Quiz Time: The First Thing You Spot Exposes Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship


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What's Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship? Results Quiz

Being aware of the biggest flaw in a relationship can be embarrassing but also a humbling experience. Here’s a relationship personality test that will only make you a better romantic partner in the long run.

Depending on what you see first, it reveals your weakness in a relationship. Sounds interesting right? So try it out!

This is an optical illusion test that reveals your inner flaws, personality, and character. When you understand your personality, it can help you deal with your relationship better! When you know which particular area you need to work on, you can deliberately make efforts to improve your relationship.

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What’s your biggest flaw in a relationship? Take this visual personality test to find out!

This optical illusion personality test has been effectively designed by experts and psychologists to help you determine your relationship weaknesses based on your initial observations and personality traits. It helps you figure out the source of your issues in a relationship and empower you to find love based on respect, trust, and lasting commitment.

All of us make mistakes in relationships. But learning from those mistakes enables us to learn and grow So, take a step closer to consciously building a loving and healthy romantic relationship. It will help you to become the best partner!

Are you ready to discover your relationship flaws with our relationship personality test?

Take a look at the image below and observe. Once you are done, scroll down and check out the detailed analysis for each element from the picture.

What You See First In This Optical Illusion Test Reveals Your Relationship Weakness
What You See First In This Optical Illusion Test Reveals Your Relationship Weakness

What Did You See First? If you saw…

1. The peaceful face: You like to control your relationship

This Visual Relationship Personality Test Reveals Your Biggest Weakness As A Partner
What You See First In This Optical Illusion Test Reveals Your Relationship Weakness

Have you noticed the peaceful face first while looking at the optical illusion image? This indicates that you are a smart and intelligent individual who always thinks a few steps ahead. You can easily analyze any situation, anticipate how others will think, and cleverly plan your actions accordingly.

Although you may not necessarily be a type-A personality, you certainly feel better when things are where they belong. You like finding peace in chaos and always try your best to reduce stress. You are always willing to dedicate maximum effort to keep chaos away from your life.

As you are highly organized by instinct and a detailed planner, you can make life better for yourself and your loved ones by keeping stress at bay. However, when youโ€™re in love and navigating through the ups and downs of a relationship, you can’t always predict your partnerโ€™s behavior and you definitely cannot plan everything.

You need to let go of your desire for controlling every aspect of your life when it comes to romantic relationships. You canโ€™t plan, manage and schedule emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Not for yourself. Not for your partner. Sometimes you simply need to trust the universe and go with the flow. You need to let go of your urge to control everything and have faith in your partner. Only then will you be able to build a meaningful and loving relationship that will last a lifetime.

Related: What Did You See First? Optical Illusion Reveals Your Deepest Fears In Seconds

2. The person picking fruit: You’re overambitious about career goals

This Visual Relationship Personality Test Reveals Your Biggest Weakness As A Partner
Visual Personality Test: What You See First Reveals Your Relationship Weakness

If you noticed the fruit-picking figure first when you saw the picture, then it means you are driven by goals and youโ€™re highly ambitious about your career. Even in your childhood, you had great career ambitions and you were always motivated by these dreams.

Although your career goals might have changed a number of times as you grew up and became more realistic, you are still determined to be the best in your professional field and achieve greatness through your work and performance. You refuse to accept anything less than what you think is perfect and you never fail to achieve it through your determination and hard work.

It is certainly commendable that you pursue your career goals with such focus and tenacity, but your career can certainly create cracks in your relationships if you neglect your partner for your career.

A strong focus on your goals should never mean less attention to the person you love. You need to invest yourself in your relationship as much as in your work.

You need to focus on improving your relationship with the same determination and gusto. When you let your partner know how much you value them, they will be your greatest support in achieving your career goals.

They will cheer the loudest when you win and they will make the journey more than worth it. So make sure to remind yourself that love and relationships are as important as work and career goals, if not more.

3. The mother & the child: You rely too much on your family’s opinions

biggest flaw in a relationship
What You See First Reveals Your Relationship Weakness

Did you first notice the mother and her child when you looked at the picture above? This means that you give priority to your family and consider them the most important part of your life.

When it comes to the value of your family, you can be a bit old-fashioned as you embrace your family from your heart. Your identity is significantly influenced by your family and the relationship you share with them impacts almost every other aspect of your personal and professional life.

Even though making your family your top priority is important and respectable, it can affect how you connect with others and build new friendships and relationships. 

We can all agree that our family is a crucial part of our identity and our lives, however, you also need to focus on yourself, your needs, desires, wants and dreams as well. Although you should value the opinions of your family members regarding your romantic partner or spouse, you shouldnโ€™t rely on their opinions to make any important decisions.

The weight of your familyโ€™s opinions should never crumble your relationship. You should accept their feedback with an open mind and then work on your relationship independently without being influenced by anyone, not even your family.

Related: What you See In This Inkblot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear

4. The flying birds: You’re an impractical daydreamer

Biggest Weakness As A Partner
Optical Illusions: What You See First Reveals Your Relationship Weakness

If you looked first at the birds flying in the sky when you saw this above image, then it signifies that you are a person who is absent-minded, absorbed, and easily distracted.

You spend most of your time daydreaming and have your head in the clouds. You are born as a dreamer and most of the time your dreams can take you places and pursue greatness. You know this about yourself and have a certain amount of appreciation for this unique trait. You have a special gift of transforming a dull and mediocre situation into a safe, secure, and wonderful environment. And you have no plans of stopping yourself from dreaming anytime soon.

As youโ€™re a dreamer, you have a unique perspective and see the world differently from others. This is certainly a special gift and others are often attracted by how you see the world as it makes them feel better.

However, your different perspective of the world can also lead to some severe disappointments in life as reality is often very different from dreams.

This can be especially true when it comes to relationships and love. You may tend to believe that you have found the perfect partner and that you have a fairy tale romance, but in reality, your partner and your relationship might be completely opposite of what you believe it to be.

5. The face of the man: You avoid social interactions & people

This Visual Relationship Personality Test Reveals

So you saw the manโ€™s face first in the image above? Well, this means that you prefer avoiding social interactions and you feel more comfortable observing people from a distance. It could be due to your fear of being rejected or you may be shy. But this can take a toll on your friendships and relationships.

Your loved ones will always find it hard to break your personal barrier and connect with you on an intimate and personal level. Although you may not want to make it hard for them, you do have a tendency to push people away.

Observing people from a safe distance can be highly informative and help you analyze the complexities of people and social interactions greatly. But it can undoubtedly affect your romantic relationships and even prevent you from meeting anyone new, like a potential date.

If you truly wish to build a deep and loving relationship and want to deeply connect with your romantic partner, then you have to put down your guard and be more welcoming of people.

You need to show more empathy, compassion, and kindness when people approach you or you approach others. If you want to build a meaningful and lasting connection with someone special, then you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Related: What Is Your Deepest Fear: Discover With This Visual Personality Test

Turn Your Weakness Into Strength This Valentine’s Day

โ€œEvery weakness contains within itself a strength.โ€ – Shusaku Endo

By understanding your biggest flaw in a relationship, as revealed by our optical illusion relationship personality test, you can better understand yourself as an individual and as a romantic partner. The more insight you gain will help you deal with the various issues that crop up in any and every relationship.

What’s your biggest flaw in a relationship? Tell us in the comments below! Till then Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s an interesting video that you may find helpful:

biggest flaw in a relationship
Quiz Time: The First Thing You Spot Exposes Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship
First Reveals Biggest Weakness As Partner pin
What’S Your Weakness In A Relationship
See First Reveals Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship Quiz pin
What’S Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship?
What You See First Reveals Your Relationship Weakness pin
Quiz Time: The First Thing You Spot Exposes Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship
biggest flaw in a relationship
Quiz Time: The First Thing You Spot Exposes Your Biggest Flaw In A Relationship

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  1. Smriti Avatar

    I saw Angel in this image at the corner

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