The Silent Killer Of Relationships And How You Can Avoid It


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The Silent Killer Of Relationships and How to Avoid It

Don’t let the quiet whispers of neglect destroy your love! Unveil the silent killer of relationships and learn how to avoid it.

The silent killer of relationships…. Just after my wife and I got married, we attended a seminar on aiding the rehabilitation of human trafficking victims, particularly those trafficked for sex.

(I wonโ€™t get into all that…thatโ€™s another story for another day.) In one of the presenterโ€™s talks, he asked the audience what the biggest cause of divorce was. Since I had just been through premarital counseling, I pretty much felt like an expert at marriage.

I shot my hand up quickly to answer the question, and blurted out, โ€œsex, money, and communication!โ€ …then looked at my wife next to me and grinned. Too easy.

โ€œWrong,โ€ the presenter barked back. โ€œThose are symptoms of the real problem.โ€ Ouch. Embarrassed much?

Not only was I given a sharp lesson in humility, but what followed changed my life. I was about to be told the best piece of marriage advice that this young, prideful, newly married man-boy couldโ€™ve ever asked for. 

He continued… โ€œThe reason marriages end in divorce is because of one thing…unmet expectations.โ€ That’s the silent killer of relationships!!!

The Silent Killer Of Relationships: How to Avoid It
Relationship Killers

*mind blown* My newly married man-boy brain couldnโ€™t handle the revelation. I donโ€™t remember much of what was said after that. I was too busy thinking of all the unmet expectations I was already experiencing after being married a month. 

Related: Relationship Advice From Over 1500 Happily Married Couples

Since that seminar six years ago, I have seen the pain and frustration that plays out from having unmet expectations, not just in marriage, but in all relationships. Itโ€™s a deadly venom that flows to the heart and wreaks havoc in relationships.

But having unmet expectations isnโ€™t just a marriage problem. Itโ€™s a life problem.

It doesnโ€™t matter whether youโ€™re single, married, working, unemployed, old, young or [insert demographic here]. Having unmet expectations is lethal to everyone. No one is immune. So…whatโ€™s the solution?

Iโ€™m a math guy. I โ€˜heartโ€™ equations. I love crunching numbers and thoroughly enjoyed algebra and calculus in high school (although I probably couldnโ€™t do a calculus problem to save my life now). So I came across an equation.

The Silent Killer Of Relationships: How To Avoid It

Expectation – Observation = Frustration

Hereโ€™s what that means. Below are two hypothetical situations played out…


When I come home from a long day at work, I EXPECT my wife to have dinner prepared and ready for us to sit down and eat as a family. Sheโ€™ll be wearing an apron with no food stains on it (because sheโ€™s perfect like that) and her hair will be perfectly done up.

Meanwhile, my 16-month old daughter will sit in her high chair and eat with utensils…never missing her mouth, which makes cleanup a breeze.

After we all finish eating at exactly the same time, weโ€™ll head out into the Colorado sun and go for a nice family stroll, while the butler (you read that right…BUTLER son) cleans up the kitchen and prepares our home for evening activities.

Related: 10 Tips On How To Make Up After a Fight


I come home from work thirty minutes late, and dinner hasnโ€™t even been thought of…much less started. Because of this, my toddler is screaming her head off, signing โ€œMORE! PLEASE! EAT!โ€ When I search for my wife, I find her working on a design project trying to meet a deadline thatโ€™s technically already past due.

When I ask whatโ€™s for dinner, she glares at me the way only an overworked, overtired work-from-home-momma can glare (it can scald your pupils…so the legend goes).

After picking up my toddler, I make my way into the kitchen to find an abundance of NO GROCERIES. So, being the manly chef that I am, I set my eyes on cheese and bread. โ€œGrilled cheese!โ€ I exclaim.

I put my daughter in her high chair as an influx of rage bursts from within her. I quickly grab the apple sauce pouch to appease her. It works…for now. I get to work on my grilled cheese sandwiches.

Everyone eats. The kitchen is left a mess. Toys are scattered throughout the living room just waiting to break someoneโ€™s ankle. My wife and I collapse on the couch, avoiding eye contact and avoiding volunteering to clean the kitchen. I could keep going but… you get the picture.

Frustration= The difference between the two.

Quite an elaborate illustration, I know. But Iโ€™m trying to paint the picture of what our expectations can be like versus what life is actually like…what we observe. (DISCLAIMER: In no way was that illustration indicative of my actual life.

Itโ€™s either not true at all, or highly exaggerated…or spot on. The juryโ€™s still out.)

Antonio Banderas says it best, โ€œExpectation is the mother of all frustration.โ€

Related: 12 Symptoms of Post Relationship Stress Disorder

The fact of the matter is this: In life, we often have expectations that go unmet, and weโ€™re often frustrated because of it. 

But we donโ€™t HAVE to be.

Hereโ€™s the answer: Let your OBSERVATION take precedence over your EXPECTATION. Period.

In other words, go with the flow. 

Some would say to not have any expectations at all. But I wouldnโ€™t go that far. I think healthy, realistic expectations that are communicated are good to have. Theyโ€™re something to reach for. 

Related: 10 Signs Youโ€™re Stuck In A Dead End Relationship, Even If You Love Your Partner

But when you come into a situation and your expectations arenโ€™t met, let your observation take the lead. Discard your expectation in the moment and deal with reality at hand. 

Tired of being frustrated? Then set aside your unmet expectations and face reality head-on. Then, after the fact, have a conversation with whoever is involved about what you expect and why. 

In what ways have you dealt with unmet expectations? How have you positively handled facing reality? What other ways have you combatted frustration? Leave a comment below for discussion!

You may like to watch this video on expectation gap and unhappiness:

The Silent Killer Of Relationships

By Derek Harvey
Printed with permission
The Silent Killer Of Relationships
Silent Killer That Can Ruin Relationships
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The Silent Killer Of Relationships
the silent killer of relationships
The Silent Killer Of Relationships And How You Can Avoid It
the silent killer of relationships
The Silent Killer Of Relationships And How You Can Avoid It

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  1. Calisha Suzann Anderson


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