Humor As Therapy: 35+ Funny AF Mental Health Memes To Boost Your Mood


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35+ Best Mental Health Memes: The Healing Power of Laughter

While mental health is no joke, we have all laughed at funny and relatable mental health memes as it helps to relieve our stress and make us realize that we are not the only ones suffering.

Although how therapeutic these memes actually can be are still in question, such memes still help in opening up the conversation about mental health and empower us to laugh at our struggles.

Relatable jokes make us realize that we are not alone and it is okay to feel this way as long as we seek treatment and try to get better.

What are mental health memes?

Memes on mental health are a form of internet content, usually images, GIFs, videos, or captions, that use humor to discuss and shed light on various aspects of mental health.

These memes often capture common experiences, struggles, and emotions related to mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and self-care. 

mental health memes

They are shared widely on social media platforms and are used as a way to –

  • Spread awareness about mental health issues
  • Normalize and destigmatize mental health
  • Provide relatability and comfort to those who may be going through similar situations
  • Promote self-care and well-being
  • Encourage people to seek professional help

Such memes have become a unique form of expression that has garnered popularity and sparked discussions about mental health in a more casual, non-judgemental and relatable tone.

Related: Are Memes Good For Your Mental Health? Here Are The Benefits Of Memes

5 Best mental health memes

Memes on mental health come in various forms and can cover a wide range of mental health topics. Here are some of the most relatable and funny mental health memes based on the most popular categories –

1. Anxiety memes

These memes often depict the experience of anxiety in a humorous way. For example, check out this funny meme that reminds us how anxious we get and check our phone for notifications every 30 seconds after sending a risky text. 

It pokes fun at the anticipation anxiety we experience in such situations and the need for reassurance that can come with anxiety.

2. Depression memes

Depression memes often use humor to depict the struggles and challenges of dealing with depression. For instance, this meme about Kermit The Frog lying in bed struggling to fall asleep thanks to his anxiety yet feeling extremely sleepy due to his depression

While this is an unfortunate scenario that most of us can relate to, it humorously portrays the lack of energy and motivation that can come with depression and the habit of worrying that comes with anxiety.

3. Self-care memes

Self-care is an important aspect of mental health, and memes about self-care often provide humorous reminders and tips for practicing self-care. For example, a meme with a picture of a cat enjoying his skincare routine while ignoring all of his problems humorously emphasizes the importance of taking time for oneself and practicing self-care regularly.

4. Therapy memes

Therapy memes often use humor to depict the process of therapy and the emotions that can come with it. For instance, check out this meme about how a person feels in a therapist’s office and how they open up and cry their hearts out during the therapy session. 

While it humorously portrays the sometimes challenging but necessary process of addressing past traumas in therapy, it also shows how crying can be a relieving and cathartic experience. 

5. Mental health awareness memes

These memes aim to raise awareness about mental health and reduce stigma by providing relatable and informative content.

For example, a meme with a picture of a person saying how talking about mental health should focus on overcoming stigma and encourage others to seek help humorously promotes the message that mental health should be taken seriously.

Related: 8 Unusual Things You Do Because Of Your Anxiety

30 Funny mental health memes

Here are some more really humorous and positive mental health memes that will make you chuckle, help you realize that you are not alone and it is okay to ask for help –

6. When I am anxious about not being anxious

7. Let the anxiety begin

8. When you prioritize self-care

9. Jokes on you. My life was never “in control

10. These are tears of joy

11. Coffee is my best friend

12. What will I be without my trauma?

13. Doggo? You okay there, buddy?

14. Really sorry

15. Stupid tears!!

16. Welcome to the depression gang

17. Alcohol is bad for your health anyways

Well, that one surely is one of the dark mental health memes I have ever seen.

18. You’re such a genius

19. Anxiety makes life fun

20. Being unstable is the new cool anyways

21. Oh anxiety, you’re always right!

22. Don’t mind the black circles

23. This is way too easy

Related: 40+ Hilarious Animal Memes That Every Introvert Will Relate To

24. I carry my own “tear bucket” to therapy

25. I dream of stressed out sheep

26. Self-awareness is the key to inner peace, right?

27. As long as I don’t feel depressed, it’s all good

28. Self-love? We don’t do that here

29. Just be happy instead

30. Apt

31. Mood shift in 3…2…1….

32. Burnout? Nah bro, I’m fine

33. How does this work again?

34. Cause Red Bull gives you wings

35. And then my anxiety started ringing

The rise of memes about mental health 

Memes, in general, have become a significant part of internet culture. They are usually humorous images, videos, or phrases that are shared widely on social media platforms, often with a caption or a twist that makes them funny or relatable. 

Memes are known for their ability to capture and communicate complex ideas and emotions in a simple and accessible way, and they have become a prevalent form of online communication.

Related: 50+ Introvert Vs Extrovert Memes That Will Make You Go โ€œOh Yeah, Thatโ€™s Right!โ€

In recent years, memes on mental health have gained popularity as a way to discuss and raise awareness about mental health in a more light-hearted manner. These memes often use humor to depict common experiences and struggles associated with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. 

best mental health memes

However, these memes also provide a sense of relatability and comfort to those who may be struggling in similar situations. Mental health memes have become a way for people to connect, share their experiences, and create a sense of community around mental health topics.

The power of humor 

Humor has long been recognized as a powerful tool for coping with difficult emotions and situations. It can provide relief, perspective, and a sense of connection with others who may be going through similar experiences.

โ€œHumor is a key element of human communication, and, for this reason, it is also present in therapeutic contexts,โ€ explains a 2019 study.

Memes on mental health use humor as a way to normalize and destigmatize mental health struggles, making them more approachable and relatable for those who may be hesitant to discuss their own mental health openly.

For example, check out this meme about a person planning to go to bed early tonight but eventually staying up late to mindlessly scroll through the internet.

funny mental health memes,

This meme humorously depicts the experience of racing thoughts and overthinking that can often occur when trying to sleep, which is a common symptom of anxiety or insomnia. 

This relatable and humorous depiction can help individuals with anxiety feel understood and less alone in their struggles.

Another example of a mental health meme is a picture of a dog sitting in a burning room with the caption, “This is fine.” This meme hilariously represents the feeling of trying to keep a calm exterior despite feeling overwhelmed or anxious on the inside.

dark mental health memes

By using humor, this meme acknowledges the struggles of dealing with stress and anxiety while also providing a lighthearted way to cope with it.

Through humor, mental health memes create a safe space for individuals to acknowledge and discuss their mental health struggles without feeling judged or criticized.

They can also help break down barriers and promote open and honest conversations about mental health, which is crucial in reducing the stigma often associated with mental health conditions.

Related: 50+ Hilarious Memes Every Book Lover Will Relate To

Promoting self-care and well-being

In addition to providing humor and a sense of relatability, memes on mental health also promote self-care and well-being.

Many such memes emphasize the importance of self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, and seeking professional help when needed. The meme humorously shows how self-care can help us detach from all our problems.

Here’s another relatable meme on the importance of self-care and prioritizing yourself…

Are mental health memes therapeutic?

These memes can be therapeutic for some individuals, as they can provide a sense of humor, comfort, and a feeling of being understood.

For those who are struggling with mental health issues, seeing relatable memes can help them feel less alone and provide a temporary escape from their difficulties.

However, it’s important to note that memes on mental health should not be used as a substitute for professional help. While they can provide a temporary sense of relief, they do not address the underlying issues that may require intervention from mental health professionals.

According to a 2022 study, โ€œmost psychiatrically vulnerable individualsโ€ tend to experience positive emotions when viewing such memes.

In fact, 47% of college students were found to engage with memes โ€œas a way of alleviating psychiatric symptomsโ€. By having a funny spin on negative situations and experiences, memes on mental health encourage peer-support and social bonds with others who are experiencing the same symptoms. 

positive mental health memes

โ€œWhile mental health memes typically depict dark and negative humor, their proximal nature to those experiencing psychiatric symptoms may be considered contextually positive,โ€ explain the researchers.

However, the study addresses that there may be some โ€œpossible adverse consequencesโ€ of interacting with these memes as well, such as increased sensitivity towards anxiety, disordered eating, and suicidal ideation.

Hence, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for these memes to be triggering or insensitive to those who may be experiencing more severe mental health issues. Therefore, memes on mental health should be used with caution, and individuals should be aware of their own triggers and boundaries.

While memes on mental health can provide a therapeutic benefit to some individuals, they should be used in conjunction with professional help and should not be relied upon as the sole means of addressing mental health concerns.

Memes encourage us to talk about mental health

Mental health memes have become a popular way for people to cope with and talk about their mental health struggles in a lighthearted way.

It’s crucial that we continue to have open and honest conversations about mental health, while also recognizing the importance of sensitivity and empathy towards those who are struggling.

While these memes can provide a sense of humor and relatability for those who are struggling, it’s important to recognize that they should not be a substitute for seeking professional help when needed.

Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for these memes to be triggering or insensitive to those who may be experiencing more severe mental health issues.

Regardless, memes on mental health can serve as a tool for destigmatizing mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it. However, it’s important to use them in a responsible and respectful way.

Related: Successful Tips for Taking a Mental Health Day: When and Why You Should Consider It

best mental health memes
funny mental health memes
positive mental health memes

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