Holding On To Love While Setting Yourself Free
Love – the warmest of all the emotions – can be complex when compared to the other emotions within us. Love can feel like a battlefield, an all-out war on our happiness and emotions. It can feel like cloud 9 or hellfire. Love can be liberating or suffocating. You might have just ended a relationship or given up on love some time ago. Read on to know about holding on to love while setting yourself free.
Here is an attempt to put into perspective the kind of love that can help you in your journey.
Everyone desires love. They want to be taken care of and feel loved but fellas everything has a price. Love doesn’t just mean rainbows and unicorns with butterflies fluttering around. It means sacrifice, compromise, courage, and commitment. It means tears and pain. It means to be there to take the first bullet, it means to be your truest self and put yourself on the frontline. At times we are so overwhelmed that we just want to retreat and give up on love altogether.
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Love is painful and we want to run away from it but we can lock ourselves within steel walls forever. Love hurts but it heals too. It breaks you but also mends you. We just cannot shut love out forever. Bear with me.
Now let’s understand the difference betting giving up on love and letting it go.
Let’s begin by giving up on love.
When you give up on love, you bid it farewell. It’s the moment you decide there is no true love in this world. You chose a life of loneliness and hate. You feel numb and lifeless. You no more believe in love so you settle for less. Giving up on love is like giving up on hope. You have no more hopes, no more emotions, you die a slow painful death, and you just exist in the world which is much worse than dying. Love is light and you chose darkness as your friend.
We are human and we have a heart, we have emotions. We long for passion, we long for compassion. We want someone to listen to us, someone to understand us, and someone to hold us when we are low. We want someone to make us feel comfortable.
There are millions of heartbroken people, and if you who are reading this now are too then don’t feel alone. Don’t just give up on love. There are many like you waiting to get a chance to connect with someone at a deep level. Love is what makes us human, love is what makes us alive. Giving up on love we give up on many things. These things may satisfy our mind and body temporarily but at the end of the day, we will feel empty.
How about holding on to love while setting yourself free?
Related: 10 Tips To Let Go and Free Yourself Of Your Painful Past
So maybe instead of giving up on love, you can try letting it go.
Unlike giving up on love, letting go doesn’t mean you don’t believe in love anymore. It means you do believe but you are moving on.
Remember the feeling you had when you were with your ex? The moments when love was in the air and you saw rainbows everywhere and felt butterflies in your stomach? If you give up on love you can never have those feelings ever again. But if you just let go, chances are love will visit you again. No not that person but the feeling, the love, the moments.
Related: 5 Reasons Why Letting Go Of Love That Hurts Is Good For You
By letting go of a person you allow yourself to heal and make space for a better or let’s say the non-toxic person in your life while shutting down would leave room for none. Letting go means liberation and giving up means imprisonment.
Watch out this video to know how to move on, let go & leave your past in the past:
When you give up, you shut everyone out, no matter how true their love is for you or how gentle they are to you. Aren’t you punishing yourself and your loved ones by doing that?
Ask yourself if it’s right to let one person or situation let you shut off love altogether or you should just let that person move on while still keeping the possibility of love alive, in your heart.
Let one bad experience not make you shut yourself up. Love yourself first. This way you know what you deserve and love others with all your heart despite their flaws not for them but for yourself. Love has the power to keep pain at bay.
Let go of the toxic relationships, let them move on, and remember 7 billion people cannot be accountable for the action of one. Let the light enter your heart and don’t shut it off with darkness because someone broke it. This is what is holding on to love while setting yourself free.

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