8 Essential Things Every Strong Woman Needs In A Relationship


8 Essential Things Every Strong Woman Needs In A Relationship

When you date a strong woman, it isn’t going to be like any relationship you’ve had in the past. Dating a strong woman means you too are at her level. Strong women don’t settle. They don’t settle in life or in love. They are painfully selective with who they choose to invest their time and emotions into.

So if you’ve caught her attention it doesn’t simply stop there because this is what she needs…


1. Someone to challenge her.

If you aren’t challenging her, if you aren’t making her better, if she isn’t learning from you then it’s not a relationship that will take her to the next level.

That’s what she needs. Someone who is going to push her even more than she pushes herself.

She needs someone who is going to make her see things differently than what she’s come to know.

She’s constantly trying to improve herself and she needs someone who will get her there. And in return, you’ll become better too.


2. Someone who is as driven as her.

She needs someone who knows where they are going and doesn’t just talk but acts to get there.

Just as she has goals herself she needs someone who has that same mindset. She needs someone who is going to make the most out of every day and put 110% into it.

The word lazy isn’t one she understands so she needs someone who is going to bust their ass the way she does every day.


3. Someone who won’t keep her on a tight leash.

She needs her independence. She doesn’t need you by her side every step of the way. In fact, that type of thing would suffocate her. Let her do things alone. Don’t feel the need to be suddenly engulfed in her hobbies and activities. Give her the space she needs because for so long she’s built herself up all by herself and that’s the groundwork everything gets built on after that.


4. Someone who trusts her.

Before you, there were probably a lot of guy friends in the picture, she doesn’t plan on dropping those friends just because she’s in a relationship. And regardless of whatever questions you might have about these people, understand she chose you. She didn’t choose them.

Insecurity is what will ruin a relationship with someone who is strong. Don’t fret if it’s late and she’s not answering. Don’t lose your shit if you don’t hear from her for a while. You gotta trust her that she’s respecting you even when you aren’t there.

Because the root of every strong woman is respect, both for herself and others.


5. Someone who can make her laugh.

She’s serious about her goals and career. But she needs someone who can make her laugh every once in while. As driven and motivated as she is, sometimes just taking a break from a life that might be high strung is just what she needs.

She needs someone who will pull her aside and make her laugh and show her life doesn’t have to be so serious.


6. Someone who is honest.

She’s going, to be honest, and completely blunt with you because she doesn’t have time for bullshit. Tell her when she’s wrong. Tell her when you’re upset. Tell her when you’ve messed up.

The key to any successful relationship is one that is built on honesty. She’ll always be honest with you even when it hurts, especially when it hurts because she knows how important it is to not lie or hide things ever.


7. Someone who can hold their own.

She needs someone who can hold their own when you’re at an event. Someone who can engage in conversations while she’s talking to other people.

Being well educated and knowing what is going on in the world is something she finds attractive.

She needs someone who is going to challenge her academically. Read these books. Check out this article. What do you think of this that just happened?

Her favorite type of people are the ones she can learn something from. And even if you don’t have the same opinions, that’s okay with her. She knows she’ll learn more by listening than anything else.


8. Someone who is supportive.

As much as she needs your love, more than that she needs your support. Support her as she chases her dreams. Support her when she takes chances. Support her when she’s scared and questioning herself. Support her emotionally in the times she isn’t as strong as she usually is. Because the truth is she doesn’t need you to take care of her, she needs you to hold her hand as she takes care of herself.

Written By Kirsten Corley

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