Sad Zodiac Signs: The One Thing That Makes You Sad, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Are you one of the sad zodiac signs? We all get sad sometimes. But itโ€™s good to know what triggers all the gloom and doom and your zodiac sign can help you with this!

After publishing the post on shadow zodiac element that deals with your shadow element based on your zodiac sign, Mind Journal has come up with another theme โ€“ what makes you sad based on your zodiac sign. If you donโ€™t know what makes you sad, this is a valuable post for you.

Sadness is one of the many emotions that human beings face from time to time, and it is something that nobody can ever run from. It is a crucial emotion in the spectrum of emotions. Sadness helps you be grateful for the good things you have in your life and pushes you to appreciate them. All the zodiac signs have their own, different reasons for feeling sad, and all of those reasons are equally important and justified.

All the zodiac signs have their own triggers which make them feel sad, but the good news is if you know your trigger, you will be able to cope with those negative feelings in a much healthier manner. Read on to know what makes the zodiac signs feel sad.

Sad Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them Weepy

Here is what makes you sad, based on your zodiac sign:

1. Aries

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign aries

Feeling unwell and sick.

Aries hates being sick, physically unwell, or confined to the bed due to some kind of injury. They make awful patients who donโ€™t listen to their doctorโ€™s advice most of the time and do what they want to do. Whenever they are not able to get up, run around, and be active, it makes them feel sad and dejected.

The only way they will feel better is when they are surrounded by their friends and will get ample support from them. Therapy is also a good solution for them to feel better.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign taurus

Failing at something and having to give up.

People who belong to this zodiac sign are nothing short of perfectionists, and they hate failure in any form. In case they fail at something, their extremely stubborn nature makes it tough for them to accept it, and move on. Because they always believe that they will succeed on the first try, they never have a Plan B in their kitty. Their bullheadedness makes them pretend that everything is fine when itโ€™s actually not.

The only way to bring them out of their sadness is by assuring them that you are always there to support them and tell them that a few setbacks are not the end of the world.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign gemini

Burnout and over-exhaustion.

Geminis are normally very good when it comes to dealing with pressure and chaos, and they seldom find it overwhelming. They are energetic and enthusiastic people who are pros at dealing with difficulties. But the problem arises when they try to do too much in a very short time. Sometimes they go out of their way to do something and donโ€™t stop unless itโ€™s done. This makes them prone to over-exhaustion and burnout, which in turn makes them feel down and dejected.

Encourage them to take a break for a few days and take some much-needed rest, and they will be as good as new. You just have to push them a bit to slow down and relax.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign cancer

Loss of loved ones.

Cancers are known for being emotional when it comes to their families, friends, and loved ones. So, when they lose someone very close to them, their whole world comes crashing down. They grieve for a very long time and find it hard to move on from the pain. They keep on seeing that person everywhere and do whatever they can to preserve their memory in their hearts.

Because Cancers feel emotions very deeply, it is best to give them time to deal with it, and not push them to rush through the process. Try to be a good listener, and they will be grateful to you for that.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign leo

Losing their precious possessions.

Leos are known to be materialistic people who love collecting and buying things to make themselves feel good. They like to own beautiful and interesting things, and always feel proud of the life they have built for themselves. So, when any of their prized possession gets stolen or lost, they fall deep into the pits of despair. They hate the feeling of being cheated and ripped off and it deals a huge blow to their ego.

The best way to make sure that Leo does not feel sad is by reminding them that their self-worth and dignity is not dependent on things. The moment they are able to think about how strong they really are, they will be able to find their way back towards happiness.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign virgo

Disorganized and messy situations.

Letโ€™s face it, Virgos are control freaks, and even the tiniest amount of mess and disorganization puts them off. They invest most of their time in making sure that everything is in place and in the correct order. So, if for some reason they start to feel like they are losing control, it takes a toll on them and sadness descends on them like a huge shadow.

The best way to bring them out from their funk is by reassuring them that they are fine, and they will be fine. A minor mess or inconvenience is not going to ruin their lives.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign libra

Trying to control their emotions all the time.

Libras are balanced people by nature, which is why they always try to maintain that balance, sometimes even at the cost of their own emotions. No matter how hard a situation might be for them, they will suppress their emotions to try and make it easier for everyone else. This will add to their feelings of sadness and dejection.

But one loud cry and they will be back to their old selves. They just need to get it all out, and they will go back to making everyone happy like they always do.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign scorpio

Sadness is an inherent part of them.

Scorpios consider sadness to be an integral part of their personality. For them, sadness is not something separate; sadness makes them who they are, and that is why it always feels like they are on edge. Incredibly romantic, they think about all their lost loves, and unrequited emotions, and silently weep for them.

When Scorpio dwells too much on their sadness and pain, they tend to self-harm and become self-destructive. They might also give in to alcohol, drugs, etc, and this is the time when you should suggest they admit themselves into rehab.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign sagittarius

Terrible and unforgivable things/situations.

Sagittarians are funny and humorous people, who hardly take anything seriously. They always try to diffuse every uncomfortable situation with humor and jokes. It is only when something extremely terrible happens, does Sagittarius gets affected and loses their quintessential humor. Depressing and unforgivable things are their Achilles heel, and no amount of jokes can make them feel better.

In such situations, they will prefer to be alone and expect others to respect that. Once they start feeling better, they will slowly turn into the funny people they once were.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign capricon

Plans not working out.

Capricorns are disciplined and organized people who plan everything beforehand; you will never find a Capricorn who doesnโ€™t have a 5-year plan. They believe that in order to be truly successful, visualization is important, and accordingly, they work towards their goals. So, when for whatever reason their goals donโ€™t materialize, sadness sets in. They start feeling inadequate and think that success has eluded them forever.

Thereโ€™s no point crying over spilled milk, is there? The best way to rectify the situation is by getting up, making another plan, and start working towards it.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign aquarius

Conformity and societal conventions.

An Aquarius has a gypsy soul and an adventurous spirit. They are always looking to know more about the world, and see what more it has to offer. Conforming to societal norms and traditions is not their cup of tea, and when they are forced to do this, they feel lost. They start feeling suffocated and disillusioned with everything.

The only way to make an Aquarius happy is by letting them be and giving them the freedom to quench their never-ending wanderlust. If they like you, and your company, they will definitely come back to you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces

One Thing Makes You Sad Zodiac Sign pisces

Making the same mistakes over and over again.

Whenever a Pisces feels sad, chances are that they themselves are responsible for it. Despite knowing everything, they keep on making the same mistake over and over again. They keep on giving chances to people who donโ€™t deserve it. Pisces knows what is good for them and what is not, but their emotional and childlike nature always fails them.

When you see dejected and sad Pisces, donโ€™t judge them or scold them for their questionable choices. Just hold them tight, and assure them that everything will be okay.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

So, this is what contributes to the sad zodiac signs. Which zodiac sign do you belong to? Let us know in the comments below!

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