How To Boost Your Spiritual Growth and Development


How To Boost Your Spiritual Growth and Development

By becoming more aware and conscious of your inner self, you can discover the true potential of your inner spirit and boost your spiritual growth and the process of inner awakening. 

โ€œThere are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.โ€ – Buddha

Our spiritual journey is full of ups and downs and most of the times we need to navigate, change directions, adjust spiritual practices and even let go of previously held beliefs. Sometimes what worked for you previously might be useless now.

Hence, you need to utilize old practices and adopt some new ones to build a better connection with your inner self and the Universe.

By becoming more aware and conscious of your inner self, you can discover the true potential of your inner spirit and boost the process of inner awakening. 

Spiritual development can enable you to look beyond your ego and your mind and experience a peaceful life free from temptations, anxiety, stress and fear. It will enable you to detach from attachments, improve your inner strength and manifest your spiritual dreams and objectives.

Boosting Your Spiritual Growth

Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could speed up your spiritual growth? Well, there is: itโ€™s the mindfulness meditation retreat. Iโ€™m sure you know of some people who are so peaceful and serene that nothing seems to bother them. The secret of their spiritual maturity is actually quite simple. Theyโ€™ve figured out what works, and they do it consistently.

Why Your Spiritual Growth Is Slow

The reason many of us have trouble with our spiritual growth is that we donโ€™t avail ourselves of some simple tools that can be tremendously effective. In Buddhism, they have what is called the Noble Eightfold Path. If youโ€™re not familiar with these principles, they are essentially basic practices that will help us achieve enlightenment or freedom from suffering.

One of them is the right effort, sometimes called the right diligence. What it basically means is doing the things that will cultivate mindfulness, and doing them consistently. The problem many people have is that theyโ€™re diligent, but not necessarily using the most effective tools at their disposal. This is not surprising because there is so much confusion about what exactly mindfulness meditation is.

When it comes to getting the most from your meditation practice, itโ€™s important to learn the proper techniques, and then apply them consistently. Anything less, and your spiritual development will be less than optimal.

Read 3 Transformational Processes Within the Spiritual Growth

The Need For Mindfulness Meditation Retreat

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Those who are spiritually advanced have discovered the power of the mindfulness meditation retreat. They have attended one and realized that it not only takes their spirituality to a higher level but also greatly enhances their meditation practice, so they continue making spiritual progress at a much faster pace when they return home. Then they make attending retreats part of their routine.

One reason the mindfulness meditation retreat is so effective is that it combines the instruction of proper mindfulness meditation techniques with the time necessary for applying themโ€”that is, the right effort. It is like a professional athlete training for his sport. He will excel much faster if he uses proper techniques, and practices diligently.

The Three Jewels: Your Sources of Spiritual Nourishment

โ€œMeditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.โ€ -Buddha

There is also another reason for the retreatโ€™s effectiveness. Mindfulness is more than simply awareness. It is a form of energy, the energy of consciousness. Each spiritual tradition has a different name for it. The Buddhists call it the energy of mindfulness because it shines the light on reality. Mindfulness is the spiritual nourishment we need to awaken our higher consciousness.

Think about a time in your life when you felt some form of spiritual connection. It may have been when you were especially close to someone, or you may have had a profound spiritual experience. At the time, you probably gained some clarity in your life, felt more peaceful and secure, and felt a great sense of love. You may even have sensed a connection with a power much greater than yourself. That is the energy of mindfulness that weโ€™re trying to cultivate through our mediation practice.

The major religions are similar in their approach to raising your spiritual energy. There are three main sources. In Buddhism, theyโ€™re called the Three Jewels:

  • The Buddha: Our own True Nature, or spirit
  • The Dharma: The spiritual principles that govern our existence
  • The Sangha: The spiritual community that supports our practice

These sources of spiritual nourishment are vital to our development of mindfulness, and can significantly speed up our spiritual growth.

By dwelling in them, we can transform our unwholesome thoughts and actions. We dwell in the Buddha by meditating; in the Dharma by studying the mindfulness practice; and in the Sangha by practicing with others.

In short, the mindfulness meditation retreat is so effective in speeding up your spiritual growth because youโ€™re dwelling deeply in the Three Jewels the whole time youโ€™re there.

Read 11 Traps Sabotaging Your Spiritual Growth

Experiencing Inner Peace and Serenity

“Spiritual development is not an accomplishment but a way of life. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of one’s motives.” – David R. Hawkins

As you can see, you can dramatically speed up your spiritual growth when you apply the proper meditation techniques in a consistent manner. When your True Nature awakens, you can perform at a much higher level:

  • You can think more clearly.
  • You can see reality on a much deeper level.
  • You will have greater control of your mind, body, and emotions.

Athletes refer to this state as โ€œbeing in the zone.โ€ In other words, we begin using the full power of our body and mind, including our subconscious. When weโ€™re in the zone, we feel awake and at peace with the world. We also feel a great sense of love. Imagine the implications of functioning on a higher spiritual level:

  • You will remain calm, even in stressful situations.
  • Your relationships will improve significantly.
  • You will overcome the wounds from your past.

Overall, you will be at peace with yourself and the world around you. You will know a level of happiness and serenity that you never thought possible. You will be in the zone more often.

If you are truly serious about your boosting your spiritual growth and want to begin progressing at a faster pace, I would recommend you go on a mindfulness meditation retreat. Iโ€™ve seen peopleโ€™s lives transformed in just a matter of days at the retreats Iโ€™ve attended. And once you experience the full power of the retreat for yourself, then you too will make it part of your routine.

Here’s an interesting video to shed some more light on creating a spiritual connection :

Spiritual development is the path to a meaningful life and a peaceful mind. The spirit is present is all of us and strengthening our inner spirit can empower us to manifest untapped power that resides within us.

The growth of your spirituality solely relies on how well you nurture your inner spirit and how much it is affected by your beliefs, thoughts and habits.

We all have a unique spiritual journey and that is exactly what makes this experience so magical and beautiful.

Read Retreating Into The Inner Sanctuary And Igniting Your Spiritual Awakening

Best wishes on your spiritual journey!

Written By Charles Francis
Originally Appeared On The Mindfulness Meditation Institute

How To Boost Your Spiritual Growth and Development
How To Boost Your Spiritual Growth and Development

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