The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)


loving a gemini

Loving a Gemini is nothing unlike an adventure, where you will get to see, and experience different things every day. And that’s the beauty of Geminis.

The good, the bad, the GEMINI.

Have you ever felt like the person youโ€™re dating is two people at the same time?

Trust me, itโ€™s not because youโ€™re crazy โ€” it may be because youโ€™re dating a Gemini.

While weโ€™re difficult to love, weโ€™re the best kind of people. Known as โ€˜the twinsโ€™ for having two distinctly different personalities in one, we’re both curious and social, witty and creative, yet emotionally unreachable and difficult to get your hands on.

Here are 13 brutal reasons why dating a Gemini is both sucky and also the best decision you can ever possibly make.

Welcome to the world of a walking contradiction!

1. Spontaneity is our middle name.

So youโ€™re sick of eating at the same restaurants or want a new date spot? Perfect, we are too. Want to try making love someplace new and exciting? We’re game. (Although truth be told, having some norms and consistency in a relationship is important to us, too.)

But with Geminis, youโ€™ll never get bored โ€” but at what expense to your sanity?

2. We’re social butterflies.

Geminis are anything but homebodies, but then again we love being home. Wait, is that confusing? Exactly. One weekend, weโ€™ll want to paint the town red with balls, galas, bars, and clubs … but the next, we’re all about Netflix and the couch.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

3. We love to flirt.

Geminis are faithful, loyal people, but boohoo do we like to look at the opposite sex! Because we enjoy praise and being the center of attention, we love to receive compliments and feel sexy and wanted โ€” only to come home and be with just you.

4. Weโ€™re talkative.

We ask a lot of questions and first dates with us may seem like interviews. Because weโ€™re an air element, we have strong intellects and are skilled debaters and conversationalists.

Our partners must also be strong and understand that a good debate is just that: a debate. We donโ€™t want an argument; we just enjoy conversing and sharpening one another.

5. We’ll keep you on your toes.

Love a sarcastic jokester? We’re your girl! With the quick wit and smart mouth, weโ€™re fun to hang out with but also very frustrating to argue with. Donโ€™t get on our bad side.

6. We’re creative.

Leave a Gemini to decorate your home or come up with a perfect birthday celebration idea. They love to give gifts and create fun experiences, most of which are brainstormed in their fun-filled head.

The typical Gemini will love planning the perfect surprises because it helps make their own dreams come true, too!

Related: 5 Reasons A Gemini Is The Most Interesting Person Youโ€™ll Meet

7. We’re flaky.

Count on a Gemini to flake at the last minute on plans or want to change the location. If they donโ€™t flake or change plans, theyโ€™ll be 10 minutes late to wherever you were supposed to meet anyway.

8. We’re analytical.

Geminis are extremely analytical people, which also makes them self-aware. While this seems like the perfect recipe for self-assurance, it actually causes a lot of doubt since they’re apt to also consider where they “should” be in life or what they “should” be doing.

9. We’re high achievers.

Geminis are much more motivated than the average person. They like to achieve and are pretty hard on themselves if they don’t get what they strive for.

Likewise, theyโ€™ll want to date someone who’s equally ambitious otherwise theyโ€™ll bore and feel like theyโ€™re running the show โ€” even though they donโ€™t always want to.

10. We spend a lot of money.

Deal with it. When I was younger, I used to laugh when I read horoscopes that claimed that Geminis were frivolous spenders. And then I became an adult and was like, โ€˜Oh.โ€™

We make money, we’re good at investing (and even saving), but part of our impulsive personality is to purchase whatever we want whenever we want. Because, well, why the hell not? Be spontaneous (see #1.)

11. We’re a little crazy.

Donโ€™t women hate that label? Yes, we do! But with two personalities constantly fighting each other, we can seem flippant, all over the place, and quite frankly a little crazy.

But donโ€™t worry, we still love you. Weโ€™ll calm down from whatever argument we just had in about five minutes.

12. Weโ€™re curious, which is a nice way of saying “nosy.”

There’s a reason they call us a Jack of all trades, but a master at none. Because weโ€™re intellectuals, we like information about a variety of things and can pretty much have a conversation about anything.

Sadly, weโ€™re also good at finding things out and researching. Basically, if youโ€™ve got secrets, a Gemini will find out.

Related: Gemini: The Sign Of The Curious Soul

13. We’re conflicted.

A Gemini is great at being prim and proper at a dinner party when they actually want to throw their drink across the table because they’re the ultimate dual personality. But this also causes internal conflict between emotions and intellect.

Emotions rule their world, coupled with very logical thoughts.

Written by Elle
This article was originally published on

Even though they can be a handful sometimes, loving a Gemini is one of the most fulfilling, and happy things you can do. They will always keep you on your toes, and you will never know what to expect. But when it comes to loving you, they will give their all, and make you the center of their universe. Loving a Gemini is truly a blessing.

13 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini (As Written By One)
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The Good And Bad Of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)

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  1. Stephanie Hunter Avatar
    Stephanie Hunter

    Gemenis are fun high spirited intelligent …talkative and spontaneous

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