Love is tricky, it can happen when you’re least expecting it. Often we tend to fall in love with the wrong person. Have you ever dated the wrong one?
Take notes, here are the signs you’re dating the wrong person…
Most of us understand what creates a happy and balanced relationship. Yet, we end up getting entangled in relationships where love, trust, compromise, compassion, joy, respect and a deep heart to heart connect are missing. These are some important aspects of a happy relationship, but there are many more.
Often, it’s too late when we understand that we have spent some valuable time of our life with a very wrong person.
It is more important to be aware of what you don’t want than what you want, for a healthy and long-lasting relationship.
5 Signs You Are In Love With The Wrong Person

1. You feel uneasy when you’re away from your partner
Initially, it always feels good to be with the person. In the beginning, you don’t know much about each other and the mutual attraction is at its peak. After a few months pass, you should try spending time in pursuit of other things. You actually, need some time to stay away and invest your attention in things like personal growth.
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Your partner is the most important part of your life. But, it is also important to spend time away from your partner with your friends and relatives.
According to relationship specialist, these kinds of relationships are bound to get stagnant. People get too used to each other and start missing the initial spark. By habit, they begin to look outside to bring back that missing spark. That is why it is important to socialize with others and be involved in other pursuits that ensure personal growth.
If you don’t feel comfortable spending time apart, where you would be lacking trust in your partner. Trust is the most important part, and if you don’t have it you have to re-evaluate your relationship.
2. You can’t satisfy their want of love

Different people have different love languages. They have different ways of expressing or showing love. But, people in a wrong relationship can never understand how to make one other feel loved.
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However, sometimes little things are enough to show you care. You can make breakfast for your partner where or just offer a small cup of coffee after they’re back from work. These are small things but are sure to make an impact when a relationship is passing through a rough phase.
But, communication is necessary to know your partner’s mind and convey your own feelings. No, don’t expect them to read your mind.
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3. Your past in alive

It may be that you have been hurt by your ex, but that does not mean you are going to feel the same things in your current relationship. You will do yourself a lot of good if you don’t allow your bad experiences to hijack your present relationship. Didn’t you get involved with someone to make a fresh start? Then why not give up the pain and hurtful memories and move ahead?
4. Lack of truthfulness
You can gift your partner with the most important human quality and that is trust. The very foundation of a relationship is shaken when people hide from their partner. And finally when it is revealed, often the damages cannot be mended. Two committed individuals can head for a relationship when they are ready to share their darkest secrets and let their most real-self known to their partner.
5. You cannot resolve problems fully
Problems are a part and parcel of life and of relationships. You can resolve each and every problem with one understanding and cooperation. Work as a team rather than separate individuals to tackle problems. In the course, you will find your relationship strengthened.
Related: 7 Reasons You Think You’ll Never Find True Love and why it’s wrong
Couples, who have been married for more than 7 decades, have often given communication the greatest importance of building a successful relationship. Keeping things in your mind and not communicating with your partner is the biggest mistake. The same applies to your partner. Resolving problems, avoiding conflicts are keys to a long and satisfying relationship.
Both of you may have the same problem-solving techniques. If your partner can resolve issues faster and with lesser problems, you can let them do that. If both you have the same techniques, it is even better. You can get over with difficult times and enjoy the good ones together. Wait, and don’t give up so quickly. With time and effort, you can learn ways to deal with problems as a team.
Here’s a video if you’re loving the wrong person, watch this video:
Did you ever fall in love with the wrong person? Could you relate it? Leave a comment below.

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