Does He Have A Secret Crush On You? 45 Psychology-Backed Signs

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Being in a dilemma of whether a guy likes you or not is one of the most frustrating things. If you are racking your brain to find out if he has a crush on you or not, then here are subtle signs that he just cannot hide.

In case you had any doubts.

Dating would be a whole lot more straightforward for everyone if people just said how they really feel off the bat. Unfortunately, thatโ€™s way too terrifying and requires more confidence than any of us can muster up.

Instead, weโ€™re left to translate subtle signals in the hopes of establishing a romantic connection with a guy giving us very little to work with. 

If youโ€™re newly dating someone or have been crushing on someone youโ€™ve known for ages, you want to be sure youโ€™re reading him properly so you donโ€™t risk getting rejected when you put yourself out there. But since some men play their cards extremely close to their chest, you have to become a super spy to notice their subtle behaviors and things that give away their true feelings.

Are you ready to find whether your guy has a crush on you?

Here Are 45 Signs To Know If A Guy Likes You

These are things you need to look out for to gauge if your feelings are destined to flourish, or if your relationship will fail to launch. 

1. He looks attentive when you speak.

he has crush on you

If heโ€™s hanging on to every word you say, you know that he cares to hear your voice.

Watch to see if he nods along, raises his eyebrows in interest, or just looks engaged. If he prefers to interrupt or is unfocused, his affections are clearly elsewhere. 

Related: 40 Witty & Cheesy Pick-Up Lines That Will Make Your Crush Smile

2. He trips over his words around you. 

If you know heโ€™s normally well-spoken or confident, but all of a sudden heโ€™s stuttering and nervous, heโ€™s probably trying to impress you. He feels pressure to speak well because he wants you to care what he has to say. Now thatโ€™s a clear sign your guy has a crush on you.

3. Heโ€™s leaning towards you. 

He wants to close the distance between you guys so as to be both physically and emotionally more connected. Often, men will lean in with one hand on their hip to look more powerful, almost as a kind of mating dance! 

4. His pupils are huge.

Pupil dilation is a natural brain response to things we like. It can even occur when we see our favorite meals.

So, while you definitely donโ€™t want him to view you like a piece of meat, if his eyes are wide around you, it means heโ€™s attracted to you and has a crush on you. 

5. His toes are pointed towards you. 

The feet lead and the heart follows.

A good way to test this is to lean towards him or reach in his direction. If you notice that he shifts his toes away from you when you touch him, it could be a sign heโ€™s rejecting your advances.

6. He smiles a lot around you.

You make him feel good enough to grin. This is good news, and it means heโ€™ll associate you with positive feelings, more likely to want your company.

If heโ€™s flashing his teeth, this is even better because he canโ€™t even compose his smile. 

Related: 17 Uncomfortable Signs Youโ€™ve Finally Met A Good Guy

7. He makes eye contact.

Eyes are the window to the soul.

If you catch him staring into yours, you know heโ€™s probably searching for that deeper connection. A single look can be intimate so make sure to make eye contact back. 

8. He looks at your mouth when you talk. 

one day you will meet a guy

Even if eye contact is lacking, this is a close second best. If heโ€™s looking at your lips and mouth, itโ€™s possible he wants to kiss you and is distracted by this intimate part of your face. Itโ€™s a subtle sign that he has a crush on you.

9. He compliments you often. 

When he throws frequent compliments your way, heโ€™s trying to say more than just that he likes your outfit. Even if theyโ€™re just casual statements about your sense of humor or your intelligence, these are all ways of saying he likes you.

Hold on to guys who compliment more than just your looks โ€” theyโ€™re the ones whoโ€™ll stick around. 

10. He looks for your approval.

If he gets a new haircut, does he ask if you like it? When he tells a joke to the group, does he look to see if youโ€™re laughing?

These are signs that he has a crush on you because he values your opinion of him or wants to gauge how much you like him.

11. He walks beside you.

If he struts off ahead when you leave a bar together or doesnโ€™t check to see that youโ€™re by his side, it means he cares more about himself than you. Unless heโ€™s rushing to hail a cab back to your place or leading you through a crowd, he should care to keep you close. 

Related: How He Acts When He Really Likes You (According To His Zodiac Sign)

12. He respects your belongings.

If he canโ€™t carefully hang up your jacket, how is he ever supposed to care for you?

If your friend or date is the kind of guy who knocks your phone off the table and doesnโ€™t pick it up, or kicks your purse when heโ€™s getting up to go to the bathroom, heโ€™s being reckless with your stuff and will be reckless with your heart. 

13. Heโ€™s angled towards you. 

This shows that thereโ€™s nothing else in the room that heโ€™d rather be looking at than you.

Heโ€™s facing you like you would if your favorite movie was on the TV. Especially in group scenarios or busy places, look out for him angling his face and shoulders in your direction. 

14. His face gets flushed.

Rule out the obvious first before you get carried away.

Assuming itโ€™s not 100 degrees out or youโ€™re not packed into a stuffy room, his redness and flushed face could mean he has a crush on you. This is a natural adrenaline response when weโ€™re around someone who makes our heart race. 

15. He copies you. 

Obviously, we donโ€™t want a guy to mimic us in a mocking way, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Watch to see if he matches his tone to yours, or shift his posture when you do. This is a subconscious thing we do when we admire someone.  

16. He grooms himself for you. 

Have you noticed heโ€™s been dressing better since you started hanging out? Or does he fix his hair when he sees you walk into the room?

This could mean heโ€™s trying to present the best, most attractive version of himself for you because he has a crush on you. 

17. He touches you a lot.

Provided this is done in an affectionate, non-creepy way, this is a sure sign he likes you.

Have you noticed him touch your back to let you walk through the door? Pick lint off your sweater? Playful tap you when heโ€™s laughing at your jokes? These are all subtle ways to be more physically intimate with you.

18. He twitches when youโ€™re around.

If you see him tapping his leg or shuffling from foot to foot when youโ€™re talking, it could mean he really has to go to the toilet. But it could also mean heโ€™s nervous around you because he likes you.

Make sure he still seems attentive even while fidgeting, otherwise itโ€™s possible heโ€™s impatient and disinterested. 

19. He shows up everywhere. 

Have you noticed heโ€™s started showing up at more group nights out? Or is frequenting your favorite coffee spot that you told him about?

This is a sign he wants to see you. Stalking isnโ€™t flattering, but if you like him back, itโ€™s a compliment to know heโ€™s making an effort to run into you. 

20. He gravitates towards you. 

Aside from just showing up to places you hang out, have you noticed him trying to have more interactions with you when youโ€™re together? Maybe he always goes with you to get another round from the bar or finds excuses to come to your desk at work.

These are all signs heโ€™s trying to build a closer bond with you because he has crush on you. 

Related: What Is Your Love Language? Take This 6 Question Quiz To Find Out

21. He wants to know your relationship status.

Guys have lots of subtle ways of figuring out if youโ€™re open to dating. He might quiz your friends about your relationship status or ask you where your boyfriend is tonight.

Take this as a good sign because if he didnโ€™t see you as a potential partner, why would he care if you were taken? 

22. Heโ€™s always trying to help. 

Guys want to show off that theyโ€™re dependable and can provide for your needs. He might just be trying to be a good friend when he offers to drop you home or install your AC unit, or he could be trying to tell you that he cares. 

23. You can see his hands.

This is another way guys show they are open and receptive to your affection. If his hands are stuffed in his pockets or behind his back, heโ€™s not interested. 

24. He touches his throat.

The throat represents communication and vulnerability. It can also be a place people touch as a form of self-soothing when theyโ€™re nervous.

Watch to notice if he adjusts his collar or tie in order to calm himself in your presence. If he does then he has crush on you.

Related: The Science Of Love: Lust, Attraction, Attachment & Brain Chemistry

25. Your palms touch when you hold hands.

Holding hands, in general, is a pretty good sign, but if heโ€™s keeping his hand loose or arched, heโ€™s holding back. Touching palms or interlocking fingers is a much better sign. 

26. His voice softens when he talks to you. 

This is especially good if heโ€™s usually loud in group settings. If he speaks slowly and more gently to you than he does to others, this shows heโ€™s trying to let his guard down and be vulnerable around you. 

27. He doesnโ€™t check his phone.

This is kind of just basic etiquette, but since weโ€™re all addicted to our phones these days, if heโ€™s willing to ditch social media when youโ€™re together, it shows he cares.

If youโ€™re on a date, you better hope the phone is on silent and out of sight if you want to be sure heโ€™s interested. 

28. He minimizes all interruptions. 

Since the phone thing is more polite than romantic, another way of gauging how much he likes you is based on how little he gets distracted when youโ€™re with him.

He shouldnโ€™t be interrupting you to tell you his meal tastes bad or that the bartender just dropped a glass. Obviously, we all get distracted sometimes, but if he isnโ€™t apologizing and letting you continue, he cares more about his own voice than yours. 

29. He tilts his head when you speak. 

Ever notice how puppies lean their heads to the side when theyโ€™re trying to focus on a sound?

Men work in a similar way. This shows heโ€™s curious and wants to hear more. 

30. He stares at you.

Men are visual creatures, so even heโ€™s not the best conversationalist, if heโ€™s staring at you it proves youโ€™ve captivated him. Maybe heโ€™s even lost for words because of how you make him feel!

31. His palms get sweaty. 

Anyone who gets stage-fright knows that clammy hands are a subtle give-away that your heart is pumping with nerves.

Notice heโ€™s wiping his palms on his pants or feels clammy when you shake hands? Youโ€™ve clearly made an impact on him already!

32. He licks his lips.

This sounds odd, but it can be kind of cute, or even seductive if a guy does this subtly without realizing it.

Studies show that men produce more saliva when they see someone attractive. So, go girl โ€” youโ€™ve got him frothing over you already. 

33. He takes a deep inhale when he sees you. 

Aside from simply needing air, men sometimes do this as a way to puff out their chests and seem broader.

This is a masculine response to the mating process, making himself look more fit and desirable. As primitive as it seems, nature never lies. 

35. He spreads his legs when heโ€™s sitting with you.

Vulgar as it might seem, is a sign heโ€™s willing to be vulnerable and is also a means of encouraging intimacy. Manspreading isnโ€™t the most attractive thing in the world, but it can signify that heโ€™s trying to open up to you, in every sense of the term. 

Related: Are You In Love? 6 Signs of Infatuation That You Are Confusing With Love

36. He playfully teases you. 

This is a subtle way of flirting that can be hard to read at times, especially if you already have a friendship filled with banter. But joking with you shows that heโ€™s comfortable to let loose around you.

37. He always reaches out first.

If you guys are friends already, you probably speak a lot, so watch out for him making the first move. It can be a simple as sending you a meme on social media or he could always be the one scheduling your hangouts.

Either way, this shows heโ€™s willing to put himself out there if it means you get to interact.

38. He gives you advice.

Men love to have solutions, but only in situations where they care about the outcome. If youโ€™re having a hard time at work or are going through personal problems, and heโ€™s there with guidance and advice, it means heโ€™s invested in your life. 

39. His behavior changes when other men are around. 

Does he change the subject when you talk about other guys? Or come across standoffish if a man approaches you in front of him?

This is probably because he wants to be the main man in your life and feels threatened when heโ€™s not. 

Related: 100+ Best Love Quotes That Express Love Better Than โ€˜I Love Youโ€™

40. His friends say he likes you. 

Sometimes weโ€™re clueless until other people draw attention to things. If people who know him or have observed you two together say that thereโ€™s something between you, there probably is.

This works especially well in your favor if they call it out in front of you and you see him blush or deny things a little too much. Blushing cannot be hidden and itโ€™s a clear sign that he has a crush on you.

41. He talks to you about his future. 

If he talks about his aspirations and personal plans a lot, itโ€™s possible he wants your feedback. Heโ€™s trying to see if your goals align or if you fit into his ideal life. 

42. He drunk dials you.

You know what they say: โ€œdrunk words are sober thoughts.โ€ This obviously isnโ€™t subtle if heโ€™s confessing his feelings to you when drunk, and itโ€™s not flattering if he only hits you up when heโ€™s drunk and wants to come over.

But if heโ€™s texting you on a night out to say that he wants to do something tomorrow, or is just asking you how you are, itโ€™s nice to know that he canโ€™t keep you off his mind. It is another clear sign that he has a crush on you.

Related: 9 (Little) Signs Youโ€™re Finally With The Right Person

43. He remembers the little things. 

Does he bring you cookies every time he passes your favorite bakery? Or texts you good luck for every exam you take?

This is a clear sign of affection and proves that he canโ€™t help but keep you in his thoughts. 

44. He shows you his weird side.

It takes a lot to reveal your goofy laugh or show off your uncanny Mickey Mouse impression. But if he does, it means he feels comfortable and safe around you.

45. His friends leave you alone together. 

Notice if his roommates are rarely home when you come over to hang out, or if his friends often disappear to the dancefloor to leave you two alone at the bar. Itโ€™s possible that heโ€™s already told his friends that he likes you, so theyโ€™re trying to give you guys space to make a move. 

Did you just find out if he has a crush on you?

Originally appeared on: Your Tango
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