Why It’s Not A Good Idea To Waste Time on People Who Hurt You

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Never Waste Time on People Who Hurt You 2

The situations and people that hurt you, can change and remove you from your real self: a strong, courageous and free human being who deserves to be happy.

Of course, we all know that is not easy to get away from something emotionally damaging overnight. When we want to get away from something, usually referring to a physical threat – a knife or a dark and secluded alley, our brain is programmed in a sense to immediately recognize such threats and to promote the reaction: attack or retreat.

However, there is one thing I think we all agree: we cannot recognize as easily all the harmful situations and maybe even more difficult to convince ourselves that we need to get away from these. What should we do in this case? What happens when, for example, the person who hurts you is a family member or your partner?

Hurt You

The people who hurt you, don’t deserve you

“People who hurt you, do not deserve you.” You know deep inside that the person that damages your self-esteem and does not respect you, does not really love you. How do you let yourself accept this? And how should we react?

Related: 5 Emotions That Can Cause You Pain, And How To Control Them

People who hurt others are only interested in themselves

Referring to people who hurt others, probably the first thing you think of is physical violence. Yes, unfortunately, it is a sad part of life. This kind of violence persists and does not calculate borders, culture or class. There are people who are empty of feelings or unable to create relations based on mutual respect.

People who are in a relationship and always put a priority on their own needs are also very destructive. Self-interest and the inability to create a bond through understanding, trust, and respect are characteristics that without any doubt can cause serious damage over time.

Watch out this interesting story if you’re feeling hurt:

The words can be devastating

Sometimes it is not just what you say – but mostly the way you say it. Using a disrespecting tone, yelling and being sarcastic affects your self-esteem.

When a child grows up in an ugly environment with miscommunication, it can be devastating, undermining the self-esteem and sense of security of the child.

The way a person reacts to a relationship, the tone of voice and the way of thinking can reveal much about someone.


Learn to protect yourself from anything hurtful and from people who make you suffer

The real problem, which we mentioned above, is that people usually react to physical threats and not on emotional or social menaces that threaten their self-esteem.
Usually, the people that cause damage, are family members or friendly faces. What can you do if a parent, partner or your best friend are disrespectful or hurt you emotionally?

Don’t be afraid to set limits and say ‘No’ to certain things you don’t like or hurt you.


“No” is not some selfish word. Is the way you define your personality with respect, to inform people around you that they have to take account of your views and that some things hurt you.

Related: 4 Reasons Why You Should Say No More Often

It is very important after this statement the other person to respond. If you realize that nothing has changed and that they continue to behave the same way, then it’s time to make a decision: a person who hurts you, does not worth you.

You should understand that it is impossible to make everyone happy. Trying all the time to make happy all the people who are in your life is a goal that will make you unhappy.

In life, you should be able to set priorities and the first priority will have to be you. If you love and respect yourself, you will not allow others to hurt you. The most important relationships you will need to establish are the ones that will allow you to be yourself and show love, respect, and understanding.

Related: #1 way to be happy according to Harvard Study

As for the people who do not respect you? The only thing they deserve is your disposal so that you can obtain a better emotional balance and protect yourself. Stay away and keep your distance as much as possible and remember that because you are putting these limits, does not mean that you’re a bad person.

You are responsible, adventurous and have the right to be happy. Don’t waste your time on people who hurt you or don’t respect your values and your integrity.

Hurt You
Never Waste Time on People Who Hurt You

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