How to Deal with Regrets at Tough Crossroads of Life: Advice from a Reddit User


How to Deal with Regrets

Everyone has regrets, and they can be detrimental at times. Regrets fade with time, but they lurk and grow over time as we get older and reflect on things we wanted to do but never did.

The worst part of regret is when we dwell on thoughts and knock ourselves up, replaying a devastating event in our heads over and over. It is self-defeating and may increase feelings of stress while also obscuring judgement in other aspects of life.

While we talk about regrets and making the right decisions, we came across John’s reflection on his life in a subReddit called TIFU My whole life. “My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad.โ€

How To Deal With Regrets At Tough Crossroads Of Life: Advice From A Reddit User

We hope you can draw inspiration from this story and make the most of it!

TIFU. More like my whole life really.

Hi, my name’s John. I’ve been lurking for a while, but I’ve finally made an account to post this. I need to get my life off my chest. About me. I’m a 46-year-old banker and I have been living my whole life the opposite of how I wanted.
All my dreams, my passion, are gone. In a steady 9-7 job. 6 days a week. For 26 years. I repeatedly chose the safe path for everything, which eventually changed who I was.

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Today I found out my wife has been cheating on me for the last 10 years.

My son feels nothing for me. I realized I missed my father’s funeral FOR NOTHING. I didn’t complete my novel, travelling the world, helping the homeless. All these things I thought I knew to be a certainty about myself when I was in my late teens and early twenties.
If my younger self had met me today, I would have punched myself in the face. I’ll get to how those dreams were crushed soon.

Read 10 Great Life Lessons To Remember

Let’s start with a description of me when I was 20.

It seemed only yesterday when I was sure I was going to change the world. People loved me, and I loved people. I was innovative, creative, spontaneous, risk-taking and great with people. I had two dreams. The first was writing a utopic/dystopic book. The second was travelling the world and helping the poor and homeless.

I had been dating my wife for four years by then. Young love. She loved my spontaneity, my energy, my ability to make people laugh and feel loved. I knew my book was going to change the world. I would show the perspective of the ‘bad’ and the ‘twisted’, showing my viewers that everybody thinks differently, that people never think what they do is wrong.

I was 70 pages through when I was 20. I am still 70 pages in, at 46. By 20, I had backpacked around New Zealand and the Philippines. I planned to do all of Asia, then Europe, then America (I live in Australia by the way). To date, I have only been to New Zealand and the Philippines.

Now, we get to where it all went wrong. My biggest regrets. I was 20. I was the only child. I needed to be stable. I needed to take that graduate job, which would dictate my whole life. To devote my entire life to a 9-7 job.

What was I thinking? How could I live, when the job was my life? After coming home, I would eat dinner, prepare my work for the following day, and sleep at 10 pm, to wake up at 6 am the following day. God, I can’t remember the last time I’ve made love to my wife.

Yesterday, my wife admitted to cheating on me for the last 10 years. 10 years. That seems like a long time, but I can’t comprehend it. It doesn’t even hurt. She says it’s because I’ve changed. I’m not the person I was.

What have I been doing in the last 10 years? Outside of work, I really can’t say anything. Not being a proper husband. Not being ME. Who am I? What happened to me?

I didn’t even ask for a divorce, or yell at her, or cry. I felt NOTHING. Now I can feel a tear as I write this. But not because my wife has been cheating on me, but because I am now realizing I have been dying inside. What happened to that fun-loving, risk-taking, energetic person that was me, hungering to change the world? I remember being asked on a date by the most popular girl in the school, but declining her for my now-wife. God, I was really popular with the girls in high school. In university/college too. But I stayed loyal. I didn’t explore. I studied every day.

Read 50 Incredible Ways to Live Life Without Regrets

Remember all that backpacking and book-writing I told you about? That was all in the first few years of college. I worked part-time and splurged all that I had earned. Now, I save every penny. I don’t remember a time I spend anything on anything fun. On anything for myself. What do I even want now?

My father passed ten years ago. I remember getting calls from mom, telling me he was getting sicker and sicker. I was getting busier and busier, on the verge of a big promotion. I kept putting my visit off, hoping in my mind he would hold on. He died, and I got my promotion. I haven’t seen him in 15 years.
When he died, I told myself it didn’t matter what I didn’t see him. Being an atheist, I rationalized that being dead, wouldn’t matter anyway.

Rationalizing everything, making excuses to put things off. Excuses. Procrastination. It all leads to one thing, nothing. I rationalized that financial security was the most important thing. I now know, that it definitely is not. I regret doing nothing with my energy when I had it. My passions. My youth. I regret letting my job take over my life. I regret being an awful husband, a money-making machine. I regret not finishing my novel, not travelling the world. Not being emotionally there for my son. Being a damn emotionless wallet.

If you’re reading this, and you have a whole life ahead of you, please. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t leave your dreams for later. Relish in your energy, your passions.

Don’t stay on the internet with all your spare time (unless your passion needs it). Please, do something with your life while you’re young. DO NOT settle down at 20. DO NOT forget your friends, your family. Yourself. Do NOT waste your life. Your ambitions. Like I did mine. Do not be like me.

Sorry for the long post, just had to get it out there.

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TL: DR I realized I let procrastination and money stop me from pursuing my passions when I was younger, and now I am dead inside, old and tired.

Sincerest of Regards,
Via Reddit


Don’t let regrets prevent you from living a fulfilling life. You have a lot to offer, and it’s okay if things didn’t work out. It simply means that you have something else to consider and work towards. Do something that makes you feel truly alive.

My Regrets as a 46 Year Old, and Advice To Others at a Crossroad
How To Deal With Regrets At Tough Crossroads Of Life: Advice From A Reddit User

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  1. Sarah Avatar

    Thank you! A lot!
    On my way!

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