Signs Someone Likes You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign


Signs Someone Attracted You, Based Their Zodiac Sign

Don’t you just love that rush you get when someone you like, likes you back? But what if your crush is not big on expressing their feelings? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’re the signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac.

Romantic attraction is beautiful and exciting at the same time, isn’t it? While some people are very open about the fact that they are attracted to someone, some people tend to keep it to themselves, unless they are 100% ready to disclose it.

Everyone has their own way of behaving when they have a crush on someone and sometimes their body language or non-verbal cues tell on them. When someone is attracted to you, they will behave in a certain way that they don’t with others. Whether they do it intentionally or not, these subtle and not-so-subtle behavioral traits can be read as signs someone is attracted to you.

Read more here: What Makes A Man Obsessed With A Woman: The Science Of Attraction

Zodiac signs can sometimes hold the key to understanding the inner workings of a person, including whether or not they are attracted to you. If you look carefully, you will sense something different about them when they are around you. They might not behave with others in this way, but with you, they behave differently. These are signs someone likes you!

Want to know how zodiac signs behave in front of their crush and what are the signs someone likes you? Keep reading!

Related: The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

Here Are The Signs Someone Likes You Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Let’s find out how each zodiac sign acts when they have crush on you! Here are signs someone is attracted to you based on their zodiac sign:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

They will be candid about it.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Aries people are some of the most open and brave people out there, so there is hardly any chance that they will keep their feelings bottled up. Their confidence and outgoing nature make them spill out whatever they feel about someone. If they are attracted to you, they will make sure that you know it.

They will make the first move, but before that, they will make sure that they look their best. They would like to make a strong impression on you so that you would find them impressive and irresistible.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

They will crack jokes to break the ice.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Taurus doesn’t develop feelings for anyone that easily, but when they do they never hold back. If they come across someone worth pursuing, they will put in genuine efforts to win them over. They might end up making the first move and crack light-hearted jokes to break the ice. Taurus will flirt with you, but never in an overwhelming manner.

Taurus are subtle flirts, who believe in the concept of a slow burn. They like their personal space a lot, so if they are tapping you on your shoulder or punching you playfully on your arms, then they are definitely interested in you.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

They will have a dualistic and confusing attitude.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Geminis are dualistic by nature, and that is why you will never know what is happening with them. One moment they might seem very much into you, and the very next moment, they might act aloof. One of the twins will be very invested in what you have to say, while the other twin might behave coldly with you.

Now, this might seem like a very exhausting thing to deal with, but this is actually a positive thing. A Gemini’s contradictory and confusing antics show that they are falling hard for you and are interested in taking things further.

If they have a crush on you, their body language can give them away. They might fidget more, run their fingers through their hair, bite their lips, and blink a lot. And most importantly, whenever they will see you, they will have a smile on their face that will reach their eyes.

Signs someone likes you

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

They will be very shy around you.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Cancers are born nurturers and that is what they do best. They are amazing when it comes to taking care of others, and making sure that they are always comfortable. When someone like Cancer is attracted to you, they will shower you with love, gifts, affection, and attention. But at the same time, they will be extremely shy and reserved around you.

When they are attracted to you, they would want you beside them but if you catch their eye, they will blush and look the other way. Chances are they will never explicitly tell you that they have feelings for you, they would rather let their actions speak for themselves. But if they feel that you are getting away, they will run to you faster than a cheetah.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

They will show off in front of you.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Leo is a fire sign, and fire signs are about going all out. All or nothing is their life motto, so naturally, they would do the same when it comes to love and romance. They are not subtle in any way, and you know that they are attracted to you when they show their love with grand gestures and extravagant gifts. Additionally, if they ever try to hold your hand or hug you, then they are definitely into you.

They love and always crave the spotlight, and that is why they will show off in front of you so that your whole attention will be on them. But when they will be alone with you, they will bring out their sweet, attentive, and emotional side to you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

They will focus on the smaller things.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Virgos can get nervous very easily, so if you find them a bit tongue-tied around you, know that they might have feelings for you. Chances are they will not talk to you much initially, and that is because they will be busy analyzing you and studying you. They will observe everything about you – your opinions, likes, dislikes, mannerisms, personality, etc.

Once they feel like they know you a bit better, they will do small, special things for you that they never do for anyone else. They will try to impress you by wearing your favorite colors or making dinner reservations at your favorite restaurant. Virgos might not say much, but you will always be able to feel their emotions.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

They will imitate your habits.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

When Libra is attracted to you, they will never try to hide it. They will be very open about the fact that they like you, have feelings for you, and love spending time with you. They will always tell others how lovely and amazing you are, and never resist themselves from making the first move. Libras might act shy and coy at times, but that’s just for fun.

You know they are falling for you when they start imitating almost everything that you do. Your way of talking, your mannerisms, your beliefs – they will try to be in sync with you. Because at the end of the day, Libras are all about balance, aren’t they?

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

They will play games with you.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Anybody who is a Scorpio will always be secretive and closed off initially, but if they fall for you, you will know it in your bones. Their mysterious nature will draw you towards them, and always keep you on your toes. Scorpios might make the first move, but they will also design the situation in such a way that you would want to make the first move too.

They will play certain games to see whether you are also crushing on them or not and whether the feelings are mutual. They will always make sure to do things that will keep you intrigued, interested, and hooked to them.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

They will make you laugh.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Sagittarius lovers have a good sense of humor and can regale you with their stories and make the most impact on your mind with their actions and words. They are independent people who are always on the go and are always on the lookout for the next, big adventure. But if they like you, they will want you to be a part of everything that they do.

No matter how bad of a day you might have, they will always be ready with their hilarious jokes and puns to make you feel better. When a Sagittarius tries very hard to make you laugh and feel happy, know that they are surely falling for you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

They will make you their first priority.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

Capricorns are known to be extremely disciplined and reserved, and they never open their hearts up to someone that easily. For most Capricorns, their work comes first, and everything else comes second. So, when you see them treat you as their first priority, know that they are falling head over heels in love with you. They don’t believe in having flings, and will any day choose to be single till they find that special someone.

They have perfect manners, and will always treat you with a lot of respect. They will never take you for granted, nor will they ever expect you to do what they would want you to do. Love for them is a partnership, where they see their partner as their equal, and not somebody who will do their bidding in the name of love.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

They will feel anxious around you.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

For Aquarius, their friends matter a lot to them, and before they get into a relationship with you, they will want to see how you fare with their friends. You know an Aquarius likes you when they slowly try to make you a part of their inner world. At the same time, you will notice that they feel quite nervous and shy around you because all they want to do is impress you.

When they fall for you, you will see them with a perpetual smile on their face, a skip in their step, and a positive attitude. Their nervousness will feel adorable to you, as it will show their pure and genuine intentions for you.

Signs someone likes you

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

They would want to be with you all the time.

Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac

The best way to tell that a Pisces is in love with you is when they will want to be with you and around you all the time. They will always find ways to spend time with you and make plans where both of you will be able to spend alone time with each other. Pisceans wear their hearts on their sleeves and leave no stone unturned to make you feel special.

For them, spending quality time with each other is the best way to show love. But at the same time, they will never make you feel suffocated or overwhelmed; they will always respect your personal space.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

So, those were the signs of crush on you from each zodiac. How would you react when you see the signs someone likes you? Let us know in the comments down below!

Signs someone likes you can be right in front of you.
Signs someone likes you based on zodiac signs
Signs someone likes you romantically according to astrology
Signs someone likes you, based on their zodiac
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