10 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life For Good


Habits Change Your Life For Good

Do you know that in order to live a happy and fulfilling life, all you need to do is adopt a few simple habits, and that’s it?

It is a fact that we are conditioned with being optimistic… being happy and positive all the time. We have been enforcing this belief in our minds; I mean a wrong belief on our subconscious mind so much that when we are upset or hurt we start feeling even more demotivated and devastated because we can not meet our brain’s false expectations.

It is a fact that at some point in life we are bound to feel negative, down, and demotivated. And it is absolutely OK to feel like that. So when we are in an emotional roller coaster ride and trying to balance out ourselves, these 10 habits would help the most. These are tried and tested by me! And they work perfectly.

Here Are The 10 Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Writing in a journal.

Write in two parts in the journal. In one part write down things that you did in a day that made you happy. In another part write down things that made you feel sad and depressed.

Now once you write this part, read it and just cut it off with your pen. You will feel relaxed. By doing so we are not going to erase these ugly things or memories but we are just accepting it to move on from it at the earliest.

2. Maintaining a manifestation or affirmations book.

Now, this is something fancy yet effective. Maintain a book in which you write down things you want to manifest. Write down your dreams. Write down your wishlist here. And in the affirmations book, write down qualities that you want for your self-development.

Make sure you use present tense while writing not present continuous tense or future tense. For e.g. I’m confident. I’m courageous. And feel like you already have it. This has transformed many people’s lives around me including mine!

Want to know more about how some simple habits can change your life? Read 8 Morning Routine Habits That Will Kick Off Your Day With Positivity

3. Complimenting on small things.

Compliments never go to waste. Give compliments to people around you.

Be thankful to your mom for sacrificing her dreams for you and your family.

Be thankful to your dad who always tries to treat you like a prince or princess.

Be thankful to your spouse for their unconditional love and fabulous companionship.

Be thankful to friends who had been there for you always.

Be thankful to your siblings for all the little fights that give immense joy and makes the bond stronger.

Be thankful to the universe for helping you out by fulfilling your wishes.

Be thankful to nature for giving you a lot of resources.

Be thankful to your neighbors who cook the delicious dishes on the weekend dinner party.

Be thankful to everyone around you.

Everyone teaches you something so make them happy with simple compliments.

4. Enjoying the little things.

This is something that I had been doing since my childhood. I love enjoying the small things. Let it be the first snowfall or rain. Let it be my Grandma’s kiss. Let it be playing with kids. Let it be getting drenched in the rain with your pets. Let it be gardening and talking to my plants while watering them. Small things often end up giving you more happiness.

5. Self-love.

This is very important. Self-pampering. Self-care. Self-respect. Self-love should be our habit.

It is said, “Feel guilty for not prioritizing yourself first”. Doing things that you like, like pampering your body becomes a habit if you opt to do these practices daily.

Simple habits - Self-Love
Self Love Is The Greatest Medicine

6. Meditation.

This connects you to your inner self. It just stops your mind chatter. It makes you feel peaceful and also gives you a bonus in the form of mental strength.

Take out at least 15 minutes a day to get connected to your inner voice, and your inner soul.

7. Taking out time for a hobby. 

Don’t you think many times we do not pay attention to our hobbies due to our tedious and busy schedules? Being a busy student, being a busy businessman, being a busy housewife, and being busy working folks in general, we often forget to justify the talents that lie within us. With time, we end up suppressing them.

But you should let them pop out. Give some time to your talents and hobbies. Spending time on our hobbies is as good as spending time with our soul.

So are you ready to play your guitar after a long gap?

Let’s get started then ๐Ÿ™‚

8. Giving gifts to yourself. 

I tell my secret of being motivated. I was consistently failing in my exams for more than 7 attempts. But I remember I used to give myself a tiny gift each time just to keep myself motivated.

The failure phase is not permanent, so lift up your mood with some self-appreciation. Give yourself a gift on your victories and your special days. Do not wait until someone will come and appreciate you by gifting you something.

Want to know more about simple habits that will help you take care of yourself? Read 12 Self-Care Tips to Take Better Care of Yourself

9. Trying to fight all alone.

This sounds weird, right?

We always need someone around us to fight with our problems. We rely on our folks by thinking that they will fight with us and our problems together. But most of the time we end up fighting all alone. And it is really good to be self-reliant in this case.

Of course, we need to take guidance and advice to cope in a better way but expecting others to solve our issues and problems is like a fairy tale.

So train your mind for this instead of training it to rely on others in your hard times. The way we feel responsible and accountable for our success allows us to be more responsible and accountable for failures as well.

10. Stamping in mind “It is ok to be messy and imperfect”.

Half of our life we spend in proving ourselves, making ourselves perfect, being tidy, etc. But it sounds boring, right? Just tell your mind it is ok not to achieve all these things!

Trying to make ourselves perfect and ideal drains a lot of our energy and it also frustrates us when we see that we could not match up to our own expectations.

Tell yourself I am perfect with my imperfections. Accept your flaws and cherish them. Tell your mind it is ok to fail as failure is a part of life.

We never like to read a story of successful people who never struggled and became successful, right? So self-acceptance matters a lot for self-love.

These seem very simple things to do but if you make each one your habit It changes your life gradually. You will experience more contentment than ever before.

And even if nobody likes you or loves you there will be always a person who will love you from the bottom of their heart.

You know who that person is.  ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope this article would help you to understand your soul. ๐Ÿ™‚

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10 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life For Good

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