8 Things I Don’t Give A Fuck About (and neither should you)

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As a person who has had considerable experience with other people, I can proudly say that there are certain things, I don’t give a fuck about. Period.

Life is very short, so to speak. Even though it is important to sometimes think about how your actions might be affecting other people, investing all your time into doing that is not a good idea. There comes a point, when you need to think about and do what works for you, and your peace of mind. If you constantly think about other people, and what they need and expect from you, you will end up being mentally, and emotionally drained.

Here Are 8 Things I Don’t Give A Fuck About

1) Your opinion of me.

This would be one of the last things in the world that I would care about. Although previously I used to devote a lot of energy to be liked by others but with time I realized that it is a big waste of effort.

It is pointless to apologize for being yourself. Not everybody in the world can like you and it is better to accept it.

Related: 9 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About People’s Approval

2) The price of things.

I know that the prices of commodities like gas, electricity, cigarettes are going up and there is inflation in the market. In spite of the rising prices, people will continue consuming and there isn’t much they can do about it.

There are people in the third world who live in shortage of food and here we are obsessing over the rise in the price of gas by a few cents.

3) If I die tomorrow.

If I were to die tomorrow there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Death is an essential truth of life. Therefore, rather than wasting my time thinking over death, I would spend my time living my life to the fullest.

I would indulge in new adventures and experiences. What happens after death is completely uncertain and there is no point thinking about the afterlife. The present is all I have and I will not let it go waste.

4) What other people are doing.

I don’t really bother about the private lives of other people. I don’t like gossiping over John’s dependence on alcohol or Mary’s adulterous affair.

What people do in their privacy is absolutely their prerogative and I refuse to be bothered by it. I have better things to do with my time.

Related: The Subtle Art Of NOT Giving A Fuck

5) About who becomes the President.

This might incense a few but honestly, I do not care about who becomes the President or any election, so to speak. I do not trust any leader for that matter because whatever they might be doing we do not have a say in it.

Our democracy is a sham and I can’t waste my energy bothering about leaders when I can use it in more productive ways and think of bigger problems.

6) How hard life has been for you.

If you are one who goes on complaining about how hard life has been and that you cannot cope with it, I am not the one who is going to listen to that crap. The very prospect of a person going on and on about his/her problems seems dreadful to me. So please, just stop.

7) Television.

You can be watching something very interesting on television, but I don’t care about it. Television and mass media disgust me to no end and so do people who ramble on about their favorite TV shows.

Related: 10 Reasons Why I Don’t Care Anymore and Neither Should You

8) Your aches and illnesses.

I have had enough of this in the past and I can’t take it anymore. I know I’m being insensitive but there is nothing I can do about it and neither will complaining ease your pain.

Most people don’t want to hear about it so you better talk about something more interesting.

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8 Things I Don’t Give A Fuck About
Things I Don’t Give A Fuck About (and neither should you) Pin

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