8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)


Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain

We all do things we know we shouldn’t- that we know are unhealthy. Skipping lunch because you woke up late for work, or staying up past bedtime binging on the new show on Netflix (because who can resist, right?). These might seem harmless, but some of these are habits that are damaging your brain.

Our brain is the most vital organ of our body. It is the main control center for everything we do. But is also surprisingly very delicate. And these little poor choices that I mentioned above are slowing down your brain.

But it’s not too late. Here are 8 daily habits that might be damaging your brain health, along with some tips on what you can (should) do instead:

8 Daily Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain

1. Staying in the dark too much

Spending too much time in the dark can actually slow down your brain. Our brains need natural light to regulate mood and energy levels. Without enough sunlight, you might feel more tired and even a bit down.

habits that are damaging your brain
8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)

So, try to get outside during the day (preferably before 10 am), open your curtains, and let some sunshine in. Your brain will thank you!

2. Poor sleeping habits

According to science, lack of sleep leads to neurological damage in the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in learning and memory. This makes it hard for you to focus and may take you longer to complete a task. It can even affect your overall health and is one of the many causes of dementia, including Alzheimerโ€™s disease.

To avoid neurological damage, stick to a regular sleep schedule. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to keep your brain sharp and healthy. If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and electronics in the evening and create a soothing nighttime ritual to help you fall asleep.

3. Consuming too much negative news

Constant exposure to bad news can activate the sympathetic nervous system, which causes your body to release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This can make you feel anxious and overwhelmed.

It’s important to stay informed about what is going on in the world around us, but at the same time, your health is also important. So try to limit how much you watch or read. If it gets overwhelming, positive news or uplifting activities can help your brain feel more relaxed.

Read More: 13 Habits Of People With Concealed Depression

4. Barely moving throughout the day

Physical activity gets your blood flowing, which helps your brain function better. That’s why when you barely move, you might feel sluggish and have a harder time thinking clearly.

Research also shows that sitting for long hours and barely moving raises your risk of chronic health problems heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Therefore, try to take short breaks – get up and move every hour, take short walks, or do some simple exercises to keep the blood flowing.

5. Social isolation

We humans are social beings. Yes, I understand some of us are introverts and just love staying in our rooms, but that can sometimes get out of hand. As per a scientific study conducted by researchers from Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, the most socially isolated people had a higher amount of white matter lesions that indicate brain damage.

habits that are damaging your brain
8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)

Therefore, make an effort to connect with friends and family, join a club, or simply chat with a neighbor. A little social interaction can keep your mind agile and improve cognitive function.

6. Too much screen time

Unfortunately, moms are right. Too much screen time is damaging your brain. Excessive screen time overloads the sensory system, fractures attention, and drains mental resources.

Whether it’s your phone, computer, or TV, too many hours can strain your eyes and mess with your sleep. And make you feel more stressed or anxious.

Instead of being on the phone all the time, take breaks and set limits. Use that time to engage in other activities like reading or going for a walk. Your brain will feel fresher and more relaxed.

Read More: 9 Habits Of Highly Intelligent People That Sets Them Apart

7. Consuming too much sugar

It’s true that the brain uses more energy than any other organ in the body. It is also true that glucose is its primary source of fuel. But too much of anything is a problem. Similarly, high glucose levels diminish mental capacity, as higher HbA1c levels have been associated with a greater degree of brain atrophy or shrinkage.

Not just that, excess consumption of sugar can lead to memory and cognitive deficiencies.

habits that are damaging your brain
8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)

Try cutting back on sugary snacks and drinks. Instead go for healthier choices like fruits, nuts, or whole grains to keep your brain healthy.

8. Blasting your headphones on full volume

When they say sound and music can enhance memory and facilitate learning, they do not mean blasting music at full volume. Loud music can not only cause permanent damage to your ears but also affect your ability to concentrate since your brain will be busy tuning out the music rather than focusing on the complex task at hand.

habits that are damaging your brain
8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)

Noise also acts as a stressor by triggering physiological arousal in the body, resulting in elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol. This stress response leads to vascular changes that contribute to conditions such as cardiovascular disease and vascular dementia.

Lower the volume while listening to music and give your ears a break once in a while. And use noise-canceling headphones instead of turning up the volume to block out background noise.

Read More: 5 Strategies To Perfect Your Morning Routine And Make Every Day a Good Day

Final Thoughts

If you are doing any or all of these on a daily basis, it is high time you stop it before it causes irreparable damage. Such a lifestyle is not a healthy one and will not sustain you in the long run. Instead, prioritize healthy habits such as going to bed early, meditating, eating healthy food, and getting enough sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How to improve brain health?

To improve your brain health, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. Avoid sugary and junk foods and reduce your screen time.

How do I reset my brain from bad habits?

To reset your brain from bad habits, replace the old habits that are damaging your brain with new and healthy ones. If you are someone who stays up late every day, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule and get 8 hours of proper sleep every night.

What foods are good for brain health?

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, support brain health. Additionally, antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries and dark chocolate can help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

bad habits
8 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Brain (And What To Do Instead)

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