5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You


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Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You

Are you wondering about all the ways to make him think about you? Well, there are a few interesting and uncomplicated psychological tricks to make him obsess over you. Let’s learn what they are!

These psychological tricks make sure you rule his mind and heart, in a good way. 

He will be obsessed (in a good way)!

When it comes to sexual powers of attraction, thereโ€™s one thing I love more than anything else: being on a manโ€™s mind.

Sure, you could entrance him with your body, offer him his favorite drink and meal and keep him captive in your bed for a few hours, but being on his mind is, in my experience, more powerful than anything you could ever do while face-to-face.

Being on his mind means heโ€™s thinking of you every minute and every second.

Being on his mind means heโ€™s distracted, crazy, imagining doing all kinds of things to you, that heโ€™s all yours.

And although that might happen on its own, you can, hmmโ€ฆ speed up the process by using these 5 subtle techniques.

How To Get A Man To Think About You? 5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You

1. Start with being interesting.

Sure, you wonโ€™t be interesting to everyone, but thereโ€™s a way to improve your conversational powers with those who do find you interesting.

The secret to being a good conversationalist is to be a good listener.

I used to think that being in conversation was about me being heard, me being loud, me being right โ€” and I lost several friendships because of this attitude. So I learned to listen.

Practicing active listening literally changed my life.

It’s changed my relationships and improved my social skills. It’s made me aware that I have a deep vein of wisdom and a generous capacity for listening that I can also use professionally.

So, if you want to captivate him and be constantly on his mind, first you need to listen to him. Ask questions about his interests, his feelings, and his desires. Glean as much information as you can about the things that turn him on, both physically and intellectually.

With that information in hand, you can then develop conversations about what he enjoys talking about, which will make him simply love being in your company.

That doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your interests, of course. Ideally, you want to find topics that interest you both. It needs to be fun for you too, and itโ€™s easier to keep conversations going if you have a genuine interest in the subjects you discuss with each as well.

Related: Why Complicated Women Always Attract The Best Men

2. Hook him in.

Youโ€™ve caught his interest. He listens to you, responds to you, and shares things about himself easily. He trusts you and feels comfortable around you. Thatโ€™s great! Now you can move on to the next step.

Hooking him in is easy if you already have his attention. You just need to push it a little further with some sexy flirting.

Is your guy a cerebral being with lots of fantasies and erotic thoughts?ย Sextingย is an excellent way to reel him in for sure. And if he’s the more visual type,ย send him some sexy selfies along with them.

Always remember to be yourself, of course.

If youโ€™re not the type to be forward with your desires, you can drop subtle hints. And If you’re like me and are comfortable getting more aggressive, you’ll have no problem saying directly how badly you want to make out with him.

3. Follow his lead.

Once youโ€™ve opened the conversation via text, follow where his thoughts lead. Is he asking for more details? Men are usually more visual, so bring out the descriptive words.

Some men are satisfied with simply being talked to, but many like to participate more. For each action, he describes, responds with something that brings up the heat.

Most of all, tell him โ€” and show him โ€” how much you want him.

People like to feel wanted. There’s no better aphrodisiac than feeling someoneโ€™s need for you. How they touch you. How they look at you. How they talk to you. How they kiss you.

So think about the ways you like to show your desire. With a kiss? With a hint of skin under a short skirt at the restaurant? With candles and his favorite meal?

Heโ€™ll tell you through hints on how he likes to be teased and turned on. Keep these things in mind and play with them. If heโ€™d like you to be a little kinkier (or if YOU would like HIM to be), texting is great as a safe space where you can explore those ideas together.

Related: 4 Reasons Men Love Women Who Are Hard To Get

4. Keep “top of mind.”

Thereโ€™s a principle in marketing called โ€œtop of mindโ€. This is where you position your brand or company as the first one that comes to mind when thinking about a certain product or service. You do that through establishing expertise, sending regular reminders, and just being generally awesome.

Well, you can totally do that. Keep yourself top of mind when it comes to intimate times. When he thinks about love, heโ€™ll think of you. (And my experience with men is that they think about making out a lot.)

You can send him private texts at random moments during the day but do it regularly. Maybe not every day, but at least every other day. Keep the spark alive by texting during prolonged separation.

5. Intimate Physicality.

I find that revving myself up with some texts during the day, especially the day of a date, is a great way to make him crazy about you. It activates your imagination, drives him wild.

When you want to be with the man you desire, these psychological tricks that many women use can be highly effective. He won’t just fall for you, he will fall for you hard!

If you want to know more about such psychological tricks to make him obsessed with you, then check out this video below:

5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You

Written By Anabelle Bernard Fournier.
Originally appeared in  The Story Of A.
Reprinted with permission from the author.
5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You
How To Get A Man To Think About You? 5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsessed With You
Psychological Tricks Women Use To Make Men Think About Them Non-Stop Pin
How To Make Him Think About You? 5 Ways To Make Him Think About You
tricks to make him obsess over you
5 Psychological Tricks To Make Him Obsess Over You

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  1. May Avatar

    wow! so interesting

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