3 Ways to Keep from Committing Too Soon


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Ways Keep Committing Too Soon

When it comes to finding the right person and the right relationship, one thing you should always avoid doing is becoming attached to someone too soon. If you’re someone who has the tendency of getting attached to someone too quickly, then you need to slow down and think about what you’re doing.

Key Points

  • Becoming attached to someone early on only to have them end the relationship can be a painful experience.
  • To avoid becoming attached to a new partner too fast, it can be helpful to learn the difference between attraction and compatibility.
  • It can also be valuable to identify red flags such as wanting to move to the next stage of the relationship too quickly.

Youโ€™ve been out with him three times now, and things are going really well! Youโ€™re ready to take it to the next level, and youโ€™re thinking about all the fun things the two of you will do together in the future. On your fourth date, you have sex, and itโ€™s amazing! Youโ€™re high with endorphins and happier than youโ€™ve been in a long timeโ€ฆ.

Fast forward two weeks. Heโ€™s not texting you as much and you donโ€™t understand why. Youโ€™ve asked him if everything is ok, and he says yes, things have just been busier lately. You try to wait for him to text you and ask you out again. But he doesnโ€™t, so you text him, and sooner or later he stops responding altogether. Youโ€™re left with no closure, no idea what happened, and you’re spending all of your mental energy on trying to figure it out.

Related: 11 Ways You Can Avoid Rushing In Love Too Soon

Even though you only went out three times, you felt very attached to him. Losing him feels like a big loss. You had intimate experiences, you trusted him, and you were imagining all the amazing things you were going to do together in the future. Youโ€™re feeling the loss of his presence, his attention, the excitement, and the loss of the future you were so hopeful about.

First of all, this is a truly painful experience. You may be tempted to blame yourself for not being good enough for him. Or, you may beat yourself up for not saying the right thing. The truth is, that person behaved that way because of who he is, not because of who you are or anything you did. Take your anger, and put it on him because he hurt you and he deserves to take responsibility for his actions.

Second of all, with the right knowledge and skills, you can stop going through this for good. There are reasons youโ€™re getting too attached too soon, and he isnโ€™t. Learning the following relational skills can empower you on your dating journey.

These tips will teach you how to stop getting attached too soon, so you can stop wasting time on the wrong men and find the right one sooner.

3 Ways To Stop Yourself From Becoming Attached To Someone Too Soon

1. Donโ€™t confuse attraction with connection or compatibility.

Things felt fun, exciting, and sexy. You flirted… he flirted… you felt desired… attracted… conversation flowed and it felt easy. So, naturally, you assumed you must have potential together as a couple. And thatโ€™s where you made the mistake of confusing attraction with connection and compatibility.

That initial attraction and excitement has nothing to do with who you both really are because you donโ€™t know each other yet. Until you know each other, thereโ€™s no reason to think youโ€™re compatible no matter how sexy he is, how good he looks on paper, or how good he makes you feel.

It takes time to see who he is and what heโ€™s about. Donโ€™t get attached to his attention and the excitement. Donโ€™t confuse how his attention makes you feel and who he is. Take the time to get to know him, and see if heโ€™s worth getting attached to.

Related: Emotional Attachment: 5 Reasons Why You Get Attached Too Soon

2. Know the red flags.

If he starts out hot and heavy with attention and flirtation before he gets to know you, itโ€™s a red flag. If you want a serious, committed, healthy relationship, look for someone who understands that relationships take time to develop. Look for someone who is interested in getting to know you before they act like theyโ€™re super into you. That behavior is the behavior youโ€™re working to stop engaging with (see tip #1).

When you see it in someone else, move on. Typically that behavior leads to sex, followed by a sudden drop in texting and effort, as you may have already experienced. If the guy falls off the planet after you have sex, heโ€™s not emotionally available or compatible. Or considerate and respectful.

If you take the time to get to know him, youโ€™ll find that out before you have sex, and you can move on to someone else sooner.

avoid becoming attached to someone too soon
Avoid Becoming Attached To Someone Too Soon

3. If you get attached when you have sex, donโ€™t have sex until youโ€™re both attached.

If youโ€™d like to be someone who has sex and doesnโ€™t feel anything for your partner afterward, but youโ€™re not that person, itโ€™s time to own it. And to be honest, thatโ€™s a lot of people. Having sex without any feelings for the person is not necessarily something to strive for, though many women received the message that strong women should do that. Many strong women have sex and have feelings, and thatโ€™s a great thing. Having feelings takes strength.

If you get attached to someone after you have sex with them, stop having sex before youโ€™re both attached to each other. If you want to be cared for after you have sex with someone, donโ€™t have sex until you know he cares about you. Otherwise, youโ€™re expecting care from someone who doesnโ€™t care yet.

If you want to be exclusive before you have sex, donโ€™t have sex until youโ€™re exclusive. Expect him to honor your wishes, and donโ€™t compromise. The right guy will be happy to respect what you need and want, and you can weed out the wrong guys who push back on your boundaries.

Getting attached to someone too soon can happen when you donโ€™t have the dating and relationship skills you need. Attempting to navigate the dating world without these skills and without the right support is like trying to survive in a jungle with no way to get food, cook food, get water, stay safe, etc.

Related: 7 Reasons You Should Never Fall Into An Instant Relationship

When it comes to dating, thereโ€™s a lot you donโ€™t know that you donโ€™t know. If youโ€™re struggling to find the right person and move forward with your life, you probably need more education and skills. Seek support, and never give up on your dreams.

Youโ€™re worthy of the love you long for. Put in the inner healing work, and when you find the healthy, loving relationship you dream of, youโ€™ll be overjoyed that you did the hard work to get there.

Written By Caitlin Cantor  
Originally Appeared On Psychology Today  
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3 Ways To Keep From Committing Too Soon

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