I Hope You End Your 2017 Like This


I Hope You End Your 2017 Like This
I hope you let go of whatever mistake you might have made this year. The one you can’t seem to let go of or forgive yourself for, even though everyone else has.I hope you realize the year isn’t over yet and whatever goal you might have had you still can achieve. Just because you haven’t gotten there yet doesn’t mean you won’t.

I hope you stop putting so much pressure on yourself to achieve things. It’s okay to slow down a bit. It’s okay to reevaluate where you’re at and if something needs to change.

It’s okay to make some big change even if you’re afraid of what that is.

I hope you learn to go after what it is you really want and stop putting your needs on the back burner.

I hope you learn to let go of that love that’s been haunting you. The one that keeps you up at night. The one that makes you look at your phone in the morning hoping you hear anything at all.

I hope you stop associating love with pain. Because that isn’t love you’re feeling. It’s someone else’s lack of love and you clinging to a past that is no longer the present.

I hope you learn to let new love into your life. Because you deserve it. You deserve a love that heals you. You deserve a love that meets you half way.

I hope you learn to stop being so afraid. You want to make a move but you don’t want it to be the wrong one so here you are frozen and paralyzed with fear of doing anything at all.

I hope you really spend the next two months realizing you don’t need to change anything but where your head is at.

You don’t need some New Year’s Resolution. Whether it’s losing weight or eating healthier. Or traveling somewhere new or drinking less. What needs to change is thinking those things will bring you closer to being happy.

I hope you really learn to love yourself. I hope you truly believe you deserve the best that life has to offer you. In a career and every relationship. You deserve the best if you first start with believing it.

I Hope You End Your 2017 Like This

I hope you really learn to listen to yourself. We tend to know what’s best but choose the opposite.

If only everyone followed what their heart was telling them to do we wouldn’t feel so empty.
I hope you learn to listen to yourself the moment you realize something isn’t right and something needs to change.

I hope you learn to wait for the things you deserve but also have the confidence to go after exactly what or who you want.

I hope that person you care about doesn’t keep you waiting by the phone. Or waiting for that date. I hope you learn to walk away from people who aren’t sure they want you in their life. Because you deserve certainty and someone confident.

Someone who makes you feel like they are the one who is lucky to have found you. Someone who never stops reminding you of that.

I hope you learn to stop saying yes to appease people and simply do what YOU want. Learning that putting yourself first isn’t selfish.

I hope you realize there’s a difference between being busy and living. Don’t just fill your calendar with things to do but fill it with things that make you happy you’re alive.

Realize while it’s unlikely something drastic could change in your life tomorrow. It’s cliche to say you don’t know when your life is going to end but think about it this way, if this was your last year, would you be happy and satisfied and fulfilled with how you’ve led your life up to this point?

If the answer is no, realize what needs to be altered in your life.

I hope you make that change that scares you even if people don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, I hope you realize you’ve never had to answer to anyone but yourself about the choices in your life.

I hope you stop living according to someone else’s agenda. A life that makes them happy to look at and judge but they aren’t the one living it and going through the motions.

I hope you find the courage to leave.

Leave that relationship that’s draining you.

Leave that job you don’t look forward to going to.

Leave that town that you’ve outgrown.

I hope you learn you don’t have to wait for the New Year to be happy you can start right now. And it’s okay if you don’t know what’s going to make you happy. But being able to identify what doesn’t and leaving that behind is essential.

I hope the best part of your day isn’t sitting alone in an apartment binge-watching your favorite show.

I hope you find that thing that makes you want to get up in the morning and do something special.

I hope you stop being so afraid and letting fears dictate and control you.

Learning to let go of those things that aren’t pushing you forward.

Learning to let go of the people and things that are your comfort zone.

Learning that your voice matters and you should have started listening to it a while ago.

I hope in the next two months you find what you are looking for. Whatever that is and I hope you stop letting an excuse get in the way of finding it.

I hope you end the year not needing resolutions for change because you made the choice right now to step towards everything you deserve even if you’re a little bit afraid of what you’ll find. 

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