6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest…So Hard That It Hurts!


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Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest

Don’t you agree that falling in love too hard hurts the knees? Good luck explaining this to these 6 zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest!

If you know what it’s like to fall in love, you’ll agree that it is a risky business; because you make yourself completely vulnerable to another person.

However, some zodiac signs are willing to surrender themselves completely in love despite the risk of potential heartbreak. They are the zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest.

These zodiac signs that fall in love the hardest, risk a lot more than the rest of us. While others take it slow when opening up to someone, these six are daring and express every ounce of their feelings to the one they love.

They can literally do anything for that special someone. So, who are these zodiacs that fall in love the hardest?

Here we reveal the six zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest!

6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest

These zodiac signs fall in love so hard that it hurts!

Zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest always listen to their heart
Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest, Always Listen To Their Heart

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Topping the list of zodiacs falling in love too hard is Aries. They are extremely passionate and this passion seeps into their love life too. They add more intensity to their relationships and will do whatever it takes to make it work.

They want to trust their partners fully and end up giving much more than they get back for their lovers. The sad part is they put in so much effort to make things work that their relationship ends up becoming one-sided.

Moreover, their partner might find their dedication and enthusiasm overpowering, or worse, take it for granted.

Aries takes charge of the relationship fully– from planning the date nights to making the other person feel special through gift-giving, they do it all.

The result is that their lovers become lazybones. Luckily, Aries are sharp enough to notice when their partners stop putting in the effort and make it a point to discuss with them.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Next on our list of zodiac signs falling in love too hard comes Geminis. They are attracted to newness and excitement. So when it comes to their love life, Geminis love the thrill of a new relationship. The thought of getting to know a new partner makes them super excited.

Initially, Geminis are a bit nervous like all of us, but they rely on their strong communication power to brush aside the nervousness.

Their attraction capabilities are powerful and that helps them to forget their fears and reveal their true self. They are honest about how they feel and they easily impress their new love interest.

Sadly, their relationships are usually short-lived because Geminis are commitment-shy. Nonetheless, the relationship is super intense for the time it lasts.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

3. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos are passionate people who believe in going all out when in love. They are proud and choosy and not one of the zodiac signs that fall in love easy. But when they do fall for someone, they fall hard!

For them, the only real loss is when they don’t give it their all and hence, wear their hearts on their sleeves! When they fall in love, they cannot maintain their confident-self and start getting emotional, possessive, and a bit overbearing.

Leos also struggle with emotional insecurities, so they tend to get dependent on the approval and validation of their love interest.

Sadly, most of the time, their potential partners see these traits as a sign of clinginess or emotional instability. Often, Leos chase their love instead of attracting it, and as a result, get snubbed or taken for granted.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

4. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra is one of the zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest. Libra’s personality is loyal and balanced, so in a relationship, they try their level best to avoid conflicts.

They are devoted to their partners and will pretty much agree to anything they ask. It might need some coaxing, but ultimately they agree to whatever their love asks for. That’s just Libra’s way of expressing love and admiration.

When Libra natives are in a committed relationship, they are completely enamored of their partners. They are selfless because they believe that having true feelings means being self-sacrificing. But this is very risky because if the partner doesn’t reciprocate with the same intensity, they are badly hurt.

Nevertheless, Libras always notice the good things in people and are understanding enough to see that everyone might not be gentle with their heart. But once heartbroken, they hesitate to invest their energy again into a new relationship.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

5. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Their approach to love might appear strange to many, but the truth is that they are one of the zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest. This sign is very audacious in their love life and when they are with someone, they are vulnerable and honest, and completely transparent with their feelings.

Unfortunately, as Sag people are not very good at offering emotional support and prefer to have a thriving social life, their partners often find them undependable. But even when Sag gets the hint that a relationship isn’t meant to last long, it doesn’t stop them from trying hard to make it work.

The Sagittarius lover is happy and extremely loving for as long as it lasts. They show eagerness to make it work and are brutally honest.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

6. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

It’s no surprise that the empathetic and sensitive water sign, Pisces, is one of the zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest. Pisces lovers are genuine in their emotions.

If they like someone, they won’t indulge in games. They are not scared to express their true feelings. The risk of heartbreak won’t hold them back from forming a romantic connection.

If they like someone, they will want to trust the person completely and be vulnerable around them. They try their best to create a deep connection.

But sadly, they are heartbroken too often. Their trusting nature, letting down their guard too easily, and emotional honesty; all these traits make them prone to getting hurt. But Pisceans are happy to take the risk all over again.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths)

So, those were the 6 zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest. Are you one of them? According to you, which zodiac falls in love the hardest? Talk about your zodiac love in the comments down below!

6 Zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest
6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest
6 Zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest
6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest
6 Zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest
6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest
zodiac signs who fall in love the hardest
6 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love The Hardest…So Hard That It Hurts!

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  1. Chrissy Avatar

    Uhh if cancer didn’t make the top list then this list is very inaccurate. Cancer is known as the most caring nurturing and loving zodiac out of all the signs. who gives all of theirselves for their partner and tend to forget self care from putting their partner first. Scorpio is another one who should be top of the list. With their passion and effort they put into love.

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