Why Artists And Musicians Are Obsessed With Parapsychology: Mysteries And Secrets of Psychic Artwor


Psychic Artwork: Why Artists Love Parapsychology

Ever wondered why artists and musicians are fascinated by the perplexing realm of parapsychology? Why do psychic phenomena drive their creativity? Let’s explore psychic artwork and the significance of the paranormal in American art.

Let us look at how artists, musicians and parapsychology are related, discuss psychic artwork and how paranormal has influenced trance music. Let’s dive in.

Psychic Artwork: Channeling the Unseen

Psychic art is a unique form of artistic expression that springs from the deep intuitive abilities of the artist. Psychic artists are said to have extra sensory perceptions that are used in creating works of art that go beyond the physical world. 

These artists often say they receive spiritual or psychic messages, visions, or impressions which they then depict through their artistic creations. The allure of psychic artists and artwork lies in their ability to close the gap between the unseen and the seen. 

psychic artwork
Why Artists And Musicians Are Obsessed With Parapsychology: Mysteries And Secrets Of Psychic Artwor

This enables artists to discover new depths of consciousness and connect with realms that are beyond our normal understanding. In their artwork, these artists encourage viewers to meditate on cosmic enigmas and redefine customary ideas about what really exists.

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The Paranormal in Trance Music: A Sonic Journey

Trance music, with its ethereal rhythms and hypnotic tunes, becomes an organic channel for exploring the supernatural. The genre’s repetitive beats and mesmerizing melodies are geared towards inducing an altered state of consciousness that would enable listeners to transcend the ordinary and into the mystical.

Most trance artists are inspired by spiritual and supernatural experiences in life, such as lucid dreaming, out of body experiences or encountering aliens. 

By having their music connected to such otherworldly themes, they build sonic vibes that take listeners on a metaphysical odyssey through uncharted realms, where their perception of reality is redefined.

Metaphysical Painting: Manifestations of the Sublime

As an artistic movement, metaphysical painting was a 20th-century exploration of spirituality, mysticism and the metaphysical. The group of artists from this movement were motivated to portray the hidden essence of reality, delving into themes of the subconscious mind and dreams, highlighting the aspects of existence that are intangible.

In order to evoke a sense of admiration, amazement and contemplation in their viewers’ minds, metaphysical painters and creators of psychic artwork implemented symbolism, dream-like landscapes and atmospheric obscurity. 

Such artists were convinced that by moving beyond our physical reality, they could uncover more profound truths, a deeper meaning of life and reveal the interrelationship between all things in the universe.

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The Allure of the Unexplained

Beyond psychic artwork, trance music and metaphysical painting, there are many other areas of parapsychology that continue to interest artists and musicians. The attraction of the unexplained, the mysteries of the supernatural, and the possibilities of the unknown are fertile ground for creative exploration.

psychic artwork
Why Artists And Musicians Are Obsessed With Parapsychology: Mysteries And Secrets Of Psychic Artwor

Parapsychology gives an opportunity to artists and musicians to flout social norms, denounce the established artistic constraints, and truly discover their inner selves. The paranormal allows them to explore the boundaries of perception, question the nature of reality, and tap into the vast pool of inspiration that exists right beyond the limits of the rational mind.

How Parapsychology Influences the Creative Process 

With its exploration of the unexplained and psychic phenomena, parapsychology tends to have a deep impact on the creative process of artists and musicians. Here are some of the most common ways parapsychology impacts creativity:

1. Expanded Perception

Parapsychology expands artists’ and musicians’ perception beyond the physical realm, allowing them to delve into unseen forces and seek deeper inspiration.

2. Connection with the Subconscious

Techniques like mindfulness meditation and dream analysis can open up the subconscious mind, enabling unique ideas and themes in creative artworks.

3. Channeling Energy and Emotions

Understanding psychic energy helps in emotive expression, adding meaning to artistic works and ensuring that there is a stronger connection with the audience on a deeper level.

4. Transcending Boundaries

Parapsychology challenges common practices, enabling artists to overcome their limitations & discover new territories.

5. Symbolism and Archetypes

Focusing on universal themes or symbols enhances artistic expression, transcending cultural barriers for a greater impact on viewers’ minds.

6. Inspiration from the Unexplained

The mysteries of parapsychology, such as psychic phenomena, motivate artists and encourage imaginative & creative exploration by injecting curiosity, infusing works with intrigue and wonder.


This connection between artists, musicians and parapsychology demonstrates the unquenchable human thirst for knowledge about what lies behind the physical realms. It allows artists to explore the hidden mysteries of the universe. 

Psychic artwork, trance music, metaphysical painting and the depiction of paranormal in American art enable artists and musicians to stretch our minds beyond known boundaries so that we can consider the unimaginable possibilities that may exist outside our daily lives.

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Parapsychology offers a portal into an unknown dimension, where the supernatural merges with art, resulting in the creation of magnificent pieces of artwork that stir our souls. 

So, next time you get absorbed in psychic artwork or trance music, remember that such creative efforts are driven by an unending desire for answers to life’s puzzles, prompting us to walk on a path of self-discovery.

By exploring the realms beyond, both artists and audience alike have the opportunity to transcend the ordinary and glimpse the extraordinary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is meant by parapsychology? 

Parapsychology studies psychic phenomena, such as telepathy and clairvoyance, and transcends the scope of traditional science.

How is psychology related to music? 

Psychology is closely associated with music as it focuses on how music impacts human behavior, emotions, cognition, and mental processes.

What is psi in psychology? 

Psi in psychology refers to paranormal phenomena like psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition studied in parapsychology.

paranormal in American art
Why Artists And Musicians Are Obsessed With Parapsychology: Mysteries And Secrets Of Psychic Artwor

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