Ready To Catch The Sturgeon Moon? August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs Revealed


Accurate Full Moon Horoscope: Predictions For 12 Zodiac Signs

Eager to find out what the August full moon which is also a supermoon will bring to your life? Hang on tight for the spiritual significance of the sturgeon moon!

The Sturgeon full moon reminds us to be grateful for our bounty. This lunation is all about being mindful of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. Itโ€™s a reminder to take a step back and appreciate all the things that make our life worth living.

So, remember what you have and practice gratitude to tap into the 1st August full moon energy this summer.

This yearโ€™s 1st August full moon also happens to be the second supermoon of the year. This phenomenon takes place when the full moon occurs at the same time the moon is orbiting closest to the earth, making the lunation appear brighter and bigger, and hence more significant.

Like all the other full moons, the Sturgeon moon too has distinct things to offer when it comes to our destiny and life path. Letโ€™s take a look at what the August full moon means for your specific zodiac sign.

Read Relatable Zodiac Facts: Your Cosmic Guide to Quirky Astrological Realities

But before that, letโ€™s answer a few questions!

When Is The Sturgeon Moon?

The Sturgeon full moon will reach its peak at 2.31 p.m E.T on the afternoon of August 1st, Tuesday, 2023.

Why Is It Called The Sturgeon Moon?

The full moon names that we use today have been passed on by the Native Americans, Colonial Americans, and early European settlers and these names were applied to the entire lunar month in which the full moon occurred.

This was mainly done to mark the seasonal calendar and Augustโ€™s first full moon is named after the Sturgeon fish that were caught in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain during this time of the year.

What Sign Is The August 2023 Full Moon?

The full moon of August 1st will be in the sign of Aquarius.

August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs

Hereโ€™s the full moon horoscope for each zodiac sign:

full moon
Ready To Catch The Sturgeon Moon? August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs Revealed

Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

The Sturgeon moon will give your social life a major glow-up. Your popularity and influence will grow and you will attract a lot of positive attention.

Invitations to parties, mixers, etc. are likely to come your way. This will be a great time to meet new people, make new connections, network, and even find a potential partner.

Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

This lunation will highlight your career sector, making you more serious about your long-term professional goals and aspirations.

Good news in terms of promotion, raise, or new job offers can come to salaried people, and those who are into business can look forward to a period of increased popularity and demand for their services.

Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

The lunation of 1st August will amplify your curiosity and push you to expand your horizon. But this will not be only through books and studying but through traveling and exploring the unknown.

Chances are, youโ€™ll pack your bags and seek new adventures beyond your familiar territory. It will mark a great period for people who are into studies, publishing, media, or the legal profession.

Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

This full Sturgeon moon will bring your relationship to the foreground. Attachment, trust, and intimacy will be important themes to be discussed with your partner.

This can lead to a separation if you two are not aligned but if youโ€™re in sync, a deep conversation can deepen and strengthen your bond. Also, youโ€™ll give attention to your assets and financial investments.

Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Just like Cancer, partnerships will be important for you during this lunation. If youโ€™re in a happy and positive connection, you might witness a leveling up of your relationship. This can be moving in together, an engagement, or even ringing wedding bells.

On the other hand, if youโ€™re struggling with your relationship, then this can be the time you two finally call it quits and part ways. Singles will be well advised to put themselves out there more and date potential partners.

Read Zodiac Relationship Upgrade: How To Take Your Relationship Next Level According To Astrology

Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

This lunation will bring your attention to your work-life balance. If youโ€™re already busy with projects and responsibilities, things might get even more hectic.

You could be going for a change of job or finishing up a big assignment. This will be an ideal time to take care of your diet, health, and daily routine.

Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

If youโ€™re single, Sturgeon Moon will inspire you to go out more often. You can meet your next partner during this time. So, say yes to invitations to parties, hangouts, and social gatherings.

If youโ€™re coupled up, the cosmos will likely add more spice and fun to your partnership. Youโ€™ll enjoy quality time with your partner and explore each otherโ€™s fantasies and desires 

Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Augustโ€™s first lunation will make your home, family, and living situation your top priority. This could mean you would be moving home, buying, selling, or redecorating your living space.

Other than real estate investment, relationships with family members will be a big theme. You might be helping out or resolving issues with a loved one.

Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

The lunar energy will influence you to expand your horizon even more. Youโ€™ll feel more confident in your ideas and vision and ready to share them with the world. People will be appreciative of what you have to offer.

This can also be a time when you book your tickets and set forth for a much-needed holiday. Whether itโ€™s through travel or communication, you are likely to reach out to many people.

Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Money matters will dominate your life during this time. This will be a favorable time for investing and making long-term financial decisions.

Those who are looking for a new job, the next big project, or a side hustle will most likely get their wish fulfilled.

Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

This lunation being in your sign will help you manifest luck and abundance in both your personal and public life.

In relationships, this can mean a big revelation or a positive shift. In your career, this lunation can bring a successful climax to an important project or dream. Stay in your power and be self-assertive to tap into this energy.

Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

This lunar vibe might make you feel depleted and exhausted. This will be your cosmic cue to take a break and recharge your batteries, or else you can get yourself a burnout.

During this interlude, pay attention to your thoughts and any insights or breakthroughs that might come to you. These can lead you to great opportunities. Also, be cautious, as a big secret might just get revealed!

Read 6 Simple Steps To Recharge Your Spiritual Battery And Restore Your Vitality

Well, that was it for the full moon horoscope of the 12 zodiac signs! Let us know what you think of our full moon 2023 predictions. For more such content, keep coming back to us!

When is the next full moon? August has two full moons this year! The second full moon, which will be the Blue Moon and also a Supermoon will appear on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

full moon
Ready To Catch The Sturgeon Moon? August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs Revealed
full moon
Ready To Catch The Sturgeon Moon? August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs Revealed

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