5 Dating Deal Breakers You Should Never Ignore


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Dating Deal Breakers Never Ignore

There are certain dating deal breakers that you should never ignore, no matter what happens. Knowing and understanding these dating deal breakers can protect you from getting manipulated, and deceived.

Someday, there may be a vaccine against COVID-19. But there will never be a vaccine that will afford you immunity against bad relationships (Iโ€™ve spent years in the lab trying to concoct one).

Immunity from toxic relationships can only be achieved by recognizing common traps, and by identifying the Machiavellian tactics that toxic people employ.

If youโ€™re currently in a toxic relationship, you are probably wondering, how did this happenIโ€™m a smart, independent person. I shouldโ€™ve known better. 

Oh, honey, you were deceived. Although it may have started under the pretense of heaven, it led you into deep, dark hell. But do not fretโ€”

If your lover displays any of the following signs or does the following things: scram, boys, and girls. Ladies, if you catch a glimpse of any of these signs, ditch those stilettos and run far, far away. Pack your stuff and get out. Flee the scene. Disappear. Put your apartment on Air B&B and relocate to Costa Rica (or somewhere not listed on your public Pinterest board).

5 Dating Deal Breakers you CAN NOT Ignore

1. Youโ€™re perfect.  

dating deal breakers
Relationship Deal Breakers

One of the biggest red flags in dating is an idealization.  Itโ€™s not that they are lying: they truly believe you are perfect. They see no flaws in your physical appearance, character, your dreams, or aspirations.

You are everything they hoped their partner would be and more. You are a divine, special, unicorn of a person (impossibly cringeworthy, but โ€œunicornโ€ best encapsulates the animating spirit behind it).  They do not perceive you as a human beingโ€”you are some angelic, never-killed-a-spider runway model.

That is until youโ€™re not anymore. Over time, their rose-colored vision will fade, and they will start to be disillusioned with your humanness. They will begin to criticize everything. Nothing will be enough for them.

Related: Your Biggest Relationship Deal-Breaker Based On Your Zodiac Sign   

2. Woe is me.

Narcissists and sociopaths prey on empaths. And what quality distinguishes an empath from the crowd? A bottomless well of empathy for others.

If this person is bad news, they will likely reveal a complex, traumatic past that they have heroically overcomeโ€”all within the initial stages of dating. 

By gaining your sympathy and amazement, they gauge how naive and innocent you are for future exploitation.

3. My ex was crazy.

Nothing is quite as disturbing as someone who purports that all of their exes were crazy. No ripple in the relationship was due to a stone they had thrown; it was always due to some emotional upheaval in their unstable partner.

Rest assured: history is the best predictor of the future, and if they have a trail of drama behind them, a trail of the drama lies ahead of them.

4. Iโ€™ll show them. 

Oh, dear, sweet narcissist. Nobody cares like you think they do. But alas, they will strive to show everyone just how great they are, to strengthen the husk surrounding their empty and insecure core.

A narcissist is always under the illusion of the spotlight effectโ€”they constantly perceive that all eyes are on them. They typically have carefully curated social media accounts and grandiose plans to garner more attention.

They live for validation and strive to prove themselves at every turn. Their fragile egos cannot handle the terror of perceived inadequacy.

Related: 5 Dating Deal Breakers You Should Never Ignore

5. Itโ€™s us against the world.

dating deal breakers
Deal Breaker On A Date

Run! Run run run run!

The narcissist is innately distrustful of others. They cannot feel that the world is a supportive, connected place. For them, life is oozing with cheats, liars, and competitors. But, they seem to forget the axiom of all axioms: our view of the world is an admission of our own character.

To the narcissist, telling you โ€œitโ€™s us against the worldโ€ is the ultimate complimentโ€”who wouldnโ€™t want to be in permanent cahoots with them, conspiring to conquer the world? They will try to draw a line in the sand between your relationship and the โ€œrest of the worldโ€.

But remember: there is a fine line between being half of a dynamic duo, and being the hostage of a narcissist.

Check out Saba Mayโ€™s website, Metta Human for more such informative articles.

Written By Saba May
Originally Appeared In Metta Human

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is a deal breaker for guys?

No matter how much compatible a couple is or attracted they both are to each other, there are certain deal breakers a man absolutely cannot tolerate. One of the biggest deal breaker for a guy is, a woman complaining about everything.

What are deal breakers for a girl?

For a woman, small things matter than all the glittery big gifts. The absolute deal breakers for a girl are dishonesty and controlling behavior that makes her lose interest in him.

Is lying a deal breaker in a relationship?

For both men and women, lying is the biggest deal breaker in a relationship. This leads to a major distrust in relationships and destroys a bond.

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Red Flags In Dating
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5 Dating Deal Breakers You Should Never Ignore

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