The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign


Fuckboy Kind He Is Zodiac Sign

Have you ever fallen head over heels for someone, only to realize he is a fuckboy? If you want to save yourself from similar trauma again, then read on to know about the zodiac signs who are the fuckboys. This will help you quickly identify the fuckboy you are with based on his zodiac and stay away from him.

Fuckboys are a type of people who come into your life with an altogether different attitude and charm, woo you with interesting stories and intelligent conversations. But, it’s all fake. Their intentions and actions never match. All they want is sex and no relationship and then leave as an emotional wreck.

Though Not A Generalization, Here Is The Kind Of Fuckboy A Guy Will Be Depending On His Zodiac Sign.

1. Aries (March 21st- April 19th)

Fuckboy Kind aries
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Aries guy spends more time in the bathroom ogling at him looking at the mirror, styling his hair. He has an emotive on his phone and keeps asking for your nude close up photos. He is the guy that โ€œdabsโ€ every club photo he is photographed with. He will never treat you the way you deserve. 

For this zodiac fuckboy, it’s all about fun, not love. They want multiple options and keep experimenting until things get complicated. There is nothing to be surprised if they text you all the time or say “I love you” in the most passionate way possible and then suddenly ghost you.

He may offer you too many hot and cold moments leaving you confused. Remember, that he will never bother how it affects you. Because his needs are in the first place. 

Related: 11 Signs The Nice Guy You Are Dating Is A F*ckboy in Disguise

2. Taurus (April 20th- May 21st)

Fuckboy Kind taurus
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Taurus guy is a douche bag who has a familiar motto of โ€œfuck bitches and get moneyโ€. He simply cares about intimacy, cash, food, and drinks and does not think about you at all. You need to smell like a million dollar baby to get his attention. 

If you’re involved with this zodiac fuckboy, please know that he is just a self-obsessed jerk. As long as he gets money, sex and alcohol, he will never care about you at all. 

3. Gemini (May 22nd- June 21st)

Fuckboy Kind gemini
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Gemini guys brag too much about his own self and that will make you cringe and climb down the bathroom window to get away from his ego. He will talk about himself a lot and by the end of the date, you will know about his intentions and the way he interacts with people.

A Gemini fuckboy will get bored too quickly. You can never have him for tender love, care, deep talks or intimate moments. But, he will always be there if it involves sex. And if you fail to satisfy him, he will dump you. Also, he will never introduce you to his friends and family. Take this as a red flag, if you are considering him for a long-term relationship. 

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4. Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

Fuckboy Kind cancer
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

A Cancer guy appears to be a passionate lover and can get easily attracted by your beauty and charm. He will never get bored appreciating you. But, the moment he gets someone better than you, he will forget you in a blink of an eye. 

While you are planning for a happy, healthy and long-lasting relationship, he just wants you to be good in his bed. He’s cunning enough to manage two girlfriends at the same time and make sure you won’t know. So, would you like to date this sort of a guy?

5. Leo (July 23rd โ€“ August 22nd)

Fuckboy Kind leo
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Leo is an insecure guy and a cocky narcissist that tells you to run away from him as soon as possible! Your brain might just explode from the confusion. He flirts with all and leads the game in texting women. If you do not validate him, he will resort to name-calling and call you a โ€œman-haterโ€.

His needs always come first and will always treat you like an object. He won’t mind seducing a hot waitress, right in front of you. But, he will always be ready with good excuses to justify his romance with hot chicks. Worse is, he will blame you for everything. Will you be able to handle that? 

6. Virgo (August 23rd โ€“ September 22nd)

Fuckboy Kind virgo
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Virgo guy is pristine all the time. He bleaches his socks and showers himself in body spray! He also tries hard to be deep and is interestingly very pretentious.

His only agenda is to win your attention but not your heart. Expecting real love from a Virgo fuckboy is the biggest blunder. Leave him before you lose yourself. 

7. Libra (September 23rd- October 22nd)

Fuckboy Kind libra
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Libra guy is flimsy. He can get turned on by anything and dates multiple times before he can decide himself. They don’t honestly express their feeling so you will never know what is he up to. 

He may act uber cool and super romantic with you, so you will never have a clue that he’s dating two, three or ten more girls. He is clearly not the man of your dreams! 

Related: The Nice โ€˜F*ckboyโ€™ You Should Stay Away From

8. Scorpio (November 23rd- December 21st)

Fuckboy Kind scorpio
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Scorpio guy has his fascination with all things under the belt. And it does not fail him. He pops up a selfie whenever his phone is on. He’s obsessed with only hot girls. If you are a sweet girl next door types, he will barely give you a chance. He is particular about his sex scores for that boosts his ego. 

Unlike other fuckboys, this zodiac fuckboy is quite open and clear about his intentions and physical needs. He believes in enjoying life to the fullest, no second thoughts. So, tell me, are you still interested in him knowing he is a jerk?

9. Sagittarius (November 23rd- December 21st)

Fuckboy Kind sagittarius
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius guy is a soft-spoken lover who can fall for any girl randomly. It is really a tedious job to keep up with his antics. Never, seek closure if he dumps you. Because he was prepared to leave once he was done with you, but never ready for serious discussions or justifications. 

There is nothing to be shocked if he blocks you on social media and his phone. Even if you plan for a face-to-face conversation, he will be mean to you, so that you won’t hang on. The faster you forget him the better for your shelf life! You should never expect deep bonds and emotions with a Sagittarius fuckboy. 

10. Capricorn (December 22nd โ€“ January 20th)

Fuckboy Kind capricorn
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Capricorn guy is educated and is well placed in life. He could be a lawyer and banker who will work 200 hours a month and will never open up to you or make time for you. He is demanding and wants a trophy wife or girlfriend who is a chained angel. He is the other side of the spectrum.

Love and respect are never on his mind, he will never give credit for your sincere efforts. He will rule over you without any guilt or regret. Are you ready to spend the rest of your life like a caged-bird?

11. Aquarius (January 21st โ€“ February 18th)

Fuckboy Kind aquarius
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Aquarius guy does not have a heart and if you put your ear to his chest you will hear ocean or elevator music. They are so full of themselves that they are hardly left with any energy for anyone else. 

He can easily twist any girl around his fingers, no emotions, no feelings and only sick games. If you tell him how shady his behaviour, he will vanish from your life forever. 

12. Pisces (February 19th โ€“ March 20th)

Fuckboy Kind pisces
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

Pisces is the mister โ€œfeeling badโ€, carrying too much baggage from his past. You feel for his situation and have pity for him. He is a sad and misunderstood manipulator that makes his way into your heart! The moment you feel sorry for him, you’re trapped. 

He craves for love and care, but once you become his girlfriend, he will start neglecting you. You are the one broken at the end, beating yourself for not being smart enough to see his real face. 

Did you figure out the kind of fuckboy he is based on his zodiac?

zodiac fuckboy
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign
The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is (Based On His Zodiac Sign)
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The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign
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The Kind Of Fuckboy He Is Based On His Zodiac Sign

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