The Single Woman Says: I have a question


The Single Woman Says I have a question

When The Single Woman Says: ‘I have a question‘.

When did our relationship status become symbolic of our status in life?

When did someone decide it takes โ€œputting a ring on itโ€ to give a woman value and worth?

And when did โ€œsingleโ€ become synonymous with โ€œdesperateโ€? In the post-modern, post-sex & the City, post-Spice Girls world we live in, hasnโ€™t the notion of โ€œGirl Powerโ€ caught on yet?

It seems that although women have had the right to vote for decades now, they still donโ€™t have the right to vote for how theyโ€™re going to spend their own lives.

So, as the fierce and fabulous Martina McBride would say: โ€œThis oneโ€™s for the girls.โ€

This oneโ€™s for the girls who believe in love but also believe in themselves. The ones that have looked settling in the eye and walked away.

The ones who know their worth better than to accept a life less than the one they deserve. The girls who happen to prefer registering for pole-dancing aerobics to registering for china.

The girls who choose margarita parties over Tupperware parties. The girls who know they donโ€™t need a ring to singโ€ฆor a mate to be great.

The girls who know that ME has to come before WE. The ones who know that late blooming roses are often the sweetest.

The ones who like owning their own schedules, their own weekends, their own independence. The ones who boldly chart their own path even if it doesnโ€™t include a white picket fence.

Read Stay Single Until You Meet A Guy Like This

The ones who hope for romance but with or without it, crank up the music and DANCE. The girls who donโ€™t allow their joy to depart simply because love hasnโ€™t yet arrived.

At the end of the day, next time you check the box โ€œSโ€ for single, remember this: Single is no longer a lack of options โ€“ but a choice.

A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out.

Whether or not you have someone in the passenger seat, you are still the driver of your own life and can take whatever road you choose.

So the next time you hit a speed bump otherwise known as the age-old question โ€œWhy are you still single?โ€ look โ€˜em in the eye and say: โ€œBecause Iโ€™m too fabulous to settle.

Read 12 Types Of Single Girls (Which One Are You)

By Mandy Hale

The Single Woman Says I have a question
The Single Woman Says: I Have A Question

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  1. Tina Brooks Avatar
    Tina Brooks

    Check out the Bible…

    1. Terry D. Pickron Avatar
      Terry D. Pickron

      …where Tina…

    2. Teri Wehmeyer MacGil Avatar
      Teri Wehmeyer MacGil

      What appears in the Bible is a misrepresentation of women's role. As in American history. When the story revolves around men and the powerful, you don't hear the other parts. It has to be "teased out" by reading historical accounts, anthropological finds — in short, between the lines. Check out some theology done by women. Were you aware that the only person in the entire New Testament who spoke back to Jesus to correct him was the Syro-Phoenician woman. He didn't have the time to heal the daughter of a pagan woman from "out of town' .. and she challenged him. And he healed her daughter. (Matthew 25). But they did not even record her name. Mark 7:25-30/Matthew 15:21-28

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