5 Reasons You Are Feeling Unstable After Your Husband Walked Out


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Feel Unstable After Husband Walked Out Marriage

It’s incredibly painful to find out that the person you planned to spend your life with has decided to walk away. If you feel unstable after your husband walked out on marriage, here are the reasons why and how you should deal with it.

If you are feeling unstable after your husband walked out on you, know that you are not alone! Having someone you love leave you suddenly would rock even the strongest womanโ€™s world.

The end of any relationship is horrible, especially a marriage where finances and children are often involved. And, when a husband walks out, the woman is usually left in the house, with the kids, trying to figure out how to keep life normal while she and her husband figure out next steps.

Husband Walked Out
After My Husband Walked Out Marriage: 5 Reasons Why I Feel Unstable

And, because you have never done this before, you might find yourself paralyzed, lacking balance and scared shitless.

Understanding why you are feeling unstable after your husband walked out is the best way to figure out how to manage it so you can be clear headed as you move forward, whether you stay married or not!

1. You are in shock

I remember when my ex-husband told me he was leaving me. It happened out of the blue and it hit me hard. We were driving across country and he told me on hour one what his plan was. We had two more days alone in that car, not really talking about anything. I was almost emotionless the whole time. It was weird. And horrible

Once we got back home, I found myself doing wonky things. I sent my husbandโ€™s new girlfriend a letter asking her to give us space to figure out our marriage. Not well received. I drove my dogs to the dog park and hit a deer and kept on going. I found myself curled up in a ball when my cat and dog got into a tiff.

I believe that, after the adrenaline of the announcement had worn off, I went into shock. Much like after an accident or an injury, my husbands announcement caused my brain was flooded with chemicals that kept me at high alert for survival. Once those chemicals word off, I was left in neurogenic shock, shock caused by extreme emotional disturbance, shock that is often characterized by disorientation and disassociation.

So, if you are finding yourself unstable after your husband walked it, it just might be because you are in shock.

The good news is โ€“ shock usually wears off on its own. So give yourself some time. Take care of yourself, get some sleep, have a glass of wine with friends. Anything that will help calm your nervous system and help you to be less unstable.

Related: Feeling Empty After A Breakup: 5 Things To Do

2. You have never done this before

For those of us who have been through a divorce, we know exactly what itโ€™s all about. But I am guessing that one of the reasons that you are feeling stable after your husband walked out is because you have never done this before. How the heck does one dissolve a marriage and move on?

When we are confronted with a problem, we most likely have encountered, if not the same problem, something like it before, and we have some framework to work with to solve it. Not so with divorce. Perhaps you have seen friends or family go through it but you have never been through it yourself.

And, as a result, having NO IDEA what do might have left you paralyzed and unstable.

husband walked out
Runaway Husband Walked Out On Marriage

I was very lucky. Soon after my husband walked out I met a woman who had been through the divorce process 5 years earlier. Her divorce had been horrible and yet she had made it through and found the love of her life.

This wonderful woman became my mentor and, without her wisdom, experience and guidance, I never would have made it through my divorce as successfully as I did.

So, know that, if you are feeling unstable after your husband walked out, itโ€™s very likely because you have a process ahead of you that you have no idea how to navigate. It is no wonder you want to curl up in bed for the next month or two.

Read: 6 Signs You Feel Stuck and Need To Make a Change In Your Life

3. Your future is hazy

Yesterday I am guessing that your future was pretty clear. Maybe your marriage was struggling to some degree but you were sure that you would be able to work it out. You had the home that you shared, the kids that you cared for together, finances that were intertwined and, maybe, healthy. You had built a life together and you could see the future together pretty clearly.

And now, today, all of that is gone. And what is left? The vast unknown future. And there is nothing scarier than a future that is uncertain!

I know that when my husband left, I was petrified. Our kids were off at college so I didnโ€™t have to deal with their daily lives but there was still lots of things to manage. And, while he was the one who left, my ex wasnโ€™t much of a planner so figuring out next steps was on me!

So what did I do? I sat down and made a list of everything that I was going to have to deal with โ€“ finances, housing, kidโ€™s schedules, lawyers, mediators, extended family, social plans etc. I knew I wasnโ€™t going to be able to figure everything out right away but once I had it all down on paper I was able to start thinking things through.

Here is an article that might be helpful for you if you are wanting to plan next steps.

And, to be honest, focusing on details really helped me become more stable. Yes, I was devastated that my marriage was most likely over but taking charge and being the one driving outcomes, instead of being curled up in a ball in my bed, helped me feel stronger and steadier pretty quickly.

Related: 10 Most Common Reasons Why People Can’t Let Go of a Lost Relationship

4. You are feeling alone

I am guessing that for the past how every many years, you and your husband have slept together in the same bed. You have your breakfast routines, lunch time check ins, evening cocktails, bed time habits etc. And now, out of nowhere, even if your kids are still at home, you are doing all of those things alone.

Itโ€™s very interesting how many people, even if they hated doing these things with their spouses, and they usually involved lots of sarcasm and bickering, say that this is the first thing that really hits them hard โ€“ they are now doing all of those things alone.

And for many women, being alone is a very uncomfortable place.

husband walked out
Marital Abandonment: When Your Husband Leaves You

One of my closest friends had never been alone, without a partner, her entire adult life. She was the one who wanted the divorce โ€“ very wise of her โ€“ but she found out that, with her husband gone, there was big empty space in the house. She wondered if she every would get used to it!

But it didnโ€™t take long for her to come to savor that empty space. A fair amount of it got eaten up by pets and kids and her work but, before long, she relished crawling into bed, in the flannel sheets that she bought because her ex hated them, and knowing that she was going to sleep well without snoring.

So know that, if you are feeling unstable after your husband walked out, it might very well be because you are feeling alone. And that is ok. And you will get used to it. I promise!

5. You are worried about your kids.

If you are a mother and your husband has just walked out I am sure that a HUGE part of why you are feeling so unstable is because you are worried about your kids.

For as long as your kids have been alive it has been your job to keep them healthy and happy. You teach them how to walk and talk and laugh and cry. To trust and believe and have hope. To know that they are loved unconditionally and that you will keep them safe.

Your husband walking out might have a very big effect on all of the work that you have done over the years to keep your family feeling that way.

I know that I fought harder for my marriage because I wanted my kids to have a mother and a father in the house. I was the child of divorce and both of my parents set a very bad example for us around their marriage and divorce and I didnโ€™t want that for my kids. I wanted to do things differently so they wouldnโ€™t have to struggle in romantic relationships like I had to.

My husband walking out put all that I had worked for in jeopardy.

It was a rough few years for my kids. I wonโ€™t lie about that. There was a lot of anger and animosity between their parents and they had to deal with a lot of tears and loss. But, ultimately, it was the absolute best thing that could have happened to them, to all of us.

Instead of being in a house full animosity between their parents, my kids came home to a parent who was happy. They got to know their father better because their mother wasnโ€™t around to do everything for them. They got to see their father get into a relationship where he was happy and for their mother to find herself again, build a business and ultimately find a man who loved her completely.

And, unlike my parents, who lied to us for years about the end of their marriage, I talked to my kids about everything that was happening. I tried to be as honest as possible. I let them know that I would always be there for them. If they had any questions, I would always respond in an open way, one that inspired discussion. I do think that doing this differently than my parents did it will help my children to have better adult relationships than me and my siblings did.

Again, if you are feeling unstable after your husband walked out, know that you are not alone.

Right now, there are thousands of women all over the country who are experiencing what you are experiencing and I am guessing that they are feeling like their worlds have been completely rocked as well.

husband walked out
Why You Have Unstable Feelings After Your Husband Leaves You

I can promise you that you are going to be ok. Right now you are in shock, the future is hazy and you have no idea how you are going to navigate getting there. You are feeling very alone and you are scared for your children. I totally get it.

But someday, sooner than later I am sure, you will find yourself in a better place. You donโ€™t know what the future holds. Maybe you will resolve things with your husband and that will be a good thing.  (Donโ€™t resolve it and have it be a bad thing. That is a huge waste of time.)

Or perhaps you will be like me, happy, successful, an example for my children of living a good life and being a good person.

I know itโ€™s hard to believe right now but, take it from me, and the thousand others like me who have been where you are right now, and believe!

If you have a runaway husband and are dealing with marital abandonment, we wish you all the strength and hope to deal with your feelings. Share your thoughts and experience in the comments below.

Written By: Mitzi Bockmann
Originally Appeared On: Let Your Dreams Begin
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5 Reasons You Are Feeling Unstable After Your Husband Walked Out

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