How To Heal From Emotional Trauma And Past Wounds?


Heal From Emotional Trauma Past Wounds

You are meant to live an unshackled life, free from emotional burdens or constraints. So, here’s why healing past trauma and emotional wounds is important.
Talking about an unhealed wound or healing from past trauma can re-activate it in your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.

As you speak, or even think, about an old issue, you experience it as if it is happening right now. Since your subconscious mind does not know the difference between the current experience and past memory, for all intents and purposes, the trauma or negative experience is happening now.

Healing Past Trauma And Unhealed Wounds

healing past trauma
Healing From Past Trauma: Emotional Healing

When you re-activate old painful memories, your thoughts, words, and emotions create negative karmic energy that you unknowingly project out into your future. This karmic energy manifests in more painful experiences, similar to the original issue. In other words, when issues come up without resolution, a karmic loop or pattern develops.

Each time this karmic pattern manifests in real-life situations, you re-experience the original wound and the current hurt simultaneously. When this occurs, it is a powerful opportunity to heal past trauma by healing the current one.

Read 8 Reasons Why People Deny Childhood Trauma and Its Results

Unfortunately, when an issue is re-activated, instead of using it as a healing opportunity, many of us react by pushing the wounds down with numbing substances like food, drugs, the internet, Facebook, TV, and a long list of other distractions.

Unhealed issues get stored in the body until we release them. The body obliges as a storehouse for emotional wounds but it does take its toll, especially if issues are accumulated for long periods of time.

Healing Past Trauma
Healing Your Past Trauma And Healing Emotional Wounds

Storing wounds in the body eventually weaken it and invite illness and disease, as well as causing depression, fatigue, stress, and weight gain. The good news is that the body is ready to release issues, the moment you are.

When an unhealed issue is reactivated, don’t just push it down – take the time to finally heal it. This means creating intentional space to feel your emotions and allow the issue to Process Through to Healing, or complete the healing process in whatever way works best for you.

Read How Mindfulness Can Help You Let Go Of Past Hurts and Heal Yourself

Wounds are meant to be healed. You should be healing your past trauma. We are not meant to spend our lives carrying around past issues and hurts. Unhealed issues weigh us down, keep us asleep and prevent us from consciously creating. It is only our personal issues that stop us from experiencing our greatest potential. Holding onto issues keeps us limited and unable to reach that mountain top.

Because of the shifts going on in the collective consciousness and the higher energy now available on this planet, it has never been easier to release old issues. In fact, issues are now coming to the surface to be resolved.

healing past trauma
Healing Past Trauma And Unhealed Wounds

This is why so many of us are experiencing familiar challenges. Wounds want to be healed and issues want to be released, but you have the last say. None of this can happen until you are ready and willing.

You are meant to be free and clear of emotional burdens. You are meant to live a limitless life with an abundance of love and creativity. You are meant to stand on the mountain top with arms stretched wide – willing to receive your grandest dreams. The Universe is listening.

If you want to know more about healing from past trauma, then check out this video below:

How To Heal Your Emotional Trauma And Past Wounds

Read Wounded Healer: Signs You’re Broken But Choose To Help Others

Written by Nanice Ellis 

Copyright © Nanice Ellis, 2020. This article may be republished in its original form with proper accreditation. All rights reserved.

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Emotional Healing Trauma From The Past
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How To Heal From Emotional Trauma And Past Wounds?
Heal Emotional Trauma Past Wounds
How To Heal From Emotional Trauma And Past Wounds?

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  1. Tittit Zubeldia Avatar
    Tittit Zubeldia

    But how does one start to heal from unresolved traumas as well as emotional and psychological wounds fully and permanently if those have been buried and shelved for the expediency of forgiving moving ahead and getting on with life to protect others from disruptions but sneaks back in at moments of doubts, weakness and sadness?

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