10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life


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Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life

“Be grateful for what you have… count your blessings”. We have heard from our elders that gratitude brings abundance. Take a look at the laws of gratitude – when practiced regularly, they can change your life. 

But before discussing the laws of gratitude, let me make this clear, that being grateful is more than just saying “thank you”. You must have the feeling of gratitude in your heart, mind, and soul.

The admiration for kindness, beauty, and intellect must come wholeheartedly. When you live by the attitude of gratitude, you will get more things in your life to be grateful for. 

Do you know gratitude is the secret key of law of attraction manifestation?

Yes, you read it right! But for that, you have to be grateful not just after receiving or manifesting what you want, but before receiving gifts or manifesting or events before they occurred in reality. Be grateful even when you don’t have that dream job, desired money, good health, positive environment or caring partner. 

Laws Of Gratitude
Law Of Gratitude And Abundancel How Gratitude Creates Abundance

In doing so all the cells, tissue and DNA in your body rearrange themselves with gratitude. It creates a magical attraction, you start finding peace and happiness even before you expect it.

In short, gratitude is your magic lamp and when you use it as a force of creation in the universe by being grateful for everything you have and don’t have, that’s when the universe starts making things happen for you. That’s how you start to attract abundance to your life. 

Read 3 Effects Of Gratitude On The Brain And Body, As Per Science

So, without much ado let’s get started. Here are ten laws of gratitude that will change your life.

10 Laws Of Gratitude To Create Abundance Mindset

Laws Gratitude Bring Abundance Life infographic
10 Laws Of Gratitude To Cultivate Abundance Mindset

1. Being happy wonโ€™t always make you grateful, but being grateful will always make you happy

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life being happy
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Itโ€™s really difficult to appreciate a moment while looking down upon it at the same time. If the present state reflects your happiness quotient, it doesnโ€™t signify that you wonโ€™t desire more in the forthcoming days. The best approach is to stay calm and wait for things to happen rather than making them happen.

2. The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life more you are
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Itโ€™s better to be grateful for what we have if we want to have more in the future. This isnโ€™t luck but a surprise for our gratification.

Read 5 Miracles I Received from the 21-Days Gratitude-Prayer Program

3. Gratitude fosters true forgiveness

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life more you are
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

When we say โ€˜thank youโ€™ in response to any action/behaviour, our approach is more or less shallow. However, when itโ€™s coupled with gratitude something different happens as our experience gets an added dimension.

A sense of gratitude creates abundance. It not just includes your experience and present state but also encompasses the future while creating a positive vision. This is necessary if we want to move ahead after a setback.

4. Gratitude is all-inclusive

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life inclusive
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

You may have heard the elder ones saying that good days are the marker of your happiness while bad days give you new perspectives to explore. You need to be grateful for everything that has played a significant role in your life and more importantly, in your development as a โ€˜human beingโ€™.

reprogram your brain to be happy
Thanksgiving Gratitude And Manifestation: Law Of Gratitude And Abundance

5. Be thankful for your limitations because it gives you the opportunity to learn

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life Be thankful
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Itโ€™s because we are bound by constraints, we realize our capabilities and limitations. These constraints ignite the learner in us with the hope of achieving a significant milestone.

Read 30 Epic Quotes That Will Inspire Gratitude

6. Be thankful for your mistakes as it teaches you unforgettable lessons

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life Be thankful mistake
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

โ€œFailures are the pillars of successโ€ and it is rightly so as we learn from mistakes. Even if we succeed in something with several loopholes in our attempt, chances are high for the next venture to be a disaster.

7. A grateful mind never takes things for granted

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life grateful
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Gratitude is the fine thread that separates privilege from prerogative. Who knows that the person you donโ€™t want today might be the chief cornerstone in the future? So, better not to underestimate anyone and cherish the time with them.

8. What you have to be grateful for in the present changes

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life present change
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

We often give a blind eye to our present belongings/being/state of mind and crave for more. The list is endless after one of the desires is fulfilled. We donโ€™t know our future. So, itโ€™s good to be grateful for what we have as at least it would give peace of mind. Life isnโ€™t constant and so are blessings of the almighty.

Read 23 Signs Youโ€™ve A Victim Mentality (And How To Deal With It)

9. Gratitude can turn something apparently negative into a positive

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life negative to positive
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Yes, you heard it right. Itโ€™s not magic but a sense of gratitude inculcates positive feelings in you. Maybe you are considering the present circumstances as troublesome but who knows that these hindrances wonโ€™t come as a blessing in the coming days.

Gratitude And Law Of Attraction: Gratitude Brings Abundance

10. Be thankful for each new challenge as it builds your strength and character

Laws Of Gratitude Attract Abundance In Life each new challenge
10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

Challenges come in our lives knowingly or unknowingly. Whatever it is, these obstacles are temporary and will vanish after a certain period. The way you are dealing with it reflects your strength and character which would have been unexplored if these troubles didnโ€™t occur.

Afterthoughts – Expressing Gratitude

For finding joys in lifeโ€™s simplest pleasures, having a sense of gratitude is essential. After going through this blog, you may feel that itโ€™s exactly the same as what our grandfather/grandmother used to say in our childhood. Recollect those memories and spice up your life in a unique fashion with these laws of gratitude.

Read Practicing Gratitude: 4 Simple Frequently Asked Questions

Bartlett, M.Y., Condon, P., Cruz, J., Baumann, J. and Desteno, D., 2012. Gratitude: Prompting behaviours that build relationships. Cognition & emotion, 26(1), pp.2-13.
Emmons, R.A. and Shelton, C.M., 2002. Gratitude and the science of positive psychology. Handbook of positive psychology, 18, pp.459-471.

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Laws Of Gratitude To Manifest Abundance Mindset
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10 Laws Of Gratitude That Will Attract Abundance In Your Life

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