18 Romantic Things To Tell Your Boyfriend To Make Him Blush


Sweet Things To Tell Your Boyfriend That'll Make Him Blush

Do you not feel nice when someone says something nice to you? Well, here are cute things to tell your boyfriend to take his heart away. Read on to know more!

It sure does, not just to the woman but the same goes for men too. Speaking your heart out and communicating it effectively would not only make him feel loved but it would also show how much he means to you.

You know what’s in your heart, but maybe you’re having trouble putting it into words. There are many ways to express your love. All you need is a little inspiration to help you realize what you want to say.

Related:ย 11 Little Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love

Charming things to tell your man to take his heart away.

18 Sweet Things To Tell Your Boyfriend And Take His Heart Away

1. โ€œI wish you were here with me right now.โ€

Everyone has this urge to feel wanted. By telling your boyfriend how much you miss his presence, you indirectly tell him how important he is to you. Yet doing it quite often could result in the effect being worn out.

2. โ€œI didnโ€™t believe that love can happen in a single moment, but it changed the very moment I fell in love with you.โ€

A cheesy addition, yet it shows your deepest feelings for him

3. โ€œI can see a gateway to the world I want to exist in whenever I look into your eyesโ€

The shortness of the message shouldnโ€™t be looked upon but instead, its depth should be measured. Careful, the delivery and the time its dropped really matters as if itโ€™s too early then it might freak your boyfriend out.

4.ย โ€œIf I got to relive my whole life, the only thing I would change is that I would have met you years ago.โ€

This shows your feelings and also shows the only part you regret is not meeting him earlier in life.

5. โ€œI feel shielded and safe when you are around me.โ€

Men usually consider them to be the guardian and the protector, and by saying this your guy would feel special and would feel honored. This particular compliment while making your man feel proud and would warm his heart.

6. โ€œThereโ€™s no one in the world who can understand me better than you.โ€

Among the romantic things to say to your boyfriend, this sentence will show your boyfriend how honest you are to him and how progressive your relationship is.

7.ย โ€œYou can lighten my mood, even in the darkest of times.โ€

A relationship is full of ups and downs, and if your guy can elevate you to the good mode then he is a keeper. Doing the same for him when he is in bad mood are a sign of constructive and healthy relationship.

This is one of the sweet things to say to your boyfriend, by telling your guy this you show him that you are relying on him when there are any hardships that will make him happy, proud and feel loved.

8.ย โ€œI love your company more than anyone in this world.โ€

Romantic Things To Tell Your Boyfriend To Make Him Blush
18 Romantic Things To Tell Your Boyfriend To Make Him Blush

Whilst in a relationship, you might be seeing other friends besides your boyfriend. Assuring your boyfriend that his company delights you the most and telling him that you prefer it over anything else will mean a huge step in your relationship.

It means you are prioritizing him over your other friends and can lead to a seriousness in the relationship.

Related:ย 15 Ways He Says I LOVE You, Without Ever Saying A Word

9.ย โ€œI canโ€™t imagine my life without you.โ€

When committing to a relationship, a life without the significant half becomes unimaginable. This step is a positive one and your guy would know how much he means to you.

10.ย โ€œMy friends are jealous that I have you in my life.โ€

By putting this statement in good regards, it wonโ€™t hurt the guy to know that people are actually jealous of the relationship and you are the couple goals. It comes with its risk of being communicated negatively yet itโ€™s a fun and lovable message.

11. โ€œI am glad that you keep up with me, even though I can be difficult at timesโ€

This message can be really effective if there are times when you were unmanageable and difficult to control.

12. โ€œMy words and actions cannot tell you how much I love you but my heart canโ€

This communicates that words and actions arenโ€™t enough for you to express your love for him. Itโ€™s something beyond words and actions.

13.ย โ€œYou are such a valiant gentleman when you are around me.โ€

This tells your man two things. One that you love his benevolent habits and that he should always keep it up.

14. โ€œYou are so interesting and have such a great knowledge base about everything.โ€

By appreciating your boyfriendโ€™s knowledge, self-awareness and his interesting quirks, you are showing him that you are appreciative towards them.

15.ย  โ€œI was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.โ€

This might be cheesy, yet it will make our boyfriends heart melt.

16. โ€œYour ambitions and desires amaze me.โ€

A light-hearted yet a powerful statement warming your boyfriend’s heart.

17. โ€œYou are the most masculine guy I have ever met.โ€

Men often love it when their masculinity is appreciated. Not on many occasions, a guyโ€™s masculinity is appreciated and it can make them feel inferior. Doing so will lift their spirits higher and shows that you appreciate their masculinity.

18. โ€œCanโ€™t wait to see you again.โ€

This is one of the cute things to say to your boyfriend. It shows the eagerness and your willingness to be around him and how much you love being around him. It can also be the driving force in a new relationship.

Related:ย 6 Kinds Of Compliments Men Would Love To Hear More Often

These were some of the romantic things to tell your boyfriend to make him smile. Which one will you use? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

18 Charming Things To Tell Your Man To Take His Heart Away
18 Charming Things To Tell Your Man To Take His Heart Away
things to tell your boyfriend
18 Romantic Things To Tell Your Boyfriend To Make Him Blush

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  1. Kelly Avatar

    I feel like saying these things would scare them away. If they are already insecure, then they will think youโ€™re playing some kind of game & not believe what you say.

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