Why Modern Relationships Are Falling Apart So Easily: 8 Reasons

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Why are relationships these days so complicated? Why do we keep failing at love despite our efforts? Learn why people can’t fall in love in modern relationships and why so many relationships are falling apart so easily.

Love in modern relationships is gradually losing its beauty and value.

Love is universal and coveted by everyone, no matter in which generation you belong to. As rightly put, it makes the world go round. But, is love losing its essence in modern relationships? Sadly, yes, to some extent. Though, people still want to fall in love and have happy relationships; they sometimes go about it the wrong way.

When it comes to love in modern relationships, it has become more about thinking with ego and pride, rather than with the heart. As a result of which there are more and more unhappy and broken relationships.

8 Reasons Why People Can’t Fall In Love In Modern Relationships

1. We’re all about instant gratification.

The modern world is all about high speed and efficiency. From high-speed internet to fast food to 4G phone service… We expect everything to move at lightning speed, and that’s not a good thing for love.

8 Reasons Why People Can't Fall In Love In Modern Relationships

Love is all about a slow burn, a gradual progression of feelings built on a basic foundation and nurtured over time. You can’t expect to know if you love someone after a few dates or weeks of hanging out.

Read 7 Reasons Why You Should Never Fall Into an Instant Relationship

2. We’re too much into escapism with drugs and alcohol.

There’s nothing wrong with a few drinks here and there with friends to unwind after a hard day, as long as you aren’t abusing it, there shouldn’t be a big issue. But unfortunately, even if you’re just a social or casual user of drugs or alcohol, it does get in the way of finding love.

When you’re inebriated it’s impossible to really participate in the real world, to meet new people, and to show your true colors to those you do interact with.

You simply won’t find love when you’re buzzed or blazed, because you’re not operating at full awareness and you’re not entirely yourself.

Relationship escape clauses are a way to break-up and also not give the true reason for doing so, so in a way, deceiving your partner. 

3. Casual sex is more and more prevalent.

Having a few hookups on its own is not necessarily a bad thing, but again, this is all about moderation and priorities. Just like intoxicants like drugs and alcohol, sex can be a pretty destructive force in your life if you let it. You’ve got to be careful not to lose yourself in it. Don’t do it just to feel a quick thrill or fill a void.

You could be dedicating all of that energy and time on looking for someone who will fulfill you emotionally, mentally, and physically instead.

4. People are seemingly more self-obsessed.

People nowadays are so involved in their own lives and their own drama that they just don’t even wake up to see what’s around them.

why people can't fall in love

If you are putting all of your focus and energy into yourself and nothing else, there’s just no room and no chance for love to find it’s way into your heart.

5. We date because we feel pressured.

I’ve heard it a million times, young people often fall into tedious patterns going on mediocre dates with people they don’t feel much or any connection with because they think it’s what they’re supposed to be doing. But just because you’re not currently in love with someone doesn’t mean you have to go on date after date until something changes.

Take a break, get to know yourself a little and get involved in activities and events that have to do with your passions and interests. This is a much better way to meet like-minded people who may understand you on a deeper level.

6. We refuse to make compromises.

Most people have a plan of some sort for their life. They have an idea about what they want to do and how they want things to look at by certain ages.

They don’t want anything to get in the way of that plan, because the unknown can be scary and worrisome. Unfortunately, love isn’t always convenient, and it doesn’t wait around for you to figure out a new plan. Be willing to make changes, postpone things, alter your plan a little for love. It will be worth it, I promise.

7. People have unrealistic ideas about what love is.

People often think of true love as some incredible fantasy that so few achieves in their lifetime. They have all these ideas and requirements and expectations that will actually keep them from letting real love happen because no normal person can fulfill them.

why people can't fall in love

The truth is that love is messy and difficult sometimes. You’ve got to give it a margin for error because this is real life, not a fairy tale.

Read 6 Criterias To Help Differentiate Fantasy Love From Authentic Love

8. We just don’t know how to love someone well.

It takes time and effort and lots of experience to learn how to love a person. Each partner is different and has needs and desires that require a different kind of love. It’s okay to admit that maybe we’re just not that good at loving yet. It’s okay though because we can learn and grow as people and eventually we’ll be better. All you can do is put yourself out there and give it your best try.

Love takes a lot of patience, trust and time to blossom. Getting into a relationship is the easy part, and loving each other through thick and thin is a different story altogether. Wait for the right kind of love and the right person, and you will not be disappointed.

If you want to know about why people can’t fall in love in modern relationships and why relationships are falling apart so easily, watch this video below:

Love in modern relationships
8 Ways Love In Modern Relationships Is Losing It's Essence
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