5 Simple Habits That’ll Make You A Creative Genius


Creative Genius

Creativity is in high demand these days. Whether you need to be more creative for your work or for your passion projects, there are certain habits that can unlock the creative genius inside you.

Although some might believe you need to have some sort of creative gene in you, you can definitely develop creativity through the right mindset, lifestyle, and habits.

5 Simple Habits That Will Make You A Creative Genius

Habit #1: Create consistently

When youโ€™re inconsistent with your art, you lose trust with your audience. They donโ€™t know if youโ€™re going to consistently deliver on your promise. It doesnโ€™t matter if itโ€™s blog posts, podcasts, newsletters, music, or some other type of creative work. Your audience needs to know they can count on you to deliver.

This is one of the key marks between a professional and an amateur. An amateur creates when they feel like it, and a professional get to work no matter what.

If you have a job, a family, are involved in your church or community, and have other commitments, you know how hard it is to be consistent. Two of the most consistent writers I know are my friends Joe Lalonde and Dan Black. They both write about leadership, have many other responsibilities besides writing, yet consistently crank out high-quality blog posts.

Challenge: Commit to doing the work no matter what the external conditions, and deliver what you promised.

Related: The 3 Defining Qualities of Highly Creative People

Habit #2: Focus on helping others

I am a natural introvert. Iโ€™m a high โ€œCโ€ on the DiSC inventory and an ISTJ on the Myers-Briggs temperament analysis. I get my emotional strength from being alone (which is why itโ€™s sometimes hard to ask for help), and I love systems and processes.

This also applies to my personal and creative growth. I have stacks of books to read, long tasks lists, and all sorts of ways I want to improve. But in the process, itโ€™s very easy to forget that I need to focus more on helping others grow. And in the process, Iโ€™ll grow as well.

This is why I wrote The Artistโ€™s Suitcase, why I started the Artistโ€™s Suitcase Facebook group, and why I try to be intentional about engaging with people online. I have a natural tendency to be inwardly focused. Maybe you do, too.

The real joy in creating art comes when we share it with others and help others reach their creative potential.

Challenge: Find other people you can help. You have knowledge and resources that will benefit others.

creative genius
Creative genius

Habit #3: Collaborate with others

When youโ€™re starting out as an artist (or perhaps even when youโ€™ve been at it a long time), you donโ€™t have a team around you to help. You feel the responsibility of doing everything yourself. In my case, that means coming up with ideas, motivating myself, and doing all the legwork related to writing and editing.

You may not have an assistant (I donโ€™t), but that doesnโ€™t mean you should be flying solo. There are lots of opportunities for networking, masterminds, Facebook groups, local artist groups, church groups, and so many other ways to connect with people. You just have to be intentional about it.

This year I am committing to working much more closely with others on projects. In fact, Iโ€™ve already got one project in the works. I realize that Iโ€™m much stronger when I work with a team. If Michelangelo needed a team to paint the Sistine Chapel, you and I need othersโ€™ help, too.

Challenge: Find like-minded people who will challenge you, encourage you, and help you be at your best. Then if at all possible, find ways to work together.

Related: 20 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

Habit #4: Live a healthy lifestyle

This is the hardest habit for me to break. I like fast food and junk food, and I donโ€™t really enjoy exercise. Thatโ€™s not a winning combination. (Rather, thatโ€™s a deadly combination.)

During times when I have been more disciplined about exercise and eating well, I have noticed a big difference in my energy level and attitude. Itโ€™s no secret that exercise helps you be more creative. But now at 41, Iโ€™m starting to feel my age a little more, and I realize itโ€™s time to get serious about my health.

My wife Melanie is a rock star when it comes to exercising consistently and eating well. It doesnโ€™t matter what the weather is or whether she feels like it. She will find a way to get it done.

Challenge: Figure out a plan to exercise and eat in a healthier way โ€ฆ and stick to it.

Habit #5: Be action-oriented

No, this doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m going to star in action movies (although Iโ€™ve always wanted to be Batman). It means that I have a tendency to overanalyze every decision. When I first started blogging, I would spend hours agonizing over my blog design and details that didnโ€™t matter. I wish I would have spent all that time creating content instead.

If youโ€™re a perfectionist, you know what I mean. Itโ€™s almost impossible to let something go until itโ€™s as perfect as we can make it. (Can I get an โ€œamenโ€ in the house?) But this tendency can really hurt us if weโ€™re focusing on the wrong things.

The problem with making decisions, no matter if theyโ€™re big or small, is that you rarely have all the information youโ€™d like. You can always do more study or wait for more information. But if youโ€™re trying to build an audience and develop a business, you canโ€™t sit around until you have all the information you need. Sometimes you have to make a decision based on incomplete information.

Related: The 5 Cups Of Creativity

In these moments, we have to let go of our perfectionism and be biased toward action. There are so many times when Iโ€™ve gotten stalled out in my creative life because Iโ€™ve overanalyzed a decision and gotten paralyzed.

Challenge: Be biased toward taking action toward your creative goals every single day.

Written by Kent Sanders
Originally appeared on Kent Sanders
5 Simple Habits That Will Make You A Creative Genius
Habits for being a creative genius
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