What Do You Need In A Relationship? The First Detail You Spot In The Image Holds The Clue!


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Fun Quiz Reveals What You Need In A Relationship: Results

Everyone has relationship needs they want fulfilled. Take this optical illusion test to discover exactly what you need in a relationship to feel more connected to your romantic partner!

โ€œWhat you need and what you want aren’t the same things.โ€ – Cherise Sinclair

All of us have certain expectations and wants that we feel our partners should meet. But we also have some unique needs that enable us to feel closer to our partner and invest ourselves completely into the relationship.

Related: 5 Things Apart From Love That A Relationship Needs To Survive

What do need in a relationship?

Love is one of the most magical feelings we can experience and it can be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy for us.

We all have certain mental and emotional needs which we crave in a relationship. When these needs are met, we feel loved, appreciated, valued, and desired.

Understanding what you need from your partner will not only improve your bonding and relationship but will significantly enhance the quality of your life.

In any loving, romantic relationship, we all want to feel –

  • Loved
  • Appreciated
  • Respected 
  • Sexually desired
  • Independent
  • Trusted
  • Protected
  • Secure
  • Seen
  • Heard
  • Allowed to be nurtured
  • Reliable

These are some of the basic relationship needs. But is this all you need? Do you still feel something is missing? Is there something more that can make you feel complete in the relationship? Yes. Thereโ€™s more. There are certain hidden desires and needs which we may not be consciously aware of at present. 

The accurate results of this optical illusion test will not only help you understand yourself better but get some clarity about exactly what you crave from your loving partner.

Take this relationship quiz and find out what you need in a relationship this Valentine’s day!

Simply look at the picture below and observe what you see first. Once you have your answer, check out the interpretation of what that particular image you saw first reveals about your need for love & relationships.

Check out this image below:

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What You See First Quiz: What You Need From A Relationship

So what did you see first? What you saw first reveals your secret relationship needs.

Related: 3 Things A Man Does Which Makes A Woman Feel Deeply Attached To Him

In this relationship test quiz, if you noticed

1. The face of the man: You need to feel understood 

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What Do You Need In A Relationship? The First Detail You Spot In The Image Holds The Clue!

Did you notice the manโ€™s face in the above image? If yes, then it means you are a hard-working person who strives to be respected, admired and appreciated by others around you.

However, this is not really a difficult challenge for you as you can easily understand people and their psyches simply by closely observing them. Accordingly, you reveal a particular side of your personality to a person.

You only show a version of yourself that they can relate to and feel comfortable with. This helps you make people like you more and easily.

This unique skill can be exceptionally useful. However, that doesnโ€™t mean you are fake or deceitful. It simply means you are cautious about how you present yourself to people and how they perceive you. But this can often make you more mysterious than necessary. As nobody truly knows you completely, they fail to understand you on a deeper level. 

This can be a problem as you want to be understood by the people you love, especially your partner. As you are a complicated individual, it becomes very difficult for your partner to know or understand you, especially as you only show particular aspects of your personality to them.

But once you give them the opportunity and time, they will definitely understand you. All you need to do is be patient and reveal every facet of yourself to them in all its glory. You will be loved, adored, and appreciated.

2. The person in the coat: You need to feel accepted

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What You Need In A Relationship Quiz

If you noticed the man in the coat in the above image then it means you have profound inner sadness. Although it may not hint at depression, it means that you feel a deep-rooted sadness inside your heart.

You have a clear understanding of the reality of life and realize that the balance between happiness and sadness is crucial for a meaningful existence.

You know what begins will come to an end, just like everything in life, and this enables you to appreciate even the little things in life.

In a relationship, you need complete acceptance from your romantic partner. You havenโ€™t managed to find the person who will accept you wholeheartedly and love you for who you truly are. Most of your former partners were unable to understand your melancholic nature as they were more focused on โ€˜fixingโ€™ you.

You need someone who can value and appreciate your deep understanding of life and death and see the real beauty in your sad personality.

Related: 7 Things All Women Need and Want In A Relationship

3. The baby on the table: You need to feel nurtured

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What You Need In A Relationship Quiz

Did you see the baby first? If you have, then it means you usually feel helpless in relationships and life. Itโ€™s not that you donโ€™t know how to be responsible, take charge or take care of yourself. However, you feel vulnerable and believe that things might head south anytime.

You feel anxious & stressed easily and most of the time you feel sleep-deprived. You have made crying a habit and you find some solace in letting your tears flow at least once a week.

You need to feel loved and nurtured in a relationship. That is what your heart truly wants from a loving, caring partner. That doesnโ€™t mean you need a babysitter. You need a partner who will understand you and will be aware of your emotional needs. You need someone who will care for you deeply, and make you feel safe, secure, and protected. Someone who will support you through the thick and thin of life.

You want someone who will always stand by your side and make life feel less burdensome. You need a strong person who will be the pillar in your life and carry you to bed so that you can sleep peacefully every night knowing thereโ€™s someone you can trust to take care of you.

4. The sorcerer reading books: You need to feel spiritually connected

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What You Need In A Relationship Quiz

So you noticed the hat-wearing sorcerer first, did you? Then it means you have an intense curiosity about life, your current life, and the next one. You are a spiritual person, but that doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that you are religious.

You may have a keen interest in different religions and you believe in the universe or the Supreme Being or God, whatever you may want to call it. You are motivated to know about life and aware that our consciousness lives on beyond this mortal life.

You crave an intense spiritual connection from a romantic relationship. For you, it is crucial that you share a  deep and meaningful bond with your partner even though you may not share the same religious or spiritual beliefs.

However, you do feel attracted to other curious minds who love to know about the different spiritual aspects of life, the world, and the entire universe. You want a partner who shares your enthusiasm about spirituality although they might not be spiritual themselves.

Related: What Do You Need In A Relationship Based On Your Zodiac Sign

5. The two attendants in white attire: You need to feel challenged

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
What You Need In A Relationship Quiz

If you saw the two standing attendants in the picture, then it means you are mostly a stubborn person who is focused on life and is in control of themselves and their lives. You believe that life would be a lot easier if everyone just trusted you and did exactly what you asked them as you know how things should be.

Although this may make you sound like an egomaniac, the truth is most of the time you are right about your observations, perceptions, judgments, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. You are probably the smartest person around in any given situation and you know how things should go.

You need a partner who will challenge you in a romantic relationship. You need your partner to be with you, trust you, and support you. However, you also want your partner to counter you, put their views ahead, and challenge you when they believe you arenโ€™t right.

You donโ€™t want a submissive partner. You need someone who wonโ€™t be afraid of calling you out. You want to be in a relationship where both you and your partner can support and challenge each other to grow in the long run.

Build stronger relationships and have a happy Valentine’s day

So there you have it. Now that youโ€™ve taken this Secret Relationship Needs Quiz, you have a clearer idea about what you exactly need from your relationship. 

Love and relationships make our lives fuller and more meaningful. When we know what our genuine needs are in the relationship, we can communicate openly and honestly with our partners and tell them exactly what we need from them.

It can also encourage us to find out what they need from us specifically. And this can lead to a better and happier relationship based on mutual understanding, support, respect, growth, and love.

โ€œThe partner that you have is supposed to make you a better person, and when you’re happy, you’re a better person.โ€ – Bai Ling

Related: 4 Different Things Men and Women Need In A Relationship

So go ahead. Love with all your heart and help each other become the best version of yourselves. Have a Happy Valentine’s day!

Here’s an interesting video that you may find helpful:

What You Need In A Relationship Quiz

What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship
This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Secret Relationship Needs
What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship pin
What You See First Reveals What You Need In A Relationship
What you see first in the image is what you need in a relationship pin
Relationship Test Reveals What You Need In A Relationship
See First Says What You Need Relationship pin
Relationship Quiz For Valentine’S Day
what you need in a relationship
What Do You Need In A Relationship? The First Detail You Spot In The Image Holds The Clue!

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  1. D Avatar

    So true in my case. Thank you so much MJ for this brilliant article

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