What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based on Your Zodiac


What Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based on Zodiac

Do you believe in love at first sight? Whether you believe it or not, there’s something in all of us that grabs the opposite sex’s attention at the first meeting. So, what is it that the opposite sex notices first in you?

There is more to attraction than your appearance. There are some unique and attractive qualities in each of us that the opposite sex finds alluring. When we first see someone attractive, we aren’t always able to spot these qualities clearly, it’s just that we are spontaneously drawn to that person. But today, we shall decode all the appealing traits that the opposite sex notices first in you, based on your zodiac.

Nothing reflects your natural appeal better than your zodiac sign. Zodiacs speak volumes about our wonderful, charming, and genuine traits that others can’t help but like. So, without further ado, let’s find out what the opposite sex sees in you on the very first meeting, based on your zodiac sign.

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What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You According To Your Zodiac

Find out what the opposite sex sees in you according to astrology, when they lay their eyes on you for the first time!

1. Aries (March 21st โ€“ April 19th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your courage and confidence which are reflected in everything that you do.

When they know that they are on the right track, the Aries aren’t scared to stand up against any obstacle on their way. Their bravery and boldness are highly admired by the opposite sex. People are intrigued that how can a person be so fearless in the face of trouble, all the time!

You have the drive and fortitude to do what it takes to reach your goals. On top of that, your optimism and your indomitable and adventurous spirit are add-ons that explain why people love being around you.

Read Also Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20th โ€“ May 20th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your sincerity, passion, and devotion.

Your friendly, good-natured, and stable appearance makes others feel at ease around you. In matters of love, you are always devoted and passionate, and the opposite sex can sense this.

You look like a person who can be very romantic to their partners, and this gets the opposite gender very interested in you. Being sensory-oriented, you enjoy the finer things in life, and others enjoy that, especially when you treat your date to a luxurious evening.

Read Also 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21st โ€“ June 20th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your cute awkwardness and your affectionate and kind nature.

When the opposite sex first meets you, they are bound to admire what a sweet-natured, kind, and agreeable person you are! Your shyness around people of the opposite sex actually makes you more adorable in their eyes!

Once you get comfortable, you are full of fun and the opposite gender is instantly attracted to this cheerful and friendly side of you. You brighten up social gatherings with your natural charm and sweetness.

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4. Cancer (June 21st โ€“ July 22nd)

Your flair for creativity
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your emotional nature and how easily you understand them.

It’s evident in the way you speak and the way you carry yourself; you have a natural talent for picking up on other’s emotions and feelings. Not only that, the way you are always so very careful and gentle with those emotions, makes you attractive to the opposite gender.

When the opposite sex encounters your emotional side, they aren’t repelled, rather they love how deeply you can feel things. They sense that you can be a dependable friend who understands people’s troubles and provides comfort.

Read Also 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23rd โ€“ August 22nd)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your boldness and charm that shines through you.

You are fully aware of your strengths and proud of them. Leo is one of the few people who can make others perceive their pride in a positive light, and not as arrogance. The opposite gender is attracted to how you always carry yourself with grace and pride, but also with softness and love.

You know how to steal the spotlight with your charismatic personality, and the opposite gender gravitates toward you. They admire your leadership skills and sincerity that reflect in all your endeavors.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23rd โ€“ September 22nd)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are strong ethics and perseverance.

Your ability to work hard is very appealing to the opposite sex. They are quick to realize how your passion for hard work has led you to achieve great things for yourself, both professionally and personally.

You are dedicated to whatever you involve yourself in, and the opposite sex respects you for that. They are often left baffled by your ability to tackle situations logically without being swayed by emotions.

Others may feel a little jealous upon realizing how far in life your intellect and organizing skills will take you, but they sure respect these abilities in you.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23rd โ€“ October 22nd)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your gift of the gab, creativity, and eloquence.

The opposite sex is smitten with your ability to make good conversations. They love how you’re amusing and witty with your words. You are easy to connect with and keep others entertained with interesting anecdotes. You can talk nonstop without being a bore.

Librans are generous souls and use their natural gift with words for creativity and human welfare; the opposite sex adores your compassionate heart as well.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23rd โ€“ November 21st)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your personality and your reserved and mysterious nature.

At first, the opposite sex might find it difficult to approach you because you seem withdrawn and cold. But that intrigues them and they try to know you more, only to find an intense, passionate, and warm person hiding behind that cold exterior.

In time, they see that you’re a determined person and a fierce friend when needed. Your intensity touches all spheres of your life, including your romantic relationships. The opposite gender can’t help but wonder what a passionate lover you shall make once you take a liking to someone.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22nd โ€“ December 21st)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your candid nature and sense of humor.

Some people might be taken aback by your frankness initially, but you are straightforward, witty, and amusing and you can win people’s trust easily. The opposite sex notices this as soon as they meet you, and instantly take a liking to you.

Your honesty makes people want to confide in you, and your optimistic, easygoing, and humorous nature helps others have a good time in your presence forgetting their troubles. You’re a doer and don’t wait for life to happen; being in your company is fun and it brightens up the mood.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22nd โ€“ January 19th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your hard work and traditional values and morals.

Capricorns show laser-like focus when it comes to getting work done, and this seriousness and devotion extends to their personal lives too. They are family-centered, always putting their loved ones before everything else, and the opposite sex loves this trait.

They can’t help but wonder how amazing it shall be to have a family with you in the future! Capricorns are responsible and strive hard to keep promises they make– the opposite sex admires that you are a person they can count on.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 20th โ€“ February 18th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your positive energy, intelligence, and free will.

The opposite sex finds your spontaneous, lively, and fun-filled nature magnetic. You’re the life of the party, brightening the mood with your quirkiness and carefree attitude.

People are amazed at how you don’t really bother about societal norms and live life on your own terms. You’re a good talker and attract the opposite sex with your intelligent conversations on politics, philosophy, and adventure. With the Aquarius, there is never a boring moment.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19th โ€“ March 20th)

Opposite Sex Notices First In You
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

The things the opposite sex notices first in you are your child-like energy, optimism, and imagination.

When the opposite sex notices how pure, innocent, and positive you are, it melts their heart. People flock to you because you emanate the positive vibes of a child that make them feel hopeful.

The opposite sex wants to have you by their side because they admire your emotional intelligence and rely on you to come up with creative solutions and good advice. Thanks to your emotional nature, you can easily connect with all types of people.

Read Also 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

So there you go, those were the things the opposite sex sees in you based on zodiac signs. Did the opposite sex ever compliment you on any of the attractive zodiac qualities mentioned above? Leave a comment below!

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Opposite Zodiac Notices First In You
Opposite Sex Notices First In You
The First Thing The Opposite Zodiac Notices In You
Opposite Sex Notices First In You
Opposite Sex Notices First In You
Opposite Sex Notices First In You
Opposite Sex Notices First In You
Opposite Sex Sees First In You
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What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac
What Opposite Sex Notices First zodiac pin
What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac
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What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac
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What The Opposite Sex Notices First In You, Based On Your Zodiac

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    Farah Naseem

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