How Modern Dating Is Killing Real Love


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modern dating is killing real love

There are no shortcuts when it comes to finding true love. If you want to experience true love in your life, you will have to wait for it patiently, because love knocks on your door when you least expect it. When it ultimately does, you will have to nurture it with a lot of time, care, and patience.

However, when it comes to modern dating, people are busy swiping left and right on dating apps, hoping to find “the one”. That never works, most of the time.

In This Modern Dating Culture, I Donโ€™t Understand What Love Is Anymore.

Maybe, love is as easy as swapping your screen to the right or left and going on a date with someone youโ€™ve matched on Tinder. Sometimes love is about having the first chemistry of a person based on their profile pictures, their followers, and the things theyโ€™ve posted on social media. Other times, love is about stalking their profile just to figure out who they truly are, even before your first date.

Love is about guessing his or her personality by seeing those mutual friends that you had in common.

“Sadly, we’ve become a generation content with being in love with a love that isn’t real.” โ€” R.H. Sin

Love is waiting for your phone to ring and wondering when you will receive his text messages. Itโ€™s about questioning why they havenโ€™t seen your Instagram story or liked your latest selfie. Love is about reading their text messages immediately, but youโ€™ll take another hour to reply, just to make them understand that youโ€™re hard to get. Itโ€™s about making them wonder whether youโ€™re into them or vice versa by guessing how long you respond to their texts.

Related: 7 Ways Modern-Day Texting Is Ruining Your Life and Relationships

Love is about guessing feelings by their latest status updates and tweets.

If you are in a relationship, maybe love is about trying to find the right angle of you and your boyfriend for the picture that youโ€™ll post with #relationshipgoals as the caption. Love is about saving money for your next travel journey with your girlfriend to use as content for your Instagram feed.

Itโ€™s about doing each of the activities in your bucket list with your partner to make your vlog on YouTube is more interesting than the previous ones. Love is about sharing your Saturday night with him through a series of Instagram stories.

Maybe, love is about Netflix and chill or itโ€™s about reading countless self-help articles about the signs whether heโ€™s still into you. Love is about changing your relationship status on Facebook. Love is about having a garden-party-themed wedding where everyone could take some Instagrammable pictures to be posted on their social media.

In This Modern Dating Culture, Love Is About Having A ‘Screen-Connection’, Not The Real Connection.

When we talk about love in this modern dating world, itโ€™s no longer about oneโ€™s deep feelings of affection towards someone. In this digital era, love is about being fast. In this day and age, itโ€™s about being fast to get their texts, to pick up their calls, to get acknowledgment from the world that youโ€™ve found the one.

“We live in a world where people are afraid to feel anything genuine, or at the very least, are afraid to show it.” โ€” Melissa Moeller

Related: Modern Relationships: 10 Men and 10 Women On The Reason They Broke Up With The Love of Their Lives

Love is no longer a private and intimate feeling, but itโ€™s about having the urgency to show it off to the world.

In this modern dating world, the true meaning of love is fading away. We start to forget that love is about building a true and deep connection with someone through face-to-face interaction. Itโ€™s about having a non-stop deep conversation while youโ€™re having a dinner date with him or her without even wanting to check your phone.

Love is about understanding each otherโ€™s feelings through direct body language without over-analyzing those text messages that she/he sent.

As clichรฉ as it sounds, in this modern dating world, love is still about showing up. Itโ€™s about making the effort to meet them halfway. Itโ€™s about the closure and intimacy that you get after you had direct interaction with someone. In this digital era, love has nothing to do with our phone screens.

Our internet connection may be a part of our intimacy, but it isnโ€™t the main thing we need to be able to build a deep connection with someone.

We are the generation: who wants everything to be instant and fast, while love requires patience and time; who glorifies recognition from others, while love is about being enough only for each other; who believes that love is defined by societyโ€™s standards, while a true love has its own different meaning for each of us. We are the generation who seek true love, yet weโ€™re also the ones who lost it.

“Itโ€™s very easy to confuse physical attraction with a real connection.”โ€” Josh Hartnett

In this modern dating world, love starts to lose its true meaning.

If love was that easy to find, it would not have been so priceless. Moreover, not everyone is lucky enough to experience true love, with modern dating making the situation worse. Even though there is nothing wrong with dating, it’s the way it’s done that leads to a problem.

Written By Rayi Noormega
Originally Appeared On Rayi Noormega's Publications
Follow more of her work at or follow Rayi on Instagram
In This Modern Dating World, I Donโ€™t Believe In Love Anymore
How Modern Dating Is Killing Real Love
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How Modern Dating Is Killing Real Love

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