Letting Go Of The Past: 9 Signs You’re Ready For A New Relationship


Am I Ready For A New Relationship? 9 Signs You Have Healed

Before dating, do you wonder, “Am I ready for a new relationship yet?” Moving forward is tough but below are the signs that you have healed and are ready for a new love.

When and how do you actually know that you are finally ready to be in a new relationship, after going through a horrible breakup?

One heartbreak is like a thousand lessons. Being able to love again is implementing the lessons you learned.

All troubled relationships leave a certain amount of bitterness in our mouth. Most of such relationships are so painful that it makes us a whole new person, in all the degrading senses possible – a person unable to trust others, a person lost in hopelessness, a person who has no faith in humanity anymore; all in all a disintegrated person.

We are unable to look optimistically ahead to the future.

It is common for us to feel disoriented and it almost feels like we have visited hell and back. Experts and psychologists suggest that as time passes, with effort and a little willpower, you can see the glimmer of hope.

If you think you are ready for a new relationship then make sure to close the last one
If You’Re Over Your Past Relationship, It’S Time, You’Re Ready For A New Relationship!

Here are the top signs that indicate you are on a road to recovery, over your past relationship and ready for a new chapter in love:

How To Know If You’re Ready For A New Relationship? 6 Signs You Are Ready To Love Again

1. You are unaffected by your exโ€™s actions.

During a breakup, we often move through different phases of emotional outbursts:

  • The first phase is being desperate for answers – asking yourself and seeking answers from your close friends and family members about what exactly went wrong, feeling clueless and disoriented about why the other person left you.
  • The second phase is being in denial. Here, we keep telling ourselves lies about it being โ€˜just a bad phaseโ€™ to get over.
  • The third phase is where we keep bargaining the consequences of the breakup with our partners. We beg them to at least lessen the harshness of the punishment they inflict on us.
  • The fourth phase is where you relapse into the pain and agony you were denying for so long. Now, you are overcome with anger and become extremely violent to yourself and others; frustration engulfs you whole.

The last two phases are initial acceptance and redirected hope, which makes you entirely free from the poisonous thoughts of the other person.

When you reach the last two phases you will entirely feel yourself rejuvenated with a new sunshine of hope.

Your ex-partnerโ€™s reactive actions on social media, their sightings, accidental bump-ins with them, their new partner- none of it will matter to you anymore. They become just another part of the crowd and are left in the periphery of your attention.

And now you can sense, other people, are centering in on your attention!

Related: Rebuilding Life After Divorce? 5 Best Steps Forย Moving On

2. You feel attractive.

In a troubled relationship, we may not receive compliments or feel noticed for our appearance or virtues, which can affect our confidence.

However, over time, we start to notice people’s positive reactions to us. We start feeling special again and invest in self-discovery, self-care, and grooming, feeling attractive and confident once more.

3. You notice others and find them attractive.

As you heal from your previous relationship, you start noticing and appreciating people of the opposite sex more. You become less critical and start observing people with an open mind, finding the world and its people more positive and better.

4. You treat yourself generously

In a bad relationship, we may learn to undervalue ourselves and our damaged souls, but once we’re out of it, we start acknowledging the good in others and feeling appreciated. We feel grateful and want to give back positivity, respecting ourselves and our worth once more.

5. You appreciate yourself

In a dysfunctional relationship, communication and connection may be lacking. However, engaging in hobbies and pursuits helps us understand our worth as individuals, rebuild ourselves, and feel positive.

6. You reconnect with friends

When in a bad relationship, we may isolate ourselves and not want to burden our friends with our pain. Over time, however, we may feel the urge to make new friends and remove fences, believing in life and wanting to enjoy it again.

7. Your health improves

As you start experiencing positive changes, your stress levels decrease, and your body reacts positively to self-care. You may start losing weight, becoming more active, and feeling happier.

8. You give romance another shot.

After a bad relationship, we may not believe in love and positivity. However, once we’ve healed, we start feeling happy again and fantasizing about closeness, giving romance another shot and believing that we deserve it.

9. You’re excited about the future

If the thought of starting a new relationship fills you with excitement and anticipation, it’s a sign that you’re ready to take the plunge. Being optimistic about the future can help you approach a new relationship with positivity and enthusiasm.

In summary, the signs of recovering from a past unsatisfactory relationship are feelingย  unaffected by your ex’s actions, feeling attractive, noticing and appreciating others, treating yourself generously, appreciating yourself, reconnecting with friends, improving your health, and giving romance another shot.

Related: 10 Reasons It’s So Hard Toย Move Onย From A Breakup

โ€œIn every end, there is also a beginning.โ€
โ€• Libba Bray,A Great and Terrible Beauty

If you want to know more about the signs you’re ready for a relationship, then check this video out below:

Signs you are over your past relationship

Signs You Are Ready For A New Relationship
Signs You Are Ready For A Relationship And Being Able To Love Again
Signs You Ready For New Relationship pin
How To Know If You’Re Ready For A Relationship?
ready for a new relationship
Letting Go Of The Past: 9 Signs You’re Ready For A New Relationship

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  1. Ishaka Ismaila Avatar
    Ishaka Ismaila


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