10 Things To Try Before Giving Up On Your Marriage



Seth and Kayla, both in their late forties and married for fifteen years, are considering divorce. โ€œIโ€™m done with this marriage,โ€ complains Kayla. โ€œI feel unloved and rejected by Seth, we donโ€™t have an emotional connection and rarely have sex anymore.โ€

Seth puts it like this: โ€œKayla loves the kids more than me and sheโ€™s always on the attack. She keeps threatening to leave, and that might be the best option.โ€

Many couples like Seth and Kayla are ready to throw in the towel and want quick solutions to save their marriage. Truth be told, this is a common problem, but the solutions are never easy.

A Radical Shift In Mindset

The good news is that if you are willing to put effort into rescuing your marriage, there are things you can do that can give you a fresh start. Breaking the cycle of an unhappy relationship dynamic requires a radical shift in mindset.

Taking responsibility for your part in the conflict or dispute is a great starting point. One personโ€™s ability to do this can change the entire dynamic of the relationship.

Studies show that the most common reason why couples develop serious difficulties is that one or both partners withdraw due to feelings of hurt, anger, and resentment. In a recent study of 14,000 participants, Dr. Paul Schrodt found that women were usually (but not always) the ones who demanded or pursued and men tended to withdraw or distance.

Stop The Blame Game

Many couples play the blame game, leading to a pursuer-distancer dance that causes one partner to chase the other around. After a while, they are no longer addressing the issue at hand and enter into a vicious cycle of resentment, frustration, and anger.

Relationship expert Dr. Harriet Lerner explains that the recipe for failure in a marriage is waiting for the other person to change. Rather than giving up on their marriage, couples need to lean toward each other. She writes, โ€œItโ€™s the dissatisfied partner who usually is motivated to change. If you donโ€™t take some new action on your own behalf, no one else will do it for you.โ€

While itโ€™s natural to want to give up when your partner becomes distant, reacting expands the divide between you. Instead, Dr. Lerner recommends that you take responsibility for warming things up and increase positive reinforcement. You can say things like, โ€œYouโ€™re so thoughtful to clean the kitchenโ€ which highlights your partnerโ€™s positive qualities and things you admire about them.

Practicing what Dr. John Gottman calls emotional attunement can help you stay connected in spite of your differences. This means โ€œturning towardโ€ one another, listening, and showing empathy rather than โ€œturning away.โ€ Dr. Gottman recommends a 5:1 ratio of interactions โ€“ meaning for every negative interaction, you need five positive ones.

Dr. Gottman discovered in over 40 years of research with thousands of couples that the number one solution to marital problems is to get good at repair. He calls it the โ€œsecret weaponโ€ of emotionally intelligent couples.

Below are 10 things to try before giving up on your marriage based on the work of Dr. John Gottman.

1. Complain Without Blame

Have you developed a habit of criticizing your partner? Talking about specific issues will reap better results than attacking your partner. For instance, a complaint is: โ€œI was worried when you didnโ€™t call me. We agreed that weโ€™d check in when one of us was running late.โ€ Versus a criticism: โ€œYou never follow through, youโ€™re so selfish.โ€

Read 7 Reasons People Stay In A Marriage That Doesnโ€™t Work

2. Repair Conflicts Skillfully

Donโ€™t put aside resentments that can destroy your relationship. Dr. Gottmanโ€™s research informs us that 69% of conflicts in a marriage never get resolved, so the focus needs to be on managing them successfully. Bouncing back from disagreements rather than avoiding conflict is key because couples who strive to avoid it are at risk of developing stagnant relationships.

3. Stay Focused On The Issues At Hand

Ask yourself: What am I trying to accomplish? Avoid name-calling and donโ€™t attack your partner personally. Remember anger is usually a symptom of underlying hurt, fear, and frustration. So ask questions that go deeper to understand the positive need your partner is seeking. Avoid defensiveness and showing contempt for your partner (rolling your eyes, ridicule, name-calling, sarcasm, etc.).

4. Boost Up Physical Affection

According to author Dr. Kory Floyd, holding hands, hugging, and touching can release oxytocin (the bonding hormone) that causes a calming sensation. Studies show that itโ€™s released during sexual orgasm and affectionate touch as well. Physical affection also reduces stress hormones โ€“ lowering daily levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

5. Nurture Fondness And Admiration

Remind yourself of your partnerโ€™s positive qualities โ€“ even as you grapple with their flaws โ€“ and express your positive feelings out loud several times each day. Search for common ground rather than insisting on getting your way when you have a disagreement. Listen to his/her point of view and avoid shutting yourself off from communication.

Read 7 Secrets To A Successful Introvert-Extravert Marriage

6. Spend Time With Your Partner On A Daily Basis

Try a variety of activities that bring you both pleasure. Kyle Benson recommends that couples adopt a new way of structuring their โ€œHow was your day, dear?โ€ conversation that shows empathy, expresses understanding, and validates emotions. Feeling like your partner is on your side can help you to sustain a deep, meaningful bond and a โ€œwe against othersโ€ attitude.

7. Communicate Honestly About Key Issues In Your Relationship

Be sure to be forthcoming about your concerns and express your thoughts, feelings, and wishes in a respectful way. Resentment can build when couples sweep things under the rug, so be vulnerable and donโ€™t bury negative feelings.

Read 15 Green Flags In A Relationship That Prove Your Partner Is โ€œThe Oneโ€

8. Donโ€™t Allow Wounds To Fester

Challenge your beliefs and self-defeating thoughts about your partnerโ€™s behavior when you find it to be negative. Listen to your partnerโ€™s side of the story. Are there times when you feel mistrustful or hurt even when he/she presents evidence to the contrary about your grievance?

9. Develop A Hurt-Free Zone Policy

This term coined by author David Akiva refers to a period when criticism is not allowed. Without it, couples usually feel less defensive and so hurt feelings dissolve. Akiva writes: โ€œYour prime directive right now is to eliminate the most toxic negative communication and reduce intense negative emotions for 3 to 4 weeks.โ€

10. Practice Forgiveness

Forgiveness isnโ€™t the same as condoning hurtful actions but it will allow you to move on. Try to remember you are on the same team. Accept that people do the best they can and try to be more understanding.

It is understandable that you might feel hurt, frustrated, resentful, or rejected if you perceive that your partner has checked out of your marriage. The next time you have a disagreement with him or her, stop second-guessing their reactions and examine your own responses. Instead of shutting down or becoming critical, adopt a resilient mindset and work on ways you can repair your relationship and get back on track.

Read Forgiveness Through An Evolutionary Lens

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW

This article was originally published on The Gottman Relationship Blog.

If want to build a deeply meaningful relationship full of trust and intimacy then snag a copy of our free guide on how to do that here.

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  1. Mary Jane Dacumos-Caranto Avatar
    Mary Jane Dacumos-Caranto

    I’m done and have moved on already…no turning back..,don’t resist what God has taken away…instead embrace on the new blessings instored for you…just saying.

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