7 Signs of People With Integrity


7 Signs of People With Integrity

What do you think makes people with integrity different from people who do not possess this revered virtue? What is integrity actually?

Integrity is one of those values that is revered by everyone but seldom is practiced by many. Everyone wants to be treated with integrity, but fail to do the same when the tables turn. Ah, the fickleness of human nature!

Integrity means trying to do the right thing, even when it’s extremely difficult or painful for you. Even when it won’t be acknowledged by others. People with integrity always end up doing the correct thing, no matter what, and that is what drives them apart from others. Even though the world has changed a lot, and people are more selfish than before, you can still come across heart-warming examples of integrity when you look around.

Here Are 7 Signs And Examples Of People With Integrity

1. When parents apologize to their children for being overly harsh with them.

Many parents seem to forget the fact that children do not have the same maturity as grown-ups, and punishing them for every little thing can have far-reaching consequences. Theyโ€™re physically vulnerable by size and stature, and theyโ€™re emotionally vulnerable because they donโ€™t yet have the cognitive capacity to understand the complexities of life.

Yes, parenting is an extremely tough job, and snapping or losing your temper once in a while is okay. But, what is not okay is when you make your children feel stupid and not good enough, just because they were being, well, kids. 

Not all parents succeed at doing this, but apologizing to their children is one of the biggest signs of integrity. Making them feel that it’s okay to make mistakes and that it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with them. It is imperative that parents put their pride and ego aside, and apologize sincerely if they have been extra severe with their scolding and punishments. 

Want to know more about how people with integrity behave? Read 5 Things People With Integrity Do Differently

2. When bosses highlight their employees’ achievements and hard work and play down their own.  

When it comes to corporate life, most of the time the stories start in a negative way, like how someone’s boss is the absolute worst, how bosses are tyrants, or how they never acknowledge their employees’ accomplishments. Almost every boss out there is seen as a sociopath, sadist, narcissist, or worse still, an emotional monster at some point. 

What is the difference between a good boss and a not-so-good boss? Integrity. A boss with integrity will never focus on just ordering their employees’ around; they will be natural leaders who will try to guide everyone the right way and bring the best out of them. People with integrity will never run blindly behind power, and make it their only goal. Good bosses always make their staff feel acknowledged and appreciated for their contributions and hard work, and never fail to encourage them. 

Every boss out there who has integrity knows and accepts the importance of every employee, and how each one of them plays a crucial role in making an organization a successful one. 

3. Romantic partners who never indulge in toxic behaviors. 

Every romantic relationship has its ups and downs, and every couple has at some point or the other insulted and treated their partners harshly. At the most distorted end of the spectrum are the physical and sexual abusers; at the other end are the name-callers and angry, passive-aggressive types.

How many times have you and your partner made remarks that were totally uncalled for and below-the-belt, just because you were angry? Physical and mental abuse can never be justified and should not be justified, no matter which gender you belong to.

At the same time, there are lots of couples who fight and argue, but never stop treating each other with humanity, integrity, kindness, and love. Just like the other couples, they have horrible problems too, but they never let those problems take an ugly turn. Treating your relationship and your partner with the utmost respect and integrity is the best way to make it last. 

Want to know more about how a relationship with integrity functions? Read This Is What A Healthy Relationship Looks Like

4. Drivers who drive like a normal person. 

How a person drives on the roads says a lot about them, their personality, temperament, and also their sense of entitlement. When you are on the road, you are in the middle of chaos, so how you behave and handle yourself says a lot. If you honk constantly or drive aggressively without thinking about others’ and your safety, then you are not really showing a lot of integrity.

People who drive like this tend to forget the fact that the roads do not belong to them only; it’s for everyone and is public property. Even if you are in a lot of hurry, choosing to drive like a sane person keeping in mind that there are other people on the road, shows that you are someone with a lot of integrity. Showing patience and cooperation for your fellow commuters says a lot about you as a person, and how you think.

5. Powerful people apologizing for keeping their audience and fans waiting. 

People in positions of power tend to believe that they are far superior to the rest, and the world revolves around them. They take themselves very seriously and expect their every whim and fancy to be taken care of. One of the most common behaviors that they tend to indulge in is to believe that others’ feelings and time don’t matter; only theirs’ do. 

Many times, company CEOs and recruiters tend to keep candidates waiting for a long time, thinking that they have abundant time on their hands and that the interviewees’ have nothing better to do. Doctors keep their patients waiting for hours while they take their own sweet time in reaching the clinic, knowing full well that not a single patient will leave without getting checked by them. When was the last time an individual in a position of power apologized for their tardiness?

In situations where there is a major power imbalance, make no mistake: The one in the powerful position who apologizes to the one in a less powerful position is showing integrity, ethics, and pure class. 

6. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt, when circumstances are foggy. 

Modern life is more taxing and fast-paced than ever, and we suffer from stress on an ongoing basis. When weโ€™re stressed, we’re more likely to get defensive and blame others. But instead of drawing conclusions instantly and sometimes give people the benefit of the doubt, imagine how beautiful life will truly be. 

In case you are having a fight with your partner, and instead of being overly negative and dismissive towards their feelings, why not try to understand what they are going through? It is not possible for every human being to know what is going on in others’ lives, but it is possible to have a kind heart and not assume the worst immediately. That is what people with integrity do, every step of the way.

People With Integrity
People With Integrity


7. Volunteering

Volunteer work is one of the noblest things a person can do because you are trying to do good for people without expecting anything back in return. But alas, most people end up not understanding the importance of this.

But there’s always a bright side. Many men, women, and children choose to do a lot of volunteer work, be it in an animal shelter, food pantry, or any other NGOs. Some have even made it a non-negotiable part of their lives, and sacrifice a lot of their own time to try and do good for others.

It shows a lot of integrity on their part when they choose to put other people and their needs first, instead of their own. That is why most of the social workers and volunteers you come across are considered to be people with the highest amount of integrity.

The best thing about integrity is that no human being is born with it; it is perfectly possible to ingrain it into yourself with time. Yes, life can be very hard, unfair, and painful sometimes, but holding onto integrity will not just make you a better person, but it will also give you a much-needed boost of positivity, love, and pureness in your life. Try it out, and see how your life changes for the better.

If you want to know more about the signs of people with integrity, then check out this video below:


7 Signs of People With Integrity
7 Signs Of People With Integrity

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