The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign


Best Worst Things About Being Friends Zodiac

Is Friendship Day making you reminisce on the good old days you spent with your friends? Some of them are still in your life, while some have drifted apart. What makes being friends with someone and keeping in touch so hard or so easy?

Why certain relationships would continue for years and others could come to a complete halt within a few days. Understanding zodiac signs and how they intersect can help answer the essential questions about how we interact with each other and what type of relationships one should be looking for. And what can be a better time than international friendship day?

Once we understand ourselves, then we are better equipped to understand and accept others.  I believe that by studying our astrological charts and those of others, we can achieve greater self-awareness. Each of the 12 zodiac signs has a different meaning. They suggest different traits, characteristics, and talents. Zodiac signs provide insight into the types of relationships that we form with others, including friendship.

Read: Zotz Mayan Zodiac

This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

Some signs are destined to be besties while some zodiac signs cannot fathom seeing each other. It all depends on the behavior of the different signs while being friends with each other. On happy friendship day, let’s glance at how each zodiac sign behaves while being friends, in the best and worst ways.

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

being friends with aries
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: They act as your cheerleader and can jump to any adventure and will also take you with them. This sign will motivate you to act, to achieve your goals. This bestie of yours is a great prankster, mind you but will never leave your side if things get hard.

The Bad: Aries speaks the truth, often without thinking of the consequences. Their honest and quite blunt nature can hurt their friends. Their major weakness is their impulsiveness and sometimes it may be hard for you to keep up with them. Aries is always ready to replace the old with the new, and this applies to their friendships. They are prone to get offended easily and are quick to anger which can impact their friendships.

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

being friends with taurus
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: Taurusโ€™ dependability, stability, and trustworthiness are qualities that make them excellent friends. Whenever you are looking for a hand to guide you, to listen to you patiently, you can rely on a Taurus.

This friend of yours will most likely accompany you for cozy night-outs and delicious snacks. Taurus won’t lie to you to make you feel comfortable, instead, he or she will give you their honest opinion and advice, all of which will help you grow as a person.

The Bad: Taurus may develop a very materialistic outlook and place too high a value on money and sometimes like to be associated with affluent and popular people. They are also brutishly stubborn and blind to reasoning, which can lead them to hurt your feelings if you are willing to voice your opinions that don’t go well with your friend’s traditional and unchanging thinking.

Read: 7 Reasons Why A Taurus Is The Best Friend Youโ€™ll Ever Have

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

being friends with gem
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: They are versatile and adaptable and they are always on the lookout for fresh ideas and interests. That is why making new friends is a piece of cake for them. You will always find them very lively and rather difficult to pin down and there are never dull moments with them.

If your opinions do not suit them, they will exchange ideas with you without too much discrimination. Their energy adds to the fuel of any function and among your friend’s circle, for they are always witty and poised.

The Bad: Although they are socially popular, they cannot resist gossip. Geminis are always on the lookout for something to discuss or criticize, good or bad. The Gemini places too much importance on facts rather than emotion. Sometimes these traits can make you displease them.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

being friends with cancer
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: They are known as the โ€œMother of Zodiacโ€ because they care about each and every one, this friend of yours will act as your personal therapist. They will talk to you about the old days, for them have a good memory and never forget the friends they have made and the times they have had together. The keyword in any friendship has to be loyalty and with Cancer, this comes naturally, you can always rely on a Cancer and will always find a shoulder of them if a situation needs it.

The Bad: Cancers may dramatize the small things that upset them emotionally, they are prone to get over-emotional in any relationship, and sometimes that can be suffocating you. Because they are easily influenced, criticism may cause them to climb into their shell and could contribute to an inferiority complex. If you try to overlook them, ignore, or neglect them, they become moody and peevish and you may lose one of your great friends.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

being friends with leo
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: You got a big-time party animal as your friend but be rest assured no one sticks up for their friends like a Leo. The Lions have a deep sense of responsibility towards their friends and also possess a big heart, they are generous and sensitive to othersโ€™ feelings. Leo will generally know to appreciate those who are their real friends and you can always count on a Leo to take the lead in any situation.

The Bad: They love showing off and will do anything to be the main attraction. This friend of yours can be thoroughly carried away by their pride and the desire to be at the center of attention and that sometimes is irksome to you. We get that!! Leos have the constant need to feel validated and you will soon realize that they like to take the lead in any association for you to be the sub.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

being friends with virgo
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: It’s true that if you want anything done right, ask a Virgo. Friendship is no less, although a Virgo may seem shy and introverted at first, once they open up and start talking about a topic that resonates with them, Virgos can open up a whole new, communicative side you didn’t see before.

Virgos love the feeling of being needed, they never refuse to assist anyone or provide guidance in need. Moreover, your secret is always safe in their hands, you can tell your deepest dark secret to a Virgo and they will never judge you.

The Bad: Virgos are very choosy when it comes to friends and loversโ€”they wonโ€™t hang around with just anyone. Although they may offer criticism in a helpful spirit, no one likes to have his faults pointed out to them. For their love of order and perfection, they can often seem overbearing and controlling to you. Their too practical nature can seem like emotional detachment, you might want to zip up if you have the urge to correct your Virgo bestie.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

being friends with libra
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: Here comes your chatty and gullible friend. Charm is one of the main qualities associated with Librans. They are friendly and talkative, so everyone can be easily attracted to them. They are renowned for their diplomacy and always try to see other people’s points of view. You might find yourself always impressed by the noble gentleness and the sense of balance that they often convey.

The Bad: Phew, you know it. Your charming friend is always judging one course against the other, trying to decide which is best, and therefore waste their strength in indecisiveness. Librans tend to avoid unpleasantness at all costs and are likely to retreat whenever things get complicated. You might find them somewhat insincere because of their nature to compromise and they sometimes deliberately deceive to create harmony.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

being friends with sco
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: You have found a fearless and intriguing friend in your life, dear. As a friend of a Scorpio, you know they don’t need anything from you rather than your honesty and loyalty. Scorpions are the most focused and when they make a decision on something it’s almost impossible to divert them from their path and that includes devotion in friendships as well. Theyโ€™re the most loyal and empathic, as a rule to those friends they do make.

The Bad: It is not their nature to make a fleeting acquaintance or light conversation and you may find them deep and difficult to understand. Scorpions can be quite calculating in forming relationships as they are quite secretive. Betrayal is something they absolutely loathe. Make sure you don’t let them down or hurt them deliberately, they can retaliate relentlessly. Surely you don’t want to see their bad side.

Read: The Most Annoying Thing About You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

being friends with sag
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: Sagittarius has a keen sense of humor which you appreciate and you value your friendship with them, for them to have a ready wit and smiles. A Sagittarius friend always manages to make a dull evening, cheerful and lively thanks to the optimism and confidence they can transmit. They are the ones who will get you out of your comfort zone as their insatiable appetite for adventure and zest for life will also make you look forward to the road.

The Bad: Your kind and understanding friend may become irritable and impatient, or even defiant when they are with those who are hostile to their temperament. They can be too honest with you while giving their opinions which sometimes hurts your feelings. The major drawback while being friends with a Sagittarius is their commitment issues, they can easily disappear as their love for freedom is the most precious to them.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

being friends with cap
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: This earth sign friend of yours has a wide circle of acquaintances but few close associations. They do not make friends easily, but are very good company; you just have to make sure they forget their reserves so that they can really enjoy life.

Capricorns value their true friends highly and will keep them for life and respect their secrets. They are the most dedicated and hardworking of all, and they make sure their friends and peers also reach their goals. This honest bestie of yours will not hesitate to defend you if the situation arises.

The Bad: Any feeling of social awkwardness they may experience is the result of keeping people at a distance. Their work is their priority, they get easily carried away in order to push themselves but this can also result in pushing their friends away.

They may also want the same dedication in work from you when you really want to sit on your couch and die. They are quite traditional and don’t like changes, their constant nature can be irritating for you sometimes.

Read: Zodiac Signs As Friends: Who Make The Best Of Friends Ranked from Most To Least

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

being friends with aqua
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: This crazy friend of yours is a cheerful soul and quite at home in company. Aquarius sees good in everything, manages to get along with everyone, and finds good in any person, no matter how badly they treat them. You may find yourself looking at the world differently when you are with them. When they are understood, keep true friendships throughout life, they love you surely for them to share their weirdest ideas with you.

The Bad: Often Aquarians are an unusual type whom few understand really well. They may seem cold and aloof to you because they stand apart. Although they may form many associations, their temperament is often too detached to make many warm and intimate friendships. You love to have them around, but can you depend on them? That always roams around your mind.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

being friends with pisces
On This Friendship Day, Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

The Good: Your empathetic friend always attracts other people’s hearts by their own warmth of heart and personal magnetism. Pisces friends find them gentle, helpful, and kind. โ€œTo have a friend you must be a friendโ€ is their firm belief and they take every opportunity to put this into practice. You never hesitate to confide in them and โ€œcry on your shoulderโ€ because they are good listeners and understand your problems.

The Bad: They are very sensitive to criticism and sometimes their individuality becomes the reason for your dissatisfaction. This shy friend of yours prefers to be private and have his/her own little world in which they confide, it’s very tough to understand them and their world and may seem mysterious to you. Pisces got a bad habit to get involved in your life and trying to find a solution for your problems, which sometimes can seem like a breach of your privacy.

Read: Bad Friendship Signs

So which friend are you and who is your bestie? Do let us know in the comments. Share this article with all your friends to wish them a happy friendship day!

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On International Friendship Day Know The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign
On this friendship day, find out the best and the worst thing about being friends with each zodiac sign.
The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign
Best Worst Things About Being Friends Zodiac pin
The Best And Worst Things About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign

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