How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Your Zodiac Sign


How Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac Sign

How do you break your own heart? Why, yes! We do set ourselves up for heartbreaks. To know what makes you break your own heart, read on!

We all fall in love, and fall out of it! We feel shattered when our hearts get broken. But little do we realize that most of the time we get our hearts broken due to our own behavioral or personality traits.

More often than not, we continue unhealthy habits, toxic defense mechanisms, or other dysfunctional patterns that keep us from that happily ever after!

So, why do we keep doing it? Astrology and zodiac secrets offer some startling insights into your self-sabotaging behavior when it comes to breaking your own heart. Yes, your zodiac personality can be the reason why you keep breaking your own heart.

So, to understand how you break your own heart, let’s put your zodiac sign under the scanner!

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How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Here’re the 12 heartbroken zodiac signs who’re tired of asking the stars “why do I break my own heart?”

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart aries
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Aries people break their own hearts by running after love at every chance they get. Sure you are very strong, passionate, and always love to win in life. But, when it comes to love, no one can force and make things happen according to their will and wish.

By chasing lovers who are undeserving, you end up as an emotional wreck. You must learn to let go and control your feelings.

Can you live in a compromised relationship for the rest of your life? Don’t you think you’re worthy of real love? Wait for the one who deserves your big, generous heart.

Read: All about the Different Zodiac Signs and their Meanings

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart taurus
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Taurus often breaks their hearts while pretending that they donโ€™t have one. They put up a cold exterior and when their loved one fails to tap into their core feelings, they get broken easily.

You must know that love won’t come chasing you. Little efforts from your side can take you a long way. So, don’t be afraid of expressing your love.

If you are involved with someone, build a strong foundation of trust and certainty. Be cautious, but don’t build invisible walls around yourself in anticipation that you will get hurt again.

You deserve real love, so please don’t succumb to those fears and insecurities. Always have faith in love and give that new person a chance to make you feel things that you never felt before.

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3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart gemini
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Geminis donโ€™t let people in easily and are averse to pursuing love! You think you are misunderstood often and thus you’re better off alone. The loneliness breaks you. This is faulty and dangerous. Find love and find care!

No doubt, you can communicate with people thoroughly and effectively and can easily make friends. Though you are socially dynamic, when it comes to matters of your heart, you seem to be numb.

You need to boost your self-awareness so that you gain clarity of your feelings and self-expression. Figure out your fears and commitment issues and what you actually want. If you don’t understand and value yourself first, you’ll keep getting disheartened.

Read: This Is How You Express Emotions (According To Your Zodiac Sign)

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart cancer
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Cancer people often break their own hearts by holding on to the past and hurting others needlessly. By not letting go of the past, you’re allowing anger, resentment, and rumination to keep you in darkness.

Maybe the past heartbreak left you shattered to such an extent that you think nobody can love you immensely or choose to live with you forever.

Due to this thinking, you’re pushing away all the nice people out there by being emotionally unavailable.

Start living in the present moment and remember, that best is yet to come. Else, you’ll end things before it even begins. What if your new date turns out to be the most compatible partner ever? Muster up the courage to move on in life.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart leo
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Leos often break their own heart by wearing them up on their sleeve. You are impulsive and jump to conclusions very fast. Headlong confrontations can break your heart.

You need a lot of pampering and attention from your partner and if you feel ignored, you don’t think twice before making your displeasure clear to them. This approach often lacks tact and makes you lose your power in the relationship.

You need to be more emotionally secure, control your instinct to react every time you get triggered and be more graceful in your approach.

Instead of being so emotionally vulnerable, try to be a bit elusive to make your person of interest chase you, and not the other way around.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart virgo
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Virgos often break their own hearts by overthinking and not letting go of the ex. You have an overactive mind! Either you ruminate about things that happened years ago or imagine and worry about things that havenโ€™t even happened yet. 

You often compare what you have now to the past and do not give a shot to those that are brand new! Deep-dived in insecurities, you are too hard on yourself as well as overly critical of your partnerโ€™s flaws.

But, the bitter truth is your partner is no way to be blamed. You always demand them to change or do better. But, you should accept them as they are and not try to change them.

Read: The Perfect Soulmate For Each Zodiac Sign

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart libra
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Libras often break their own hearts by putting others first, avoiding their own emotions, and settling for less in relationships. Being compassionate is both your strength and weakness.

You can be the easiest sign to get along and everyone may love you. You hate letting people down. But itโ€™s okay to be selfish once in a while, though it is not natural for you!

You might stay in a dysfunctional relationship to avoid hurting your partner or you might feel more in control of a partnership when you’re not feeling emotionally vulnerable.

Even when you realize that you need a better partner who can offer you a happy and fulfilling relationship, you enter into a self-destructive mode and remain in a relationship that is not meant for you.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart scorpio
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Scorpio, you break your own heart by trusting all but yourself. You are a stubborn person and you make your relationships unnecessarily complicated.

You have a pessimistic attitude, so love is something that scares you. You’re deeply submerged in your own insecurities, so it’s too hard for you to believe that someone can fall head over heels for you.

You need to come out of your trust issues, open up to others, and believe that there is someone ready to understand you, accept you, and love you for you. 

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart sagittarius
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Sagittarius peeps often break their own heart by running away from commitment, attachment, and true love.

You are an adventurous, passionate and optimistic person. You want to live your life like a free bird and you don’t like emotional neediness or being answerable to someone for your whereabouts.

You have to face your relationship issues and work with your partner to make your relationship durable. The more you run away from trouble the more you are going to break yourself.

Read: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love So Hard That It Hurts

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart capricon
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Capricorns often find themselves heartbroken by being all too practical and focused only on material stability and growth. Neglecting your feelings is the biggest blunder!

Every time someone approaches you for a date or professes undying love, you come up with excuses. You are too busy to date, avoid texts, and calls, and have reasons why it won’t work out.

No one knows the future, so stop waiting for the moment when you will be 100% ready to fall in love. Have faith in yourself and love is always worth the risk. Gear up! Catch up with the one who catches your attention.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart Aquarius
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Aquarius often break their own heart believing that they don’t need love. You love independence, solitude, and freedom. You’re quite unpredictable too. You’re non-conformist and tend to make your own rules. 

You prioritize yourself and your self-reliance more than anything else in this world. Therefore, you spend most time staying alone and find it difficult to connect with another person.

Your partner may feel let down because you remain aloof, trying to convey you don’t need him or her.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

How Do You Break Your Own Heart pisces
How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac

Pisces, you often break your own heart by losing yourself in relationships, dwelling in the past, and clinging to the wrong people.

You are sensitive and emotionally dependent. You donโ€™t know when to let someone go and so, you need to hang onto someone when life is in disarray!

When you are in a committed relationship, you feel like you are on top of the world. But, when you are single you feel like you have hit the rock bottom.

In the quest to love and be loved, you lose sight of the person you are. You need to realize that you’re the most important person in your life.

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We hope our post on How Do You Break Your Own Heart based on your Zodiac has offered you helpful insights. Please let us know by commenting down below!

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How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Zodiac
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How Do You Break Your Own Heart Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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