, but wonโ€™t necessarily act on it. Or maybe he will. Either way, he is not planning to leave his current relationship but feels like he is missing out on something. Or perhaps something pivotal is missing in his relationship, and he wants to be reminded or reassured there is life beyond his current confines.

Regardless, this is not a man who can offer a serious, consistent relationship. Internet dating is an outlet for him and he is not planning to leave his partner anytime soon, if ever.

6. Lost In Fantasy.

How many profiles do you see that list things like amazing communicationamazing sex, must be in perfect shape as relationship must-haves? And how many of these criteria do you think are the direct result of the relationship he just came from?

More than finding a partner who will meet all of his hopes and dreams, he wants everything he has longed for but couldnโ€™t have in previous relationships. (This category may also include the desire to act out sexual fantasies and fetishes that couldnโ€™t previously be realized).

Interestingly, fantasy can be so powerful for him that when reality fails to compete, he finds ways to fade away. However, it may be possible for him to shift from fantasy to reality now or over time as he realizes he has to make some concessions if he wants to have a real partner. 

7. Lies About Age.

He is typically older, in his 50s, 60s, or even 70s, and is set on meeting and dating women significantly younger than he is, so he shaves years off his life in his profile, even in his “current”  pictures.

He may be very well-meaning and truly believe that once he meets these young women they will be so drawn to him that the deception wonโ€™t matter, and the age difference will be rendered irrelevant.

However, starting a relationship with a lieโ€”no matter how โ€œharmlessโ€ it may seem to himโ€”takes away from the womanโ€™s ability to use her own discretion and decision-making power and therefore erodes trust. When she inevitably finds out, she typically finds the age difference and the lie far more jarring than he had anticipated.

The longer he continues the lie, the worse the discovery is. Relationships that start by duping a partner don’t end well.

Related: 6 Guys Women Meet When They Date Online

8. Sooo Busy.

This is the former Ivy League rower, now a neurosurgeon who has chosen the Internet to meet women who are likely on their own tight timelines. He expects to meet other busy people and have a romance that is incredibly hot and connected… for the 30 minutes every week that work for him.

While he may be quite enticing because of how active and on top of his career he is, he has difficulty converting online dating into a substantive experience.

Often, his routines are crucial to him so he may fight with himself to make room in his life for a partner. If his tight schedule fits your own timeline or youโ€™re okay squeezing the relationship into small chunks, thatโ€™s great (and it does have the possibility to evolve).

But be aware of how often he uses being too busy to avoid real-world connections because it can be easy to get caught up and strung along in this situation.

For many of these men, work, routines or even children may offset any sense of urgency or commitment to engage in the messy process of real-life dating.

9. Finally Successful With The Girls.

Earlier in life, he may have been intimidated by girls, but he has always been smart and ambitious. Despite his interest in girls when he was younger, it rarely if ever worked out. Sure enough, later in life, his ambition came to fruitionโ€”he became successful and got used to getting what he wants.

He is typically in his late 30s through early 50s and maybe divorced or single. Either way, he has come to realize thatโ€”to his surpriseโ€”he can now have most women he sets his sights on, and he hasnโ€™t gotten over his good luck. Now he feels like a kid in a candy store. This may be the man that, just as online communication begins, asks if youโ€™re naked.

Since he is used to getting things done quickly and directly in his professional life, and getting the girl now comes much more easily to him, he may not understand why he should have to jump through the hoops of flirtation, courtship, and romance to achieve what he might view as a mutually agreed upon the situation.

Make sure that to the best of your ability, you know what you want moving forward, as he may not be ready to commit any time soon, if ever.

10. Predators.

He dislikes women and looks for opportunities to shame or control them, typically as a response to painful previous experiences in his own life, or because his wiring is totally awry.

Beware: He is not easily detectable at times. He is not in control of himself and therefore looks to control others through any method he can. If you come across him, don’t engage.

11. Authentic Loving Partner.

He is looking for his partner in love and in life. Maybe sincerity comes with a little baggage, but so what? He is realistic in his expectations and is serious about being in a relationship. He is genuine and is not typically sidetracked by the number of choices available to him, once he has found you.

The question now is: Are you ready? Before starting a relationship with him, consider your own motivations for online dating.

It can be a frustrating, even painful process to encounter many of these types of online daters. But keep in mind these men may have become jaded and wary too, due to their own challenging online dating experiences. Itโ€™s much easier to be flaky and noncommittal onlineโ€”for both you and for your datesโ€”and that is in part why these categories exist in the first place.

Related: 10 Red Flags in Man Messages To Watch Out For When Dating Online

Without an in-person connection, the person on the other screen doesnโ€™t seem โ€œrealโ€ and that can enable both men and women to use online dating to gratify their own needs without regard for the person they have attracted.

However, despite these categories and the challenges of online dating, if you continue to act with authentic reciprocity, itโ€™s likely that youโ€™ll find the same in return.

Check out Dr. Lachmannโ€™s personal website for more informative articles.

Written By Suzanne Lachmann 
Originally Appeared In Psychology Today

If you have ever come across these types of men in the world of internet dating, now you know what their deals are. The next time you cross paths with them, you now know which ones you should strictly avoid and which ones you can take a chance with. Remember that internet dating can sometimes be a slippery slope, but it’s not all that bad.

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11 Types Of Men You Might Encounter When Dating Online
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11 Types Of Men You Might Encounter When Dating Online
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11 Types Of Men You Might Encounter When Dating Online

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