Zodiac Relationship Mistakes: Astrology Reveals Why Your Relationships Keep Failing


Zodiac Relationship Mistakes Relationships Keep Failing

Have you ever obsessively wondered about why your relationships keep failing? Then you must know about these zodiac relationship mistakes you might be committing. 

Letโ€™s not start with the whole “relationships are hard” and all. This is a given fact and does not require reiterating. Letโ€™s take a different approach. Do you know how zodiac signs are good markers of temperament? Well going forward from that approach, it is only natural that markers of temperament would also be good markers of emotional power and how they handle pressure.

What can be more pressuring than a relationship?

The situation changes not because of love, mind you, it changes because of the way people handle the situation, respecting the feelings of the person in front of them, and in what way.

It is always good to know your behavioral features and work on them. Your zodiac sign might hold the clues behind the way you deal with emotionally trying situations. And if you know how you are going to react beforehand, there is a good chance you might be able to salvage the situation and save your relationship.

So, what your zodiac sign says about your failing relationship? Not sure? Then let’s get into your zodiac relationship mistakes pronto. We present the relationship mistakes for each zodiac.

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Zodiac Relationship Mistakes: Your Biggest Relationship Mistakes According To Your Zodiac Sign

Here’re the relationship mistakes that zodiacs make:

Zodiac Relationship Mistakes
What Are The Relationship Mistakes Based On Zodiac Signs?

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

You are vagrant warriors, never still, never calm, and definitely never too strong on the commitment. Think of the Comanche tribe or the Mongol hordes; you too are strong and definitive in your action.

You are always on the move, so to speak, which is never great for a relationship that has some form of surrender implied in them; moreover, you thrive on conflict. All you want is a good fight. And, that is not always healthy in a relationship. This is one of your biggest zodiac relationship mistakes.

Read: 12 Zodiac Matches That Make The Worst Couples Ever

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

You have triggers that make you irrational; much like the proverbial red cloth for the bull that symbolizes you. The trigger is mostly about some stupid thing you did in the past.

Another major zodiac character flaw you have is that you are too much into money than into a particular person. Yes, practical materialism is healthy but not the kind you practice. If you want to rectify your zodiac relationship mistakes, you need to learn that you canโ€™t put a price tag on everything.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Letโ€™s face it, you are unpredictable. Even when you donโ€™t face a dilemma in your life, you go looking for one. This makes you probably one of the worst people to go on a date with.

You thrive on dilemmas and the conflicts they bring with them. And according to your zodiac relationship mistakes, when that search for a dilemma makes you even for once think that there might be someone better than your current partner, more than half of the damage has been done.

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4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

You have a lot of emotional tantrums and demands. You’re caring and giving no doubt, but there are expectations that you have in a relationship that may be a little more than what other people can fulfill.

As per your zodiac relationship mistakes, you want a relationship like that in fiction, and this is not a standard everyone can live up to. It’s just one of those things. You also like to go all-in with people you have met pretty recently, which also scares them away sometimes.

Read: 8 โ€˜Made-in-Heavenโ€™ Zodiac Couples

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

You happen to believe that everything you say is correct and while most of the time you might be, it is necessary to sometimes take a step back for the people you love. You do not do well with coming to a compromise because, for you, things you say or decide are unchangeable.

This tendency makes you push people away just so you could do things the way you want to, without any exterior input. There is a lot you feel like others do not understand, but according to your zodiac relationship mistakes, this happens because you do not give them a chance to understand. People are not deals or machines, and you are not the only one with emotions and thoughts.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

You cannot be satisfied. You have a problem with everything and always focus on what is negative, no matter how inconsequential those things might be. You constantly complain about how things could have been marginally better if something else was done in a situation but you do not appreciate the greater good.

Your zodiac relationship mistakes reveal that your relationships do not last because of your critical nature and being miles away from any kind of positivity. For you, there is no winning, and this transfers onto the person you are dating. This makes them want to push you away.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

You are the sign of everything soft. You have a soft heart and an even softer attitude and you expect the same from the world. You are naive and think that everyone around you will be a nice person, and your zodiac relationship mistakes do not end there.

Libras tend to take every joke and jibe seriously and then comes the waterworks. Our Libra friends cannot deal with even an iota of criticism and think that people are trying to hurt them even when they are just joking and engaging in friendly banter. Not everyone is trying to insult you or attack you personally when they express themselves to you.

Read: From the Best to the Worst Marriage Material: Zodiac Signs RANKED

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

As per the zodiac relationship mistakes for your sign, you do not let people be around you long enough. You want things to happen right immediately and the moment you think that it is a little different from what you expected it to be, you sprint and how.

You need to learn how to give people an opportunity to show how they actually are, make you see why they should be around you, how you need them, and finally, that they are what you wanted them to be.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Being friendly is a great thing but flirtatiousness with random people, when you are dating someone, would obviously be upsetting to them. Your zodiac relationship mistakes reveal that you do not find it in you to regard your partner’s emotions, so learn to do that. It’s one thing to prize your freedom, but it’s entirely a different thing to be careless of your partner’s feelings and expectations.

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10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

You feel like you will get hurt, no matter why. This is the reason why you have built up walls around you so high and thick that they are almost impenetrable.

As far as your zodiac relationship mistakes are concerned, you fail to realize that doing this frustrates the people that you are dating because they are trying to be your partner, someone who is trying to know and understand you. Learn to be nice and give people a chance.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Your zodiac relationship mistakes say that you do everything half-assedly, especially in relationships and that is not something that is going to fly. People have expectations and sometimes you have to live up to them because that is how you show that you love them and you care.

Read: Zodiac Couples That Are Impossible To Separate

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Having standards is not a bad thing, it is healthy and a simple way to find people that you deserve but if you have standards that are sky-high, you can kiss all your relationships goodbye. Your zodiac relationship mistakes include forgetting that the people you date are humans as well, and they cannot be perfect all the time.

If you expect that they will do exactly what you want and need all the time, it is too much to ask for. Things take time and you have to learn to give this time to them and see how things pan out.

Zodiac Relationship Mistakes That You Must End
Zodiac Signs Relationship Mistakes

So, that was our list of relationship mistakes for star signs. Let us know in the comments below which zodiac sign you belong to and what are your zodiac relationship mistakes.

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Why Zodiac Relationships Keep Failing
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Zodiac Relationship Mistakes: Astrology Reveals Why Your Relationships Keep Failing
Zodiac Relationship Mistakes Relationships Keep Failing pin
Zodiac Relationship Mistakes: Astrology Reveals Why Your Relationships Keep Failing
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Zodiac Relationship Mistakes: Astrology Reveals Why Your Relationships Keep Failing

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