Being A Sexual Empath – The Power It Brings

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Being A Sexual Empath – Whether you’re single, dating, or in a long-term relationship, sex is an important topic to discuss—especially if you’re an empath or highly sensitive person.

As I discuss in “The Empath’s Survival Guide,” because empaths are so sensitive to energy, there is no such thing as “casual sex.” During lovemaking, energies combine. We can pick up both anxiety and joy from our sexual partner, and often get intuitions about his or her thoughts and feelings. Therefore, choose your partners wisely. Otherwise, during lovemaking, you can absorb toxic energy, stress, or fear. This is particularly true if you are a sexual empath.

Sexual Empath

What is sexual empath?

Someone whose empathic abilities intensify during an erotic encounter so that he or she senses more stress or bliss. Sexual empaths are highly sensitive during lovemaking (and flirting too). They can pick up a partner’s energy even more than other empaths can. For all empaths (especially the sexual type) to feel their best, they must share physical intimacy with the right person who can reciprocate love and respect.

Unfortunately, some of my empath patients have made mistakes when they’ve been without a partner for a long time. If someone comes along who sparks their sexuality, they are so eager to enter a relationship, they ignore intuitive warning signs.

So they engage in a sexual relationship early on with a person who’s a poor choice. They fear that because it has taken so long to find someone who is even remotely interesting, they’d better get involved despite the intuitive red flags. We open ourselves to hurt by become overly attached to unavailable people who can’t love us back. One empath told me, “I haven’t been in a serious relationship for five years, but when I’ve dated men who I was fast and furious in love with, I turned into this love- crazed person. I didn’t listen to the warning signs and was disappointed. But now, I go slower to make sure the person is available.”

Read Empaths and Addiction: The Dangerous Relationship

One solution to simply waiting for a partner to show up is attending a tantra workshop or having private sessions with a tantric teacher.

Tantra is an ancient practice that combines sexuality and spirituality via body-centered exercises. In private or group situations, you will be taught to tune into your body, tap into your sexual and spiritual energies, and work through old traumas, destructive relationship patterns, or numbness that stops you from feeling. These sessions increase your sexual energy and keep it flowing to maximize your powers of attraction rather than allowing this energy to go dormant during the waiting period. Others may not feel how sexy you are if that happens.

A few years ago I experienced some valuable tantric sessions after I became involved with the wrong person too quickly. I wanted to address any blocks that contributed to my pattern of choosing unavailable men or having long periods of aloneness. But I was tired of talking about these issues with my psychotherapist. So instead, these tantric sessions helped me open up blocked energy and attract a compatible partner.

Once you’ve found a partner who is well-matched with you, the basis for intimacy is to combine your heart energies with sexual energies.

Empaths thrive on the heart energy.

When sex, spirit, and heart are combined in lovemaking, it is sublimely nurturing to our systems.

Part of maintaining heart-centered sexuality is learning to set limits with your partner if something about your encounter feels off. For instance, if your partner had a frustrating day and is angry, it might not be the best time to be sexual since empaths can absorb this anger. Have a frank conversation about this. Your beloved needs to understand why you’re choosing not to be intimate when he or she is angry or under extreme stress.

Educate your mate about your sensitivities. Unless you’re in a relationship with an empath, you will need to lovingly explain your reactions so that your partner can meet your needs. The empath universe is different than the non-empath one. Your compassion and patience will make all the difference in your closeness.

Read How An Empath Faces Rejections

(Adapted from The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff MD.)

Judith Orloff, MD is the author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath and intuitive healer, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve total wellness. Explore more information about empaths and intuition at


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sexual Empaths And The Problem with Casual sex
Being A Sexual Empath - The Power It Brings

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