10 Reasons Why I Don’t Care Anymore and Neither Should You


Reasons Don't Care Anymore

“Never doubt yourself. Never change who you are. Don’t care what people think and just go for it”
― Britney Spears

Can You Relate to These Questions?

There has been too much coincidence of people experiencing these symptoms for me to ignore this any longer.  Let me jump right into the deep end:

  • Are you feeling a great amount of detachment lately from things that would normally bother you regarding your career, home life, worries, or life in general?
  • Do you have a ‘devil-may-care’ attitude all of a sudden (as in ‘I don’t give a hoot’ or you couldn’t be asked to bat an eyelid)?
  • Are you struggling to get going this year?  Like you’re stuck in neutral?
  • Do you try to shift gears and get things were done but more stuff is piling up and you just don’t have the vooma to carry on?
  • Do you feel that nothing is worth the effort anymore and it’s time to throw in the towel?
  • Do you feel like you’re trying to fit a round into a square?  Things just aren’t fitting anymore and there you are huffing and puffing trying to make it fit!
  • Have you been asking yourself, ‘What’s wrong with me?’

You’ve just stumbled upon a major quagmire that has got most of us quasi-global citizens in its lethargic grip.

“What is it, what’s going on?”  I hear you cry!

I’m not 100% sure but I’m going to give it a shot filtering it through my own realizations of late.  We are experiencing a death and rebirth of ourselves.

Goodbye Old Me and Hello New Who?

I’ve gone through the above questions like an old computer trying to scour for an answer to a rather outdated formula.  What have I come up with?  Here it goes:

  • I don’t care what people think of me (their opinions are none of my business)
  • I don’t care what others expect of me (I’m doing my best!)
  • I don’t care if I die tomorrow (acceptance rather than denial)
  • I don’t care about my career or where I thought I was heading just a few months ago (it’s not really that important in the greater scheme of things)
  • I don’t care if I end up under a bridge (bridges can be quite nice actually)
  • I don’t care if this world is or isn’t experiencing a shift of paradigm (such hype!)
  • I don’t care if everything I believe to be true isn’t (ooh, there’s a big one!)
  • I don’t care that I don’t care (this is where I stick my tongue out)
  • I don’t care….well, yes, I’m sure you get the picture now…

But the crux is, I think I just died to my former self.  Who am I?  No, just rather — I AM.

It feels like my mind, spirit, and body have had a rather cleansing enema.  The moment I started detaching from what I wanted to manifest I, you guessed it, started to manifest all those things at a rapid pace.

I suppose you could call it your very own eternal sunshine of the spotless mind so you can start with a clean slate to create this dream life you’ve always wanted.


Why It’s Necessary to Experience Your Own Death (Metaphorically Speaking)

In my humble opinion, I think one has to truly and utterly — with every fiber of your body — die to your old way of thinking/operating/being to open up to the new paradigm that is practically kicking down your door to be let in.

This entails detaching from past auto-responsive behaviors to make way for new neural connections that will allow you to react in a way that is grounded, balanced, and coming from your heart and not your head.

Detach from the expectations and opinions of others about you — there is no more need to defend yourself, your career (or lack of) choices, your partner (or lack of) choices, your beliefs (or lack of…lol), your version of reality (or illusion) or anything else you may have felt defensive about in the past.


Phew!  What a bloody relief!!!

What Needs To Stay and What Will Depart

Those who will love and respect you enough to let you be will remain in your life and those who will not be able to bear not being able to manipulate you anymore will leave (albeit kicking and screaming).

Be the still presence and just watch how things unfold.  Don’t give in to external demands (not unless you’ve made peace with what is being asked of you) — just be silent, bask in the stillness. Eventually what needs to fall away will.

Where there are no two opposing energies feeding a situation, the energy will move on.

Read How to Start All over and Rebuild Your Life from Scratch

Walk the Talk and Dance the Tango

Now is the time to stop talking about what you know or believe and to LIVE it.  Show others by example (how cool would that be?) and not by rabbiting on about it (unless someone asks you for your opinion).  Dance like no one’s watching — even if it is down the aisles at your local supermarket.

Be the change you want to see (thanks, Gandhi) and live for joy and upliftment for yourself and those around you.  If someone or something tries to drag you down — alchemize them/it.  What does that mean?

Keeping You in Suspenders (A Phrase my Father Would Say in Lieu of ‘Suspense’)

How to alchemize a situation?  Ah, that’s for next week’s blog.

For now, be kind to yourself if you are going through this death/rebirth stage.  Drink plenty of water, eat wholesome foods, meditate, do yoga/go for a walk, be in nature (ground yourself!) and keep setting your intentions to feel bliss every day.

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist, and musician from South Africa. Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality.

This article (10 Reasons Why I Don’t Care Anymore and Neither Should You) is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Originally Appeared On: Conscious Life News
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10 Reasons Why I Don’t Care Anymore And Neither Should You

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