Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence


Cancerian Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

It’s Cancer season, baby! These Cancerian quotes are meant to celebrate all the unique qualities and emotions that make our moonchildren shine. You know, those compassionate, sensitive, and intuitive souls who can rock the nurturing game like nobody else. They’re like a cozy hug or a warm cup of tea on a rainy day.

From their deep thoughts to their tidal wave of emotions, Cancerians know how to keep it real and ride those waves like pros. They’ve got empathy that runs as deep as the ocean and loyalty that’s as solid as a rock.

In this compilation of the best Cancer star sign quotes, we’re gonna explore the hidden treasures of this zodiac sign. Let’s celebrate the magic of Cancer season with these fantastic, heartwarming, and totally rad Cancer quotes. 

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

35 Best Cancerian Quotes That Are Proof They Are Truly Special

1. “Cancerians are all mothers at heart, even the men.” – Linda Goodman

Cancerians are all mothers at heart
Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

2. โ€œImagine what it must feel like to be that Cancer person and get those overwhelming feelings and to feel so overcome that other people feel they are drowning in them and nothing else will happen until they subside.โ€ – Mary English

3. โ€œA Cancerโ€™s bite is always bigger than their bark. Never underestimate them!โ€ – Unknown

4. โ€œCancer represents foundation, home, family, and security.โ€ – Joanna Martine Woolfolk

5. โ€œCancer has the gift of easing your fears and smoothing your furrowed brow.โ€ – Linda George

6. โ€œOne of the most astounding traits in the Zodiac falls to Cancer, and itโ€™s their innate ability to spark happiness in others even when they themselves are not feeling great.โ€ – Maria Silva

7. โ€œEmotion is Cancerโ€™s middle name.โ€ – William Lamb

Cancerian quotes
Cancer Star Sign Quotes

8. โ€œIโ€™m a Cancerโ€ฆthe little crab. Loves the home, her sanctuary, all the cozy things.โ€ -Gisele Bรผndchen

9. โ€œI do like the ocean wave, actually. Iโ€™m born under the sign of Cancerโ€”the sign of the crabโ€”so I like coastal areas and sunny beaches and such, although not the wide open and deep seas.โ€ – Anjelica Huston

10. โ€œOooof do Cancers have the ability to do anything other than feeeeeeeeel feel feeeeeeeel feel feeeeeel.โ€ – Ariana Grande

11. โ€œCancers often feel insecure in the multifaceted, fast-paced world. Yet Cancers carry a natural protection โ€” the hard shell they wear on their backs.โ€ – Laurie A. Baum

12. โ€œCancers are Moonchildren; totally influenced by the waxing and waning cycles of the Moon. Asking them to remain in one feeling, one mood, or one state of mind is pure insanity.โ€ – Sherene Schostak

Cancers are Moonchildren totally influenced
Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Cancer (10 Brutal Truths)

13. โ€œThe Cancer man or woman has strong powers of intuition and can generally sense when he has met a person who is likely to turn into a good friend.โ€ – Margarete Beim

14. “In the realm of emotions, you are a master, Cancer. Your ability to empathize deeply allows you to connect with others on a profound level.” – Unknown

15. โ€œA camera molds memory into permanency for Cancerians, whose very minds are like sensitive film, recording every impression with vivid clarity.โ€ – Linda Goodman

16. โ€œI live with romance in my brain. Iโ€™m a true-blue Cancerian like that.โ€ – Priyanka Chopra

17. โ€œThe symbol of Cancer is the Crab because just like it, it has a hard outer shell, but deep inside it is soft and can be crushed and hurt easily.โ€ – Ruth Moon

18. โ€œThe Cancer typeโ€ฆ can be the most helpless or the most determined in a strange, silent way.โ€ – Dr. Douglas M. Baker

19. “Cancer can think about you all day every day and still hold themselves back from contacting you.” – Unknown

Cancer can think about you
Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

20. โ€œCancer neither fights the crowd, nor leads the crowd, nor leaves the crowd.โ€ – Kurt Abraham

21. โ€œIโ€™m the kind of person who would rather get my hopes up really high and watch them get dashed to pieces than wisely keep my expectations at bay and hope they are exceeded. This quality has made me a needy and theatrical friend, but has given me a spectacularly dramatic emotional life.โ€ – Mindy Kaling

22. โ€œI am Moodyโ€ฆ and a Cancerian to the boot. Even a small thing can change the entire mood, but Iโ€™m working on that.โ€ – Katrina Kaif

23. โ€œWhether itโ€™s an old plastic bottle, an old lover, an old house, an old belief, and old bit of string, an old memoryโ€ฆ hang on to it, says Cancer. You never know when you might need it again.โ€ – Liz Greene

24. โ€œThose born under Cancer operate in the inner world with a strong emotional nature, as well as the outer world, as it enjoys being active.โ€ – Paramahamsa Nithyananda

25. โ€œIโ€™m a Cancerian, the typical crab with the tough outer shell and the soft bit in the middle. Iโ€™m not everyoneโ€™s cup of tea.โ€ – Katherine Jenkins

Im a Cancerian the typical crab
Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

26. โ€œI really like to take care of people, nurturing them. Iโ€™m very passionate about the things I do and like to see people I love to grow.โ€ – Kali Uchis

Related: 4 Myths And Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign (as written by one)

27. โ€œCancer: Just like the moon, you shine in times of darkness.โ€ – C.W

28. โ€œCancer has a strong desire to be loved. He gives tender love to his near & dears, & expects complete loyal affection from the others.โ€ – Garima Sanjay

29. โ€œIn love, you are fiercely loyal and will defend your partner, even if they are well capable of defending themselves, which they probably are, given youโ€™re not going to be attracted to weak individuals.โ€ – David Wells

30. โ€œCancer is a sign that looks to the future, but who always brings the past along to slot into that future in a way that creates consistency and a sense of continuity.โ€ – Lisa Lazuli

31. โ€œNo wonder, then, that Cancerian people are said to be psychic, for they are particularly open to the influx of vast universal forces, which channel themselves into the confines of oneโ€™s individual consciousness whether or not the Cancerian chooses to be such a channel.โ€ – Ariel Guttman

32. โ€œI love hard; I love who I love, and I donโ€™t make any qualms about it.โ€ – Khloe Kardashian

33. โ€œMy strength is translating emotion because Iโ€™m such a feeler.โ€ – Selena Gomez

34. โ€œEmpathy is the engine that powers all the best in us. It is what civilizes us.โ€ – Meryl Streep

35. โ€œWhen I see something unjust, I have to interveneโ€ฆitโ€™s hard for me to watch the underdog suffer.โ€ – Kristen Bell

As we wrap up this journey through the world of Cancerian quotes, we hope you’ve found inspiration, comfort, and a whole lot of love along the way. From the depths of their souls to the twinkle in their eyes, Cancerians remind us of the beauty of vulnerability, empathy, and staying true to oneself.

Related: 7 Reasons Cancers are the Best Lovers In the Zodiac

So, are you a Cancerian? Which of these Cancerian quotes were your absolute favorites? Let us know your best quotes for Cancer in the comments down below!

best quotes for cancer
Cancerian Quotes: 35 Cancer Zodiac Quotes That Expose Their Magical Essence

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