8 Science-Backed Benefits of Crying


Benefits of Crying

Science reveals the benefits of crying!

Crying is often mistaken for a symbol of weakness, but is it really so?

The mystery unfurls!

The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep- Henry Maudsley.

It is a common phenomenon to shed tears after a stretch of bereavement. The demise of a loved one, the end of a prolonged relationship is often followed by crying. Crying acts as an emotional reaction to psychological conditions, when people shed their tears, out of the emotions of joy or pain. It is a form of catharsis, the way to release the pent up emotions.

According to a Biochemist William H.Frey, women shed tears an average of 5.3 times a month, while men do an average of 1.3 times per month. The reason could be a biological one. Testosterone may inhibit crying while the hormone Prolactin that found to be higher in women may further enhance it. Crying actually, helps us reduce tension and is beneficial to our physical and mental health in multiple ways. The parasympathetic nervous system gets activated during the crying spell, which helps you relax.

There are three kinds of tears:

1.Reflexive (clears out irritants)
2. Continuous (keeps eyes lubricated)
3. Emotional (responding to joy and sadness)

As a matter of fact, the third type is common among humans.

Why is it ‘okay’ to cry? What are the benefits of crying?

1.‘Crying’ brings down the stress level

Medical science suggests that tears produce certain chemicals such as ACTH during stress cycle in our body. This results in the fight- or flight response. The crippling pain drives the person to escape the situation, while ‘Crying’ helps to combat the stressors and reduce your own distress.

Related: People Who Cry During Movies Are The Strongest People Of All

2.‘Crying’ helps us to get rid of the sorrow

Crying over what’s gone won’t find the present – Edwin Louis Cole

Storing up negative emotions is no way to overcome the problems that are haunting you. It is good to engage yourself in ‘talking out’ phenomenon with a confider. The sooner you confront your pain, the sooner you can move forward into a better future.

Pretending everything to be under control does not make it ‘okay’, clinging to the deep scars of the past eventually aggravates the situation. Crying has soothing effect, because it helps you regulate your emotions and calm yourself.

Related: Even Emotionally Strong People Cry During Movies

3. Tears help to overcome depression

What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul – Jewish Proverb

People suffering from depression believe that ‘Crying’ pushes them more towards depression but for those who suffer occasionally, crying can help reduce depression and lift up your mood. No matter what the society considers crying as a sign of weakness; establishes it to be gender-based act and beliefs it’s not ‘okay’ for men to cry out. But it strongly acts as an effective tool in dealing with the current trouble that irks you.
Bottling up emotions is harmful both to your physical and mental health and this can further lead to the development of psychopathology. Tears are known to release feelings.

Related: Frequent Anger and Irritability Could Signal Depression, Research Reveals

4.‘Get rid of toxins’

It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper; so cry away – Charles Dickens

While crying tears released from the tear glands flushes out the harmful toxins that get accumulated in the body. Tears contain an enzyme called lysozyme, which kills bacteria. This enzyme also reduces risks presented by bioterror agents, such as anthrax. The toxins if not drained out can increase your stress to a higher level. No matter what among the three types of tears you shed they will result in the removal of toxins. No matter which type of tear.

5.‘Rediscover your potentialities’

Sometimes while crying you can discover your underlying emotions which you are not even aware of. Life introduces you to a roller coaster ride where problems appear insurmountable. During these moments instead of losing hope ‘Crying’ lessens the burden.

Tears make you feel relaxed. It energizes you. It makes you understand the real you. With the shedding of tears your pain, the past wound gets cured.

So cry your heart out. It’s no harm!

 The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears – John Vance Chene

6. Get better sleep

This is one of the surprising benefits of crying. According to one 2015 small study crying helps babies sleep better. But, it is yet to be researched if the crying has the same sleep-enhancing effect on adults. Researchers claim that crying calms down your stressed mind and lift your mood. Also, it gives pain-relieving effects, which it turn my help you sleep better.

7. Improves vision

Basal tears keep our eyes moist and prevent mucous membranes from drying out. If membranes dry out our vision can become blurry. Basal tears have a lubricating effect and prevent blurred vision.

8. Get social support

Crying is not only self-soothing but you can get interpersonal or social support from others around you. Because crying is an attachment behavior and rallies support from near and dear ones.

These are 8 benefits of crying backed by science.

Go ahead and cry your eyes out.

It’s no shame!

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8 Science-Backed Benefits Of Crying

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